World’s Worst Movie Gets a Retro iPhone Game

In 1966, a suspense/horror film titled Manos: The Hands of Fate sought to creep out American audiences with the story of a wayward family ensnared by an insidious cult. In reality, it was hailed as one of the worst movies ever produced. It probably would have decomposed in a film vault somewhere, never to be spooled again, if it wasn’t for the cult TV show Mystery Science Theater 3000. In a 1993 episode, Joel Hodgson and his robot pals tore into the campy flick with their signature commentary, bringing it back into the zeitgeist. Among fans of the show, it’s never left.

That’s why we were delighted to discover that FreakZone games, a UK developer, has re-imagined the bizarre movie as an 8-bit video game, reminiscent of side-scrolling Nintendo platformers. It’ll be released for the iPhone on July 26.

“It’s an epic celebration of nostalgic badness, presented as something good,” FreakZone writes on its blog. The game turns awkward moments from the movie into challenges for players. “Mike encounters a wild snake in the desert? Enemy snakes! An unusually long, lingering shot of a fireplace? LIVING FIREPLACE BOSS!” explains the blog. The game features most of the film’s characters as 8-bit sprites, including the now infamous Torgo, the creepy crippled caretaker of the cult’s estate who constantly refers to “The Master.”

MANO: The Hands of Fate - The Game!

The game even recreates the film’s pitiful score with authentic Nintendo chiptunes — the sound files from the ’80s game console.

As for the Mystery Science Theater crew, some of them now work at RiffTrax, a digital purveyor of comedic commentary for bad movies. They’re just as psyched about the game as we are.

“Weird, but even at 8-bit resolution, this game looks way, way better than the film!” says Mike Nelson. “Can’t wait to ‘master’ the game.”

“It’s about time someone gave Torgo his own tiny airplane, and hopefully they retrofitted it for his huge knees,” says Bill Corbett. “An airborne, dogfightin’ Torgo can only be a good thing. I predict that this game will be bigger than Skyrim!”

Eerily (and by pure coincidence, according to Corbett), Mike, Bill and Kevin Murphy will be re-riffing on MANOS for their live RiffTrax event on August 16, which will be simulcast to theaters nationwide. They promise a completely new commentary on the old MST3K favorite.

It seems the universe does not want us to forget about this glorious cinematic stinker.

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