Yemeni Rocketry Force Launches Ballistic Missile on Saudi Military Target in Taif


September 2, 2016


The rocketry force of the Yemeni army announced launching a ballistic missile (Borkan 1) onto the Saudi interior front.

Yemeni sources reported that Borkan 1 is a Russian Scud missile which has been developed by Yemeni military experts and that it covers a distance range of 800 kilometers.

The sources asserted that the rocket hit a Saudi military target in Taif city.

Yemen has been since March 26, 2015 under brutal aggression by Saudi-led coalition.

Riyadh launched the campaign against Ansarullah revolutionaries (known as Houthis) in a bid to restore power to fugitive ex-president Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi who is a close ally to Saudi Arabia.

Thousands have been martyred and injured in the aggression, with the vast majority of them are civilians.

Source: Al-Manar Website

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