Yemenis demand trial of Saleh, aides

Protesters held a demonstration in Taizz on Sunday.

Yemenis also demanded the restructuring of the army under the government of the new president, Abdrabuh Mansur Hadi.

In addition, demonstrators in Taizz called for the dismissal of the new mayor of the city on Sunday.

The demonstration in Taizz comes as Yemeni officials said on Sunday the airport in the capital Sana’a reopened after reassurances were made by the Air Force that there would be no “threats to aviation” by loyalists of a sacked general close to former dictator Ali Abdullah Saleh.

Hadi sacked Air Force chief General Mohammed Saleh al-Ahmar, who is Saleh’s half-brother, and General Tarek Mohamed Abdallah Saleh, head of the presidential guards and Saleh’s nephew on April 6.

The new Yemeni president, who is a UK-trained field marshal, was sworn in on February 25 following a single-candidate presidential election on February 21, which was supported by the United States and Saudi Arabia.


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