You Don’t Have To Be A Criminal Sexual Deviant To Work For The TSA… But It Helps

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Prostitution rings, child pornography, trashing hotel rooms and drunkenly firing guns: A week in the life of TSA agents

Steve Watson
March 29, 2012

The TSA is under intense scrutiny this week following a congressional hearing to examine the agency’s performance. Which is why higher ups will not be pleased to see the headlines thrown up today by a simple online search.

First of all there is the case of TSA manager Bryant Jermaine Livingston, 39, who was arrested by police during his shift at Washington, D.C.’s Dulles airport for his alleged involvement with a prostitution ring.

Prior to his arrest, Livingston was caught in the Silver Spring Crowne Plaza Hotel with three naked women and four other men, after the hotel manager became suspicious and called the police.

While the now former TSA agent claims he was holding a “swingers party”, the other men involved admitted that they had paid Livingston to take part.

Another TSA official also told police that Livingston had a history of being involved with prostitution for several years.

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  • You Dont Have To Be A Criminal Sexual Deviant To Work For The TSA... But It Helps

Another TSA related headline focuses on 34-year-old former TSA screener Andrew Cheever of Boston, who was sentenced this week to nearly three and a half years in prison for possessing child pornography.

The former Logan airport screener was found to have thousands of child pornography images and videos stored on his home computer. He was also found to have shared the material online using peer-to-peer software.

And then there is the case of two TSA officers gone wild, who got drunk, trashed a South Beach hotel room Tuesday, then picked up a semi-automatic handgun and fired six rounds out the window.

The Miami Herald reports that Jeffrey Piccolella, 27, and Nicholas Anthony Puccio, 25, were arrested and charged with criminal mischief and use of a firearm while under the influence.

The police report stated that the bullets fired penetrated windows and walls of nearby buildings. Thankfully no one was injured.

As we have consistently highlighted, the regularity with which these kind of incidents occur with TSA workers makes it look like committing felonies is a prerequisite to get a job in airport security.

We’ve documented numerous examples where TSA agents have been caught committing crimes both on and off the job, from molesting children, to stealing, to kidnapping, to assault, to drug smuggling. The list of cases is growing to biblical proportions and gets larger with each passing day.

Efforts to curb TSA powers, eliminate the use of wasteful, useless, and potentially harmful body scanners, make TSA grope downs a felony are not just about protecting our privacy, they’re also now about protecting us from a sub-human criminal underclass that has been given carte blanche by big government to unleash their predatory sexual and criminal fetishes on the traveling American public.


Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.

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25 Responses to “You Don’t Have To Be A Criminal Sexual Deviant To Work For The TSA… But It Helps”

  1. DHS is an un-Constitutional organization, their only position is to destroy the Constitution at all costs and expenses to be paid for by the Citizens of the United States. If Congress and the Senate can’t see this is true, that’s because they don’t give a damn….straight up !

    captain obvious Reply:
    March 29th, 2012 at 6:29 am

    plus, they only exist because of the BIG LIE of what happened on 911.

    financial fraud investigations by the SEC in WTC-7 never hit by a plane,
    were NEVER a threat to some “sand ghost bin laden”,
    and if he were a “corrupt America hater” he’d laughed his azz off,
    about all the treasonous economic saboteuring financial terrorists,
    being imprisoned or hanged for their crimes!

    if DC hadnt stripped 2nd amendment rights from airline travellers,
    the lie about 911 couldnt have happened as they claimed, at all!

    what threat was a pending financial audit of the pentagon to a sand ghost?!
    how did the sand ghost know exactly where the accounting department was?
    -THAT is how transparant the LIE really is to me anyhow,
    but the RETARDS insist on their lie being the truth,
    because they know damn well theyed all be tree decorations!

    ALEA Reply:
    March 29th, 2012 at 7:13 am

    You Don’t Have To Be A Criminal Sexual Deviant To Work For The TSA

    No you just need to be an American who doesn’t take responsibility. You might even blame foreign boogey men… those terrorists or Alex Jones’ off shore cartels who have hijacked the USA.

    Hey that means all prison planet fans are qualified to work for the TSA!!!!

    Thats the level you are on.

  2. Can you see why GIngrich is in the picture????

    why Clinton and Bushes also?????

    Vic Reply:
    March 29th, 2012 at 5:14 am

    now are all 33 degree free massons evil or has the org been taken over by a few evil ones???

    that is left to be proven?

  3. I think a TSA airport security job would be a very nice fit for George Zimmerman.

    Images for Incurable Kinds of Thoughts.
    Click hotlink.

    JohnN Reply:
    March 29th, 2012 at 8:01 am

    Zimmerman is a peer to the community. He put a little hoddie boy where he belongs and we are not going to have a bunch of blacks play the race card and hold American justice to ransom. You are buying into the mainstream news media whose sole purpose for this coverage is to strike down our inalienable right to defend ourselves.

  4. Is Ron Paul a 33rd degree free masson? i wonder

  5. the cold war with Russia?????? illusion good people all an illusion.

    Gorbachev is or was a free masson also??????

    all these suppose wars are deception to fool the many into slavery.getting rid of those still awake and can see what is going on.

    They have you believe in communists or socialists or capitalists and divide to conquer the lower minded people unable to figure out the game they been playing with humanity in general.They know ignorance and control assures there powers.The ignorant are like submissive sheeps, easy to coral in the funnel of genocides.

    Alister Crawly a free masson at the 33 rd degree?

    Like Ron Paul has said: ” whats going on here” ?

  6. AL GORE a free masson also!!!!!! it is all starting to add up, who are the political stooges we take as our leader chief in command?????

    I am hopefull some day some will wake up and what needs to be done to end this abuse will be done.

  7. Hey they qualify as rock stars or politicians.

  8. I would never work for them just like I would never join the military and follow our crappy President’s orders. And now President is “President”; we don’t even know what the F his real name is!

  9. YYYEEEEEHHHHAAAAAA…Ya wanna party ? Sign up now for an application to become part of an elite group of thugs pimps and whoremongers, and if this isnt enough there is a remarks area on the application. You will even be in close proximity to children and the elderly, so come on now get off that park bench wash your hands and pick up your application and become an important part of America !……………………………………

  10. Isnt the TSA and too many more to mention govt. depts. absolutely the most horrible waste in American history ? What slobs. Now while this is being debated and discussed it would be wise to call the offices of our elected on Capitol Hill and let them know our opinion on this waste fraud and abuse of tax dollars should be shut down .

  11. Oh,the creep got arrested while on duty . Gee,what a pity . Would it not be hilarious if ( if in plain view of everybody in line ) he got groped , fondled, and molested the same way he did to other people .


  13. It’s good to know that when presidential candidate Rick Santorum gets thrown out the door by the GOP at least he can go back to his old job…scrotum checker for the TSA.

  14. This is a very rude article. I’m not saying it shouldn’t go to print, it’s just very rude and crass is all.

  15. I’m a little confused here.

    Are you saying that Steve Watson is being rude by submitting this article or are you saying that the perverts he’s exposing are the ones that are rude ?

    Max Reason Reply:
    March 29th, 2012 at 9:24 am

    Reply box error ! … my post above is a reply to Archanelos.

    Max Reason Reply:
    March 29th, 2012 at 9:25 am

    Perhaps you could be more specific.

  16. Even Charles Barclay made a statement that he wished the lamestream media would just give people the facts and find out the truth of what happened between Trayvon and Zimmerman. He said it’s rediculous that they always throw out the race card and use details to sensationalize the damn thing for weeks – just give us the TRUTH. They can’t even do that. Would like all the details before making a decision.
    Stupid Media SOBs

  17. TSA(to sexually assault) just doing their job folks, no surprises here …

  18. FUK THE TSA!!!

  19. Whats amazing is how ppl are more worried about the invasion of privacy more than they are worried about raiation, speaking of which, if they are gonna blast everyone with radiation with these new smart meters, they might as well sell radiation medicine while they are at it, but that would be a placebo too just like the ones the pharm companie sell to combat the viruses THEY invent.

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