‘Wolfman’ of the woods at centre of police hunt after ‘he goes missing after five years of ‘living like Rambo’

  • Wayne Morgan, 37, is an ex-serviceman trained in survival skills
  • Police fear he could die in the freezing woodland
  • He has survived on rabbits, plants, berries and food from supermarket bins

Rob Cooper

Last updated at 11:15 AM on 9th February 2012

Missing: Wayne Morgan, 37, has been living in the woods Rambo-style for the last five years

Hunt: Wayne Morgan, 37, has been living in the woods Rambo-style for the past five years, scavenging food to survive

A ‘wolfman’ who has been living wild in a forest for the past five years, surviving on rabbits, plants and berries, is at the centre of a police hunt.

Wayne Morgan, 37, has been using survival skills honed in the army as he sleeps rough – but police fear he could freeze to death in the cold weather.

The elusive man, who has a thick beard, disappeared into the forest in Pantyffynon Woods, near Ammanford, Carmarthenshire, in 2007.

He is occasionally spotted by ramblers through the trees – but has not been seen for over a year.

Locals call him ‘The Wolfman’ and have blamed him for a series of thefts of milk from their doorsteps.

Police have previously tried to track down Mr Morgan – described as a real-life
Rambo – after it emerged he had
turned to petty crime to survive.

Sniffer dogs and a helicopter with heat-seeking equipment were brought in to trace him, but police believe he knows the woodland
so well he was able to lie low. They found abandoned
hideouts and evidence that he had lit fires to cook meals.

Now, after the record low temperatures and a lack of sightings police say they are ‘very concerned’ for his safety.

Home: Wayne Morgan has been hiding in Pantyffynon Woods, near Ammanford, Carmarthenshire, since 2007. Ramblers occasionally catch a glimpse of him

Home: Wayne Morgan has been hiding in Pantyffynon Woods, near Ammanford, Carmarthenshire, since 2007. Ramblers occasionally catch a glimpse of him

Sergeant Theresa Ross, of Dyfed Powys Police,
said: ‘We have been aware of a man known locally as Wolfman living in woods for a number of years.

‘Anyone walking in the wooded area
who may have seen this man should get in contact with us to let us know
when any sightings took place.’

‘He is not known to claim benefits of be registered with any
agency so he may be hungry and on the look-out for food.

‘If you are suspicious that any food items are missing from your stores then please contact us.’

Mr Morgan is thought to get some of his meals from supermarket bins as well as scavenging anything he can find from the woodland.

Local councillor Hugh Evans said: ‘He
is a bit of a Rambo type and pretty tough to have survived the bitterly
cold winter living out in the open.

‘The area where he is living is thickly-wooded and forested – the sort of area where it is easy to disappear.’

Debris: This is thought to be a camp used by Wayne Morgan who was taught survival skills in the armed forces. There are growing fears for him as he has not been spotted for a year

Debris: This is thought to be a camp used by Wayne Morgan who was taught survival skills in the armed forces. There are growing fears for him as he has not been spotted for a year

The woods Mr Morgan has been hiding in since 2007 are near Ammanford, Carmarthenshire

The woods Mr Morgan has been hiding in since 2007 are near Ammanford, Carmarthenshire

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“Your gonna need a lot of body bags”

Dorothy, Somewhere Over The Rainbow, 9/2/2012 16:50 One wonders if you will also get 5 green arrows for that posting as well wink wink as to upset no sorry its been met with humour i thought funny was what you was going for??

If you need to find him, don’t use dogs, use ex-special forces who are trained to hunt down people like this guy and know how this guy will think and what he will do.

Halo, Norwich/Norfolk, you seem to be getting very upset about this, and, may I say, a little obsessed. Maybe you should see someone about it. Don’t take it badly, I’m telling you this for your own good.

Dorothy, Somewhere Over The Rainbow, 9/2/2012 16:32 Ahhh now i get it you have too much time and bitter thoughts and are also limited in your verbal attacks that you had to copy and paste my point to you,a point that was made once you thought to drag my name up as an example,another point for you i made my comment concerning this story maybe you should of read it instead of only seeing the name Dave and becoming fixated or am i your new interest 🙂

Why are the police searching for him? He hasnt been reported missing or committed a crime has he? When are the police going to do what they are paid to do i.e. catch real criminals instead of this type of tomfoolery!

Halo, Norwich/Norfolk, some could accuse YOU of having a right bee in your bonnet,how about instead of fretting yourself with other readers comments,you make your valid point on the story at hand? boarders on obsession and one could question on how much free time you have to make such petty comments . . . . just a thought. Oh, and by the way, I have plenty of time on my hands; is that also a problem for you?

I came face-to-face with this man when he stole christmas presents out of my car on christmas evethree years ago.. We also had police helicopters out on that occasion too. I am not sure if he has been seen much since

No one can escape the tax man, they will probably charge him tree tax or something else ridiculas.

Dorothy, Somewhere Over The Rainbow, 9/2/2012 15:36 Some could accuse you of having a right bee in your bonnet,how about instead of fretting yourself with other readers comments,you make your valid point on the story at hand? boarders on obsession and one could question on how much free time you have to make such petty comments . . . . just a thought

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