ZAKA Disaster Victim Identification Team Boards Bombed Bulgaria Bus (WARNING: GRAPHIC PHOTOS)

A ZAKA team member identifies a pair of tefillin in the wreckage. Photo: Dano Mantkovich.

Bulgarian authorities allowed members of Israelis ZAKA voluntary emergency response team that specialize in disaster victim identification, to board the bombed out bus, following the brutal terror attack on Israeli tourists that left 8 dead yesterday afternoon.

The ZAKA team will prepare the bodies of the victims for burial in Israel and search the bus for body parts that are to be buried with the dead according to Jewish law.

Shimi Grossman, a member of the ZAKA team said,”From the moment we landed in Burgas we have been working at the scene and the hospitals, we have full cooperation with local police.”

“We are working to bring all bodies to Israel as soon as possible,” said Matti Goldstein, the leader of the ZAKA team.

WARNING: Graphic images below.

The ZAKA team arrives at the scene. Photo: Dano Mantkovich.

ZAKA team begins the search for body parts of victims. Photo: Dano Mantkovich.

ZAKA workers cover the body of a victim. Photo: Dano Mantkovich.

Mayhem from the terror attack. Photo: Dano Mantkovich.

A ZAKA volunteer covers the body of a victim. Photo: Dano Mantkovich.

A ZAKA worker inspects the body of a victim. Photo: Dano Mantkovich.

A ZAKA team member inspects the body of a victim. Photo: Dano Mantkovich.

ZAKA members scour the scene for body parts. Photo: Dano Mantkovich.

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ZAKA Disaster Victim Identification Team Boards Bombed Bulgaria Bus (WARNING: GRAPHIC PHOTOS)

A ZAKA team member identifies a pair of tefillin in the wreckage. Photo: Dano Mantkovich.

Bulgarian authorities allowed members of Israelis ZAKA voluntary emergency response team that specialize in disaster victim identification, to board the bombed out bus, following the brutal terror attack on Israeli tourists that left 8 dead yesterday afternoon.

The ZAKA team will prepare the bodies of the victims for burial in Israel and search the bus for body parts that are to be buried with the dead according to Jewish law.

Shimi Grossman, a member of the ZAKA team said,”From the moment we landed in Burgas we have been working at the scene and the hospitals, we have full cooperation with local police.”

“We are working to bring all bodies to Israel as soon as possible,” said Matti Goldstein, the leader of the ZAKA team.

WARNING: Graphic images below.

The ZAKA team arrives at the scene. Photo: Dano Mantkovich.

ZAKA team begins the search for body parts of victims. Photo: Dano Mantkovich.

ZAKA workers cover the body of a victim. Photo: Dano Mantkovich.

Mayhem from the terror attack. Photo: Dano Mantkovich.

A ZAKA volunteer covers the body of a victim. Photo: Dano Mantkovich.

A ZAKA worker inspects the body of a victim. Photo: Dano Mantkovich.

A ZAKA team member inspects the body of a victim. Photo: Dano Mantkovich.

ZAKA members scour the scene for body parts. Photo: Dano Mantkovich.

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