Would The Media Be Interested If Assad Set Up Re-Education Labor Camps For Political Dissidents?

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Corporate press blacklists chilling revelations

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Monday, May 7, 2012

A couple of months ago, the mainstream media got all excited about leaked emails from Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and ‘bombshell’ revelations such as the fact that Assad’s wife likes to spend a lot of money on expensive furniture.

Would The Media Be Interested If Assad Set Up Re Education Labor Camps For Political Dissidents? 187621915

Would that same corporate press be interested if documents were leaked showing that Assad’s military forces had set up detention camps in which they planned to incarcerate political activists and subject them to re-education programs and slave labor?

Of course it would, the story would be all over CNN, ABC and Fox News. The documents would be heralded as chilling evidence that Assad is in charge of a dictatorial regime that plans to kidnap demonstrators and imprison them in North Korean-style gulags.

The documents would be held up as solid justification for a swift NATO military action in the name of ‘humanitarian intervention’.

And yet last week we had the release of documents which prove the existence of re-education forced labor camps for political dissidents not only abroad but inside the United States itself! An even more shocking story you would imagine?

And the reaction from the mainstream media? You could hear a pin drop.

We have now exhaustively proven in a series of articles that the U.S. Army is training its personnel, through the policies outlined in a manual entitled FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations (PDF), to “indoctrinate” “political activists” incarcerated in detention camps into developing an “understanding and appreciation of U.S. policies and actions.”

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

On page 281 of the manual we even see the use of the term itself when we learn that the role of camp personnel is focused around, “reorienting or reeducating the I/R facility population or setting the stage for acceptance of future operations.”

These camp prisoners are to include “civilian internees” detained “within U.S. territory” as part of “civil support operations” in the aftermath of “man-made disasters, accidents, terrorist attacks and incidents in the U.S. and its territories” involving FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security.

The manual also directs such prisoners to be used for slave labor “In work that is needed to construct, manage, perform administrative functions for, and maintain the internment facility,” in other words building and maintaining their own detention camp.

The manual also directs that political activists be confined to isolation and that prisoners be silenced using by “muffling them with a soft, clean cloth tied around their mouths and fastened at the backs of their heads.”

To reiterate – all of these policies outlined in the Army’s manual can be applied to U.S. citizens on American soil so long as the President passes an executive order to nullify Posse Comitatus, the law that forbids the U.S. military from engaging in domestic law enforcement.

If President Bashar al-Assad was directing his military forces to round-up political activists and use them for slave labor in re-education camps, the international outcry would be deafening, the media circus would be off the charts.

Yet all this is already in black and white, already on the books, ready and waiting to be used domestically in the aftermath of the next major terrorist attack or natural disaster – and the mainstream media has completely ignored it.

The story has been blacklisted.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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33 Responses to “Would The Media Be Interested If Assad Set Up Re-Education Labor Camps For Political Dissidents?”

  1. ARREST WARRANTS: Liens Filed Against G7 Central Banks
    Written by David Wilcock Tuesday, 01 May 2012 11:33

    Arrest warrants have now been issued against the international branches of the Federal Reserve — the European Central Banks, BIS, Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and Japan.


    It is terrifying to discover that the world is being run by psychopaths — who want to see billions of people die.

    Many people can’t even face it. Their mind just shuts down — and they often attack the messenger.

    Nonetheless, no corrupt regime has ever survived the light of full public exposure. Our current situation is no different.

    There is abundant evidence that this group is real — and will soon be defeated. Major changes are about to happen in the world.

    We have proven that a small group of international bankers have seized control of the planet and its resources. Their plan has been in place for 300 years, and was followed with ruthless efficiency.

    The difficulty of unseating this group is extreme, due to their penetration into all aspects of our society — including the media, the government and the judiciary.

    Nonetheless, it appears that they are about to be overthrown by an international coalition of 138 nations — who have banded together to end Financial Tyranny.

    (We need termination booths at the trails for these Satanic NWO psychopaths)

    Eduard Reply:
    May 7th, 2012 at 1:14 pm

    Sounds “fantastic”. So, who is making out thesae arrest warrants? And in what venue has 138 countries come together to “end financial tyranny”.

    My friend, the lesson of history is – “Might makes right”. Those who have the bigger guns and control of the military rule.

    Wilcox seems to be spewing the same rhetoric as Benjamin Fulford. I have yet to see where Fulford is correct. Wilcox also espouses ancient aliens as our original gods.

    Rebelfromtheburg Reply:
    May 7th, 2012 at 1:30 pm

    Are you saying he is COMPLETELY wrong!?!?! How do you explain all the evidence he presents? His entire history of the Illuminati is pretty damn impressive!

    Rebelfromtheburg Reply:
    May 7th, 2012 at 1:33 pm

    Its in the southern district court of NY. google 11-civ-8500 to see the official complaint (lawsuit).

    Captain Ron Reply:
    May 7th, 2012 at 3:54 pm

    Same as it ever was…


    Captain Ron Reply:
    May 7th, 2012 at 3:54 pm

    And by the way???

    We run for Youthanasia…

  2. Once again, Paul Joseph Watson’s is, probably intentionally, misinterpreting and misrepresenting intent. Interesting how his “proofs” are links to his own articles. Paul Joseph Watson says: “Look, PrisonPlanetards, I said it before, so it MUST be true. Swallow what I give you!” And the sheep happily comply.

    the sage Reply:
    May 7th, 2012 at 1:01 pm

    Watson is the British intelligence Satanist mole at prison planet.

    Ex-Military Reply:
    May 7th, 2012 at 3:18 pm

    I’ve read portions of this manual. Yes, it does apply to resettlement of US citizens within CONUS in the event of a natural disaster, etc.

    It makes perfect sense that the military should have a document like this… but…

    The question is, if (as an American) I don’t want to go along with resettlement, is the PSYOP officer going to identify me as an activist? Because the manual clearly states that those who don’t want to go along are activists… and that they will need to be reeducated.

    If Katrina gun confiscations are any indication as to how things will turn out when people DON’T WANT momma gov’t taking care of them, then it isn’t too far fetched or a GROSS misrepresentation to think that the reeducation process will be used against people that want nothing to do with the whole of the ‘helpful’ process in the first place.

    The whole idea of a conspiracy hinges on the necessity of there being a hidden agenda behind all of this. Otherwise, in my mind, a military that is able to help people in an emergency is perfectly fine with me, as long as they are willing to leave me and my guns alone when I say it is time to leave me alone.

    my2cents Reply:
    May 7th, 2012 at 3:03 pm

    I heard Alex say that there were 300 pages to this Army manual. Thats long enough to include a section on how to proceed in the event of an Alien invasion.

    Tom Reply:
    May 7th, 2012 at 3:05 pm

    54543434 — And you are exempt from all of this HOW?!!!

  3. As they impload the countries like Greece, these criminal banksters are going to have to hide in there rat holes for they will be the hunted specy of pure evil the people will want to whip there asses and end this big criminal Mafia

    Glen Reply:
    May 7th, 2012 at 1:03 pm

    “People” will.

    NO they won’t they will remain huddled, fearing the loss of what little they have left.


    Tom Reply:
    May 7th, 2012 at 3:08 pm

    Glenda — You have no clue what people do at their local level. YOU obviously don’t do shit. Wanna buy some guns?

  4. Yeah, drill sergeants will be “indoctrinating” you all right. They will be screaming in your ears and kicking your heads in!

    Hey this reminds me of Gitmo. Ever see any of those videos?

    The Media, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, CNN, and Al Jazeera, PROPAGANDA. Caught with their pants down again.

    hammerhead Reply:
    May 7th, 2012 at 12:51 pm

    I THINK WE SHOULD OPEN OUR OWN CAMP and run in the entire congress and media.

    then let the american people file through one by one , just to get it off their chest’s.

    indoctrinate these thugs , after being berated for a few months i bet they would get the idea.

    threaten them with cans of ensure!

    Glen Reply:
    May 7th, 2012 at 1:02 pm


    Go On…DO IT.

  5. What a rediculous comparison the only intent of the syrian government is to kill the al-qaeda fighters. I think Nato is pleased with the situation there.

  6. What sort of event or disaster or false flag do you guys think is going to kick this off? What should we look for? Failing of the derivitives market as a precursor to financial collapse!?!?

    my2cents Reply:
    May 7th, 2012 at 12:41 pm

    Read the book one second after interesting read about an EMP attack.

  7. .I think it is because, It’s not just happening here in America .. but world wide.
    After all a New World Government has to make laws for “The World” not just us supposedly free Americans, The fact WE have the BoR and Constitution is the only blockade for the NWO.

    The lie’s and treachery from the political arena are for you and I.

    Its just like raising children…you don’t tell them how bad it really is, cause you don’t want them to be afraid, Same holds true to politics, you only get a “portion” of whats real so you don’t go hide in a corner or under your bed afraid of every person you see.

    The fact that I was raised with the idea that divided we fall, has seemingly been forgotten from my generation forward..but here we are being divided, and that is suppose to be the way it is…and accepting it means you are ready for their plans of old.

    In the 80′s I saw people’s attitude on voting as being…”It does not matter if I vote” and that same attitude forward is now “my vote does not count anyway”

    We are being isolated and muted on what WE WANT, and that’s just the way it is. we have pretend people causing problems…spreading dis-information and making the over all population believe in said info with no checks and balances, because people would rather hear about such nonsense as whats on TV or whom is getting a divorce or what are the stars doing right this second…its freaking obscene, remember when TV was referred to as a “boob tube”

    today its those same boobs that will do nothing…putting their trust in other boobs because lets face it….the truth hurts.

    Well I would rather hurt and deal with it..then go down in flames cause we don’t know what the hell is real, fake, OR made up. I was in the generation of “my vote doesn’t count” and the sheeple I know…really don’t want to know, Itsa sad sad world right now. DIVIDED WE ALL FALL

  8. If all of this is in fact being implemented as we speak we can expect 1-3 years of selective cycles of political imprisonment. This means only the most extreme activists…and those employed by the corporations who do not toe the line. They will use the intelligence quotient and psychological standards of these people to ensure the normal Joe conforms to the authority.

    After the 1-3 years depending on how accelerated the descent into totalitarianism will be, then the major roundup will begin.

    My studies of the contemporary events taking place in America is taking a very similar path as that of the implementation of the Soviet gulag system in the Soviet Union. The false flags, subversion of the citizenry and infiltration of leadership is identical but with a Corporate touch (so the state can keep it’s hands clean when the genocide takes place). That’s the twist that is confusing everyone.

    The corporation is considered a human being, not only in the USA but around the world. It of course cannot be sent to death for killing people but at the same time the world courts do not recognize the corporation as any sort of entity, meaning they are free to do as they please without fear of prosecution *Note: Every sovereign nation have different laws regarding this, but usually bend in favor of the corporations.

    Do put a laser focus on the government, my PP brothers and sisters. The Corporations must be watched very closely this time around. The government will not sanction nor support this, but the corporations will definitely take the slack for the perfect sum of money.

    Please message me if you would like raw documents regarding transnational corporations. I have the entire Hague library at my fingertips. You can learn a lot about coming plans of “World
    Unification via Corporate Philosophy”.

  9. ALL the sane amerikans have LEFT BY NOW.

    Only the Delusional remain

    By now you are just waiting for the Black Hoods to take you away in the night.

    NOT ONE PATRIOT in the whole usa.

    NOBODY will fire the first shot. PUSSIES ALL.

    hammerhead Reply:
    May 7th, 2012 at 1:50 pm

    @glenn are you playing provocateur today ?

    THE PATRIOTS OF THE US WILL STAND , you neednt worry yourself .

  10. the above user submitted comment is malarky to get you to sit and do nothing when they roll out the first phases of their coup d’etat. These disinfo campaigns converge amongst many circles. In the fullford circle, in the galactic federation circle, amongst many others. The lies propagate via disinfo agents these elite scumbags have implanted in targeted facets of the truther movement. One does not need to control we are change just get luke to sell out and plant spies in all the various groups to monitor. (like we noticed in victoria). I wouldn’t trust anybody in the truther movement it’s been totally hijacked by the powers that be, occupy was hijacked from the very start, and the worst thing you people can do is be sitting in wait for these people to consolidate what they’ve built up so far even further.

    Rebelfromtheburg Reply:
    May 7th, 2012 at 1:22 pm

    Are you saying David Wilcock and the whole divinecosmos.com history of the NW is all BS? Then why would the NWO put all that info out there like that? Has anyone read Wilcock’s entire history of the Illuminati on his blog??? There is NO WAY any NWO agent would want to disclose all that info for people to learn.

    Someone please responf this is serious. Why hasn’t AJ addressed this yet???

  11. The MSM will jump on stories about humanitarian abuses and arrests and torture of political dissidents by foreign countries. Like the Chinese dissident, Chen Guangcheng, who escaped. branded terrorists and need to be put behind barbed wired re-education camps, and isolated. We are becoming no different than China and North Korea. It’s the MSM pot calling the kettle black!

    Thoughts for Incurable Kinds of Images.
    Click hotlink.

  12. The MSM will jump on stories about humanitarian abuses and arrests and torture of political dissidents by foreign countries. Like the Chinese dissident, Chen Guangcheng, who escaped. American political dissidents and activists are branded terrorists and need to be put behind barbed wired re-education camps, and isolated. We are becoming no different than China and North Korea. It’s the MSM pot calling the kettle black!

  13. free cars and homes to the first 10,000 unemployed welfare queens (or former politicians) !!!
    no strings attached ***


  14. The controlled media is only revealing the actual agenda by not just what they cover but more importantly what they do not. As people wake up and learn what is happening in reality the easier they can see the cover up and propaganda media brainwashing they have endured all this time.

    Reminds me of that movie PP had an article on not too long ago about the movie They Live where once you put the glasses on you see reality and through the subliminal messages and who the real controllers are.

    As AJ talked about on the show today about how they throw out crazy ideas that are exaggerated so you end up with pie in your face I was just thinking about that earlier with the possibility they are purposefully releasing certain documents to give people a taste of something to come later on. By then the shock is gone and if you run out warning people and nothing happening in the near future it makes you appear wrong or just conspiratorial.

    BTW Katherine Albrecht is hot!

    Grantland Reply:
    May 7th, 2012 at 4:20 pm

    The media is not “controlled”. Just like the Banks, the Judiciary, GE, Monsanto, the CFR, ADL, marxist Educrats, immigration-pushers and so on.. .. the media is part of the machinery of the controllers. The media is one more arm of the octopus, working ceaselessly to a plan. The plan is the Talmudic dream to own the world and the octopus is 100% kosher.

    Not the queen, Alex.

  15. Paul, damn you good.

    Couldnt think of a better analogy myself.

    Hits the nail on the head.

    You go boy …

    Ty Davis
    Mobile, Al …

  16. al-Qaeda is the CIA

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