Zombie Training: OWS Atlanta turns into collective hypnosis ‘one voice’ weirdness

Mike Adams
Natural News
October 11, 2011

Occupy Wall Street protesters are undergoing collectivist zombie training in Atlanta, where a large group was caught on film engaging in a weird sort of “one voice” hypnotic chanting ritual that characterizes the key principles of both Communism and Socialism. Watch the video at:

Having an extensive background in studying linguistics and human psychology, I recognize mass hypnosis when I see it. The mind-numbing call-and-return vocalizations captured in this video reflect the same kind of mind control techniques used in cults, sporting events and even some church revival events. The whole point of this experience is  the individual mind and train everyone to think, and say, and do exactly what they are told to do by a “leaderless leader” who is really a mind control manipulator.

Bending the will of the masses

Watch this video. What you’re seeing is classic mind control, shrouded in the context of a public protest. And yet these people are practicing the very same thing they claim to be protesting! What is that? Thecentralization of power in America.

That’s the whole problem with Wall Street, and Congress, and the mega corporations — they allconcentrate powerin the hands of the few while everyone else just follows along and does what they’re told. This is a perfectly reflection of this hypnosis “zombie training” ritual at which one person holding the loudspeaker utters one verbal command after another as each one is repeateden masseby the crowd of clueless followers. That’s much like the relationship between the Federal Reserve and U.S. bank account holders.

Free-thinking individuals do not engage in this kind of behavior!If I had witnessed this in person, I would have shouted out, “You are all zombies!” at which point I’m sure I would probably need my zombie defender flamethrower to roast the mindless masses as they tried to swarm over me with their “one mind” attack.

Watch this video and see for yourself. This is some really weird collectivist mind control stuff that should make you absolutely shudder:

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Now, I don’t have anything against a group of peaceful meditators who want to sit in a drum circle somewhere and pray for world peace. I’ve been part of plenty of that myself, and it’s a valuable exercise in positive intention. But when it comes down torestructuring society, you’ve got to engage the individual creative minds of intelligent men and woman who can debate ideas from a position of individual sovereignty, not some sort of collective hive mind engaging in weird zombie chants.

Here’s a taste of how the hypnotic trance ritual unfolded in Atlanta. Keep in mind the “leader” is on a loudspeaker so that his voice drowns out everyone else’s, even though he claims that everyone should be equally heard…

A brief transcript of Atlanta Zombie protesters

Leader:We have someone here…

Zombies:We have someone here…

Leader:Who would like to address the assembly.

Zombies:Who would like to address the assembly.

Leader:That person…

Zombies:That person…

Leader:is Congressman…

Zombies:is Congressman…

Leader:John Lewis.

Zombies:John Lewis.

At this point, the crowd erupts into spontaneous applause for Rep. John Lewis. But the zombie leader feels this spontaneous action on the part of the crowd is some sort of violation of the groupthink, so he proceeds to instruct people that they should feel bad about applauding, because the sound of their applause might have been so loud that someone who was trying to speak could not be hard. (Bizarre zombie logic? Because this zombie leader is blaring his voice over a loudspeaker…)

Leader:How do we feel…

Zombies:How do we feel…

Leader:with hand signs please.

Zombies:with hand signs please.

Leader:Let me take a moment…

Zombies:Let me take a moment…

Leader:to explain why…

Zombies:to explain why…

Leader:we use hand signs.

Zombies:we use hand signs.



Leader:can prevent someone else…

Zombies:can prevent someone else…

Leader:who is addressing the assembly…

Zombies:who is addressing the assembly…

Leader:from being heard.

Zombies:from being heard.

Leader:We want everyone’s voice…

Zombies:We want everyone’s voice…

Leader:to be heard.

Zombies:to be heard.

Leader:To signal approval…

Zombies:To signal approval…

Leader:wave your hands or your fingers…

Zombies:wave your hands or your fingers…

Leader:or do a thumbs up.

Zombies:or do a thumbs up.

Leader:That way…

Zombies:That way…

Leader:We can hear each other.

Zombies:We can hear each other.

At one point, a female audience member is allows to stand and explain her own weird “we are all the same” philosophy of why the group should allow Rep. John Lewis to speak:

Woman:Allowing Senator Lewis to speak… (she thinks he’s a Senator, apparently)

Zombies:Allowing Senator Lewis to speak…

Woman:does not make him a better human being.

Zombies:does not make him a better human being.

Woman:it just says…

Zombies:it just says…

Woman:that we respect the work he’s done…

Zombies:that we respect the work he’s done…

Woman:and we respect the position he holds…

Zombies:and we respect the position he holds…

Woman:in the government we want to change.

Zombies:in the government we want to change.

Woman:People like John Lewis…

Zombies:People like John Lewis…

Woman:has just as much right…

Zombies:has just as much right…

Woman:to be part of the change…

Zombies:to be part of the change…

Woman:as to be part of the problem.

Zombies:as to be part of the problem.

After this woman finishes speaking, large numbers of other people in the zombie crowd raise their hands as if they want to speak. They are waving their arms and hands like a bunch of kindergarteners who are asking for permission to go to the bathroom.

Seriously, these are a bunch of adults acting with an elementary school mentality combined with a weird hypnotic role playing trance where they all believe they are contributing to a collective hive of some sort.

Ultimately, after what seems like endless rounds of ridiculous vocalizing about whether Rep. John Lewis should be “allowed” to speak or not, they diss the man and “decide” that he shouldn’t speak at all!

So this man, who was already voted into office as a representative of the People, is not allowed to address the People? Even when the zombie leader on the loudspeaker says “everyone” should be heard?

I mean, hey, I probably disagree with Rep. John Lewis on just about everything he says, but I still support his right to speak in public as a representative of the people who elected him! Who are these brain-numbed zombie masses to prevent a member of Congress from saying a few words?

Why collectivism is so dangerous

Watching all this gives me the willies! This is a prime example of “the madness of crowds” and the dangerous collectivist mindset that deludes these people into thinking whatever they do is for “the common good.” Total Marxism is alive and well in Atlanta, it seems, and it’s led by a bunch of do-gooder trance-inducers who somehow manage to attract a group of willing followers who just can’t wait to be told what to say and think. They’re even commanded to use hand signs instead of applause.

These are the kind of people who destroy societies. Well, them and the criminal banksters who run Wall Street, too. On that point, the zombies are right that the banksters are crooks. But you don’t solve these problems by replacing one delusion with another. The only path to true freedom is found in protecting individual liberty which necessarily involves protecting the individual right to speak your mind without seeking permission from some kind of weird collectivistgroupthink.

The whole point of free individuals having both their First Amendment and Second Amendment rights is that each person is their own sovereign citizen who has the right, and the power, to exercise freedom, protect the innocent, seek justice and stand as a bastion of strength and individual liberty against a sea of conformist, brainwashed masses whether they be tyrannical governments or mind-numbed zombies.

The whole point of having a Second Amendment, of course, is so that we canprotect ourselves from zombies and tyrantswho attempt to overrun nations with disturbing regularity. The Second Amendment is what protects the First Amendment, because if the People didn’t have the ability to shoot back, they would very quickly lose their right to speak out.

It’s not the collapse that you should be worried about, it’s the rebuilding of society that comes after

All this reminds me to remind you that once the collapse of America is in full swing, NaturalNews will put out a call for patriots and lovers of liberty to take action  and interject yourself into the discussions of how we rebuild society.

The danger — the great danger in all this — is that after the collapse of our current system, the collectivist zombies will take control and we will end up with something far, far worse than the crony capitalism we have today. If you thought George Bush and his secret prisons were bad, just imagine Nancy Pelosi leading a national zombie chant, declaring that anyone earning over $125,000 a year should have their wealth confiscated; that Free Speech is now subject to government approval; that everyone except the government should be completely disarmed; and that individual liberty must be sacrificed for the “common good of the People.” These are all code words for outright government tyranny.

Remember: Just because our current system is headed for collapse doesn’t mean we’re automatically going to get something better in its place. If we want a truly free and just society,we will have to fight for it. We will need the Jeffersonians, the Ron Paul supporters, the liberty lovers and the freedom fighters to take decisive action in making sure our “Next Society” doesn’t end up becoming some sort of weird collectivist cult led by people like Michael Moore.

Just because the People are pissed off doesn’t mean they understand the principles of liberty and economic growth. Many protesters, remember, actually believe thatgovernments create jobs! (Hilarious). And that everybody can just be given free health care, free educations, free rent, and free everything under a nanny state system where the government controls everything they do.

While I agree that education should be provided by one generation for the benefit of the next (in other words, all education is free when you’re young, but you pay it forward to the next generation), I also understand that the key to economic growth isreducing government burdens on small businesses– especially in the realm of health care. We’ve got to get government out of the way and let America’s great entrepreneurs create jobs and create wealth. That only happens when liberty is assured; when power is decentralized; and when regulatory burdens are minimized to cover only the really important things like preventing corporations from dumping toxic chemicals into the rivers and so on.

Most ideas about how to run society are bad ideas

People have all sorts of weird ideas about how to run societies, but history has shown us that most of them are ill-conceived. Furthermore, tyranny always comes out of good intentions, so it’s not enough to just “intend” to create a utopian society. It comes down to HOW you structure it.

What Jefferson and America’s founding fathers understood is that all power tends to become concentrated over time in the hands of the few. Thus, the Declaration of Independence — and later the Bill of Rights — were all written todecentralize powerby placing it in the hands of sovereign citizens from which government was granted its power toprotect the rights of the People. The power of government stems solely from the power of the People who conditionally grant such power to the government. This is the polar opposite of what collectivists believe: They think that power begins with a central authority and then it is distributed to the obedient masses from there. That’s why so many OWS protesters are still calling for big government to solve all their problems… they still believe government rules over them and therefore has the authority to fix everything!

Watch my increasingly popular video “Freetopia” to get a better understanding of all this:

Beware of collectivism

Only through the interaction of individual thought — brought forth by free men and women — can we truly achieve a brighter future. Those who try to sell you (or hypnotize you) to believe in socialism, communism, Marxism or other “groupthink” solutions are terribly misled and have failed to read (or understand) history. Liberty is the only path to lasting freedom and economic abundance.

End the Fed! Bring the money supply back to the People:

Support States’ rights! The Tenth Amendment helps halt the federal takeover of local laws:

Support Ron Paul! He’s the only candidate who understands freedom and is willing to protect it:

Join the protests! Let your voice be heard as a pro-freedom, pro-Ron Paul liberty defender who believes in food freedom (raw milk), farm freedom (hemp farming), medical freedom (medicinal herbs), economic freedom (honest money) and individual freedom (Bill of Rights). Carry the signs, shoot videos and upload them to NaturalNews.TV if you wish.

This is how we achieve real, lasting change — by starting with justshowing upand making sure the protests aren’t dominated by a bunch of collectivist zombies who utterly fail to understand what freedom really means.

Repeat after me: Freedom is…

You:Freedom is…

Me:…when you don’t do…

You:…when you don’t do…

Me:…what somebody tells you to do…

You:…what somebody tells you to do…

Me:…just because they claim false authority over you.

You:…just because they claim false authority over you.

There, doesn’t that feel better?  Think for yourself!  And beware of zombies.

This article originally appeared at Natural News

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85 Responses to “Zombie Training: OWS Atlanta turns into collective hypnosis ‘one voice’ weirdness”

  1. That’s called ‘The Magicians Force’.

    Raise your hands if you agree with me.

    Okay, I see one of you isn’t raising your hand.

    [letting him speak]

    Okay, everyone, this isn’t a vote (lol. i’m going to pretend it is tho! ^_^).

    It’s just a ‘temperature check’. How do you feel? (this is the ‘force’ right here)

    Okay, everyone raise your hands. (everyone feels ‘good’ because 1. they feel powerful, 2. they are on dopamine flushes, 3. I just told them to. So, hands go up)

    Woot! We have consensus. Block upheld.

    (crowd looks around, and then looks at their hands, still in the air, confused….)


    The Aftermath:

    Anybody who realizes what just happened and feels ashamed of themselves eventually wanders off and departs these sorts oif cults.

    That leaves only the people who raise their hands every single time.

    Notice many people in the video raise their hand to both votes, FOR and AGAINST!

    During the ‘pink jacket woman’s’ speech, observe how the redshirtted man with the loudspeaker behaves.

    He tucks his chin down, avoids eye contact, and makes several twitches with the microphone indicating his desire (which he controls) to interrupt her.

    Notice how the ‘mic check’ over the PA is used to squelch dissenting voices multiple times. Notice how loud he is, and how oppressive the red-shirt-man gets while doing this.

    Notice that the red-shirt-man on the PA continuously takes ‘votes’, ‘temperature checks’, and ‘straw polls’ until he lands upon the agenda he had pushed for the entire time.

    Notice how differently he describes the two options; he very clearly states ‘let lewis speak now’, twice, yet when describing the alternative (‘do not let him speak’) — the red-shirt-man never uses that diction.

    He talks only in ‘positive terms’: “Staying on the Agenda”, and performs a couple verbal backflips to avoid saying it simply.

    Also notice how the call-repeat mechanism is used to hypnotic effect. In the final call to vote, the red-shirt-man uses MUCH shorter segmenting, much louder, and at a more uniform pace, imposing his will upon the crowd through suggestion and self-appointed authority.

    As I explained; these movements filter out the free thinkers — leaving only those who are highly suggestible and scruple-less.

    Look at the older woman in the back with the white shirt, giving thumbs-down everytime a ‘consensus’ is reached to deny Lewis the floor. Notice how she expresses her hand signs in disagreement with the crowd LOWER than her agreements.

    So… Who disagrees with my double-counter-consensus-rectal-temperature-taking, RAISE YOUR HANDS, MIC CHECK!!!!!MIC CHECK!!!!!MIC CHECK!!!!!MIC CHECK!!!!!MIC CHECK!!!!!

  2. mmmmmm BRAINSsssss

  3. I am in ATLANTA…… The walking Dead tv series was also filmed here!!!! YOU BRAIN DEAD ZOMBIES will never get the best of me….. sonylegend.com

  4. ”hypnotic chanting ritual that characterizes the key principles of both Communism and Socialism”

    I mean have you seen a or tried to reason with people who sell the ‘soc i lie ist worker’ on a street corner…?

  5. I’m having flashbacks of the “Borg!”

    • “Resistance if futile. You will be assimilated.”

  6. They were doing this in L.A. too!!! We were discussing the Federal Reserve [last Saturday afternoon], with 20-100 activists listening/engaging in open dialogue. Then some guy walks up yelling, “[something] jack..”, over and over. This quieted everyone down. Then this fella began talking in bursts, and about 20-30% of the crowd began repeating him word for word. He ended up claiming they were all going to the Federal Art Museum, which led to a large group of folks walking away with him. Very creepy!!

    • *************

      the repetition is because the bullhorns were restricted.. it may not be necessary in some of the newer cities but this is why they did it in NYC.

      seriously… this isn’t really news. 5 minutes of research will explain this ppl.

  7. To quote a younger generation, this creeps me out! What kind of mental moron would lend themselves to this?

  8. They were doing this very thing at Occupy Cleveland!!! Very scary!

    • Classic Fabian Society / Illuminati-style….INFILTRATE, INFILTRATE, INFILTRATE.

  9. These posts are rife with colective cultists.

    • Indeed. But the good news is they’re painfully obvious to spot.

  10. Remember why we are occupying two country’s , Freedom is not Free , Honor our Troops and Support our Troops ,, protest everything, I mean what are our military fighting for, to protect the Constitution of America and our freedoms provided to us by Constitutional law. Thats what the war mongers , and National Security no bid contractors, the DHS,TSA,FEMA, Bankers, and military industrial complex keep telling us why we are fighting. Protect Americans Freedoms, so lets not let them down. Spread the Word, protesting is way to honor and support our Troops who we have been told fight for us.

  11. The reason that they are “acting like children [childlike/childish/elementary]” is probably due to a lack of, or retardation of, the development of their frontal cortex/lobe. Probably due to lack of a structured/personal self-disciplined positive family/home [nuclear family], with an attempted augmentation of the weak home with anti-psycotropic/SSRI medication(s). Personally, I blame WEAK men/fathers. The mental health of ANY family/home is directly attributable to the mental health/stability of the adult [Parent] FEMALE within the “home.” Weak men/fathers begat mindless automatons [useful idiots/village idiots].
    Just think, 2,000 years ago the world heard similar chants/recitations: “Barabas! Barabas!” “…but what shall I do to this man?” “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!”

    • Take it another step further and consider who and what made the fathers weak.

      • The male’s relationship with their own mother, and the intellectual castration via “political correctness;” the fear of “not being good enough,” or “not pleasing” their mothers.

        • So you don’t correlate the downfall of the traditional family structure to 1) mass media propaganda emasculating men, 2) estrogen and sterilants in the water, 3) sexual abuse of young boys on mass scales, or 4) hormone disruptors in plastics?

          1) Watch any commercial on television today…men (especially husbands) are made to look weak and submissive in the false context of humor. You can also consider sitcoms (i.e. King of Queens, Everybody Loves Raymond).
          2) Sperm counts and testosterone levels are declining drastically in the developed world.
          3) 1 in 6 men of ages 18-35 were sexually abused as children (98 percent of them by men)
          4) Some infants in China are developing breasts at 18 months of age. More and more men in developed nations are partially developing breasts due to exposure to hormone disrupters. BPA, found in plastic food containers, is the primary suspect.

          Now I will agree that a lot of men need to be held accountable for their own weaknesses. But at least consider the external factors I’ve mentioned. The worship of gaia (earth godess) and baphomet (man-goat with breasts) by the “elite” eugenecists who wish to depopulate the world ties right in these “phenomena”.


      • the protesters have done a good enough job of discrediting themselves, they don’t need any help from anyone. these protesters are weak. they are misguided. go to their website OWS and look at their demands/goals. they are communists and most of them probably don’t even know it.

      • “Noise Ordinances”? This cry of prohibitions on/of Public Address Systems/devices is pure BALONEY. Visit the City of Los Angeles’ (for example) website and the permit process/forms are ALL on-line. On the form for public assemblies/parades/processions the only stipulation for using a PA system is that said system is to be inspected by the City of Los Angeles’ Fire Department [general safety]. Additionally, if the request for protests/assemblies is NOT submitted forty (40) days in advance, certain restrictions of City of Los Angeles assets may not be available [Police barracades (seperate department for barracades etc)]. However, at least five (5) days must preceed the planned event to ensure timely review and procedures adherence. The “OWS” events in ALL major and medium size cities are/is pre-planned period. Not using PA systems is one of two things; either it [PA] was NOT requested for theatrical effect(s), or the organizers are ALL complete idiots for not ensuring proper timely planning. Funny thing, I bet EVERYONE there knows how to text on their “corporate” I-Phones/Androids, and are listening to the “sounds” of freedom on their “corporate” I-Pod Touch. “Restrictive noise/address systems my butt; it’s either COMPLETELY staged, or lack of foresight period.
        Los Angeles Police Department
        Special Events Permit Unit, Emergency Operations Division
        100 West First Street, Room 367
        Los Angeles, CA 90012
        Phone: (213) 486-0640 Fax: (213) 486-0670

        • I do not seek ‘permits’ for, nor do I respect ‘prohibitions’ on, my right to free speech and assembly.

          Rights are threats — and I make good on them myself.

      • At Battle:
        I think those-or at least many-of your examples are valid. Still attributable to the mother and weak father. The weak father will not protest the choices of the mother; fear of rejection, and thus allow for said purchases of crap food, and/or consent to a hypnosis via television [escape of reality]. The emotional-in general-female/mother will attempt to appease the undisciplined domineering children, and publicly (within the home in front of the children) reject/put-down the male/father. A viscious circle of self-fulfilling prophecies. Anarchy in the home brings anarchy to the streets/society. In my opinion, your points/examples potentiate/re-enforce weak men, broken homes/fall of “civilized man;” animals always take the path of least resistance-whether to a watering hole, or Bolshevik protest.

      • Noise ordinances. Everybody and their brother aught to be out in the streets screaming bloody murder!


  12. Mike Adams is all the time calling for regulation from the government of food products he thinks are dangerous, so how can he be credibly be that critical of socialists?

  13. I went to OccupyLA and this isnt zombies being mind controlled… they arent allowed to have PA systems, and there are HUNDREDS even thousands of people in an area trying to listen to a speaker. They are using their OWN VOICES to amplify what is being said so everyone (I heard it first hand in front of City Hall, probably 3000 people, all sharing the message since they had no permits for loudspeakers.
    Open your minds, stop being so judgemental.

    • “Open your minds, stop being so judgemental.”
      Does this same logic pertain to the choices one makes when purchasing clothing too? I mean, what’s the difference between the “Levi’s” made today in Egypt [yep, Egypt] by a Chinese owned “Levi” jean company, and say, the Sear’s brand “Toughskins” made in the 1980′s?? I mean, what makes one choose a Chevelle over say a Ferrari, or a California Avacado versus one grown in Columbia??
      “Soylent Green is made out of people!” “This is Master Control, signing off.” ” You choose.

    • I reserve the right to form opinions and judge based on evidence. No longer shall subvert my intellect and hold my tongue in order to placate those who deem my opinion “offensive”.

      Got that?

  14. Its a InfoWar People speak you minds…the same tactics can be used to amplify your voice…now is the time…its not the right its not the left..END THE FED…


    Bard student speaking at Washington Square Park


  15. Alex Jones is jealous of OWS Protestors. They are everything he has attempted to groom his audience to be – mindless zombies. Except OWS actually do something besides talk s.hit on the internet.

    • and you’re obviously jealous of AJ, otherwise you wouldn’t spend your time and trolling energy setting up an account on an Alex Jones website trying to demonize him and build up OWS zombies.

    • Alex Jones lost the shine he once he earned. All those social movements from Marx/Engels, 1848 in europe, German revolution in 1919, National socialism, Iceland, Greece but not bolshevik revolution 1917 in Russia has one reason. This is reason why we do not hear in school about anything else but bolshevix, Stalin, Lenin and they connected Marx/Engels with them as commies and socialists. To be enslaved, low wage labor is OK. But fight for your rights is not OK. I like that.
      Roots of movies Borat and Bruno lyies in this area. The Straight Dave’s fight scene supposed to be filmed in San Antonio- Mekka of rednex. It is fantastic how Sasha Baron Cohen knows where to go to find scenes for his movies. Reaction on Straight Dave’s fight at northeast or west would be diametraly diferent as it was in Rednexburg, Rednexville, Rednextown or Rednexboro. Southeast and midwest is playground for the Tea party and republican games. Without change for better at horizon. While one plays with those baseless ideologies which were created to cover crimes one gets on the same board and got lost in labyrinth.
      I like to ask this audience what is the name of ideologies acording to the new bible which is set as Old testament: The Blood bankers and The new testament: Confesions of an economic hitman. There is lotta crimes and lotta death behind.
      Beside enslaving the white trash from British isles Britain created couple great genocides: Oliwer Cromwel in Ireland, Potato Famine in Ireland, 2 genocides in India in second half 19th century with 10 milion and 30 milion starved to death. Opium wars with China. War in Afghanistan. Concentration camp during 2nd Boer war in south africa with 150 000 woman and children death. Bancrupt England created Federal Reserve and started WW1 and siphoned money out of americans. They feeded German military over Belgium relief fund until the bolshevik revolution was not done. What do you think created oposition against war? Commies Rosa Luxemburg and Carl Liebknecht. This finally lead to 1919 uprising in Germany. So aristocratic Thule Society created DAP later known as NSDAP. But Dolfi refused to be puppet, similar to Andrew Jackson, Abe Lincoln, JFK, and Dolfi forbids Thule Society, Freemasons and Vril society in Germany and fixed economy. So they created war against him. Because of experience with 1919 uprising baron Rudolf von Sebbotendorf set fire on Reichstag as Sefik Husnu but nazi blamed communists, executed ‘em, and it leads to expeletaion from war zone to slave labor camps. This is roots why Dolfi had full mouth of words juden and comunisten. They jeopardized kartel IG Farben and Federal Reserve, including Prescott Bush, interests.
      In 1950′s British holocaust in Kenya- 300 000 death.

      Try book: Crimes of democracy versus crimes of capitalism. Or watch movie: In the shadow of Hermes.

  16. The media attention turned ows into a fad, an unthinking fad.

    The group needs to be educated, they need to form solidarity on important isseues.

    If they could all be solidified in the 911 truth movement, if they can be one voice in that, I would trust them.

    Until now its a blank-slate mob. That’s dangerous.

    Please, all people who can help this movement in the “right” way, do so.

    • i.e. Believe what i believe in or it is wrong.

      What a hypocrite.

      AJ Zombie. Go back to chanting ’9/11 was an inside job’ on your couch.

      You had your chance and did nothing with it.

  17. The Zombie Apocalypse is Imminent. Prepare yourselves by grouping with like-minded people, establishing your food and water source, stockpile weapons and munitions, find a good elevated defensive position, study guerrilla warfare and insurgent tactics, develop alternate strategies of communication with your like-minded brothers in arms, and prepare mentally, physically, and spiritually for the days to come. Godspeed to you all.

    • I think I identified the red-shirted Bolshevik leader in the video. He’s a pizza delivery guy.


  18. People Need to Be Educated about the Globalists and The F E D

    NeWS for People Who are aWaKE

    infowarrior 76 (ddot) com
    infowarrior 76 (ddot) com
    infowarrior 76 (ddot) com

  19. Who is the scrawny weird-o in the red shirt? Has anyone a link to his identity? Everyone knows who Alex Jones is, he makes it clear on his broadcast. I want to know exactly who this guy is, the roots of his political philosophy, his ethnic lineage, and occupation. I have a few guesses.

  20. The blueprint for the Bolshevik Revolution is playing out right before our eyes as the brain-muddled sheep search for simple answers to life’s problems.

    The dumbing-down of America serves this agenda well.

    I am a wide awake free man, as my ancestral forefathers from Central Europe and the American Southwest were. I will not submit to authority born of hive collectivism, it is a fate worse than death.

    • I couldn’t have said it any better. Right beside you, brother.

  21. We must be fully conscious to experience the truth. Wake up America!

    • Right on brother! Wake up America, to the truth of the OWS and the People’s Microphone.

      • The truth of the OWS is that they’ve been a CIA counter intelligence program from day 1.

        • Battle,

          I agree. Basic logic.

          The police are not cracking heads when they have done the previous 10,000 times, and the fact that the Left wing media are covering it favorably should tell you something.

          It is VERY important that we expose this, once they HARDWIRE it into the MOVEMENT, it will be hard to de-program the GROUPTHINK.

          Don’t forget people.

          They have Full Spectrum Dominance, but we have FULL SPECTRUM AWARENESS. We are now watching them and unraveling it in real time. They can’t hide behind their bureaucracy anymore and are exposed.

          This could also be a Beta-test to see how far the YOUTH will take it…a test of their fake Green Socialist Fascist Revolution.

          Take it easy on these kids though, in person I mean. They are our fellow Americans, I know in name only, but you can of course take it with a grain of salt, but the Prop Machine is strong, they are victims, yes, a little too willingly that is for sure.

          They don’t understand history and are self-righteous, a dangerous combination.

          T-SHIRT-”Centralize This”, “Fed-ex” “Fed-up”

        • jasondylan,

          Not just basic logic, but also hard evidence:


          ivan marovic
          carnegie council
          council on foreign relations
          arab spring

        • who is exactly who sent people like IsItOverYet to an Alex Jones website.

  22. Infowars shouldn’t insult their potential allies by calling them zombies. They should be educating their diverse followers for their multicultural army.

    Useful idiots can still be useful.

    Personally I love watching these leftist twits making the wall street traitors lives miserable.

    I’m too busy employed to get involved.

  23. Lol u mad?

    OWS and the People’s Microphone is taking over.

    Join Us.

    • LOL the “peoples” voice has taken over alot of things, i cant wait tell they come for my AK-47 chambered in a 12 gauge, w/ a 30 round drum.

      • Get one while they are still legal. Alliancearmament.com

      • Why what are you going to do? Tell Us.

        • not tell them where I buried it of course.

    • The owls are just like those school children being taught to sing praises of Obama. You’re not taking over anything unless your masters tell you to. And even then, you lack the intelligence necessary to succeed.

      • Not only lacking intelligence, but also strength and courage. I’m not afraid of these limp wrist pacifist new-age “zombies”. These “useful idiots” are only good for casting votes for collectivist enslavement at the ballot box. When the turd hits the fan, they will be laying in fetal positions sucking on their thumbs.

        • I don’t know about you, but to me this whole movement has the smell of a false flag operation. I’m kind of expecting some sort of attack on the protests blamed on a “lone right-wing extremist”.

        • It definitely has the potential to become a false flag scenario. These “useful idiots” could make good sacrificial lambs to Obama and the leftist agenda. IF the liberal media can successfully sell the general public on the idea that these Occupy groups are little more than leftist socialist democrats, then the door opens for a deranged Norway type “right-wing extremist” (naturally wearing an End the Fed t-shirt) to show up at one of these group chants and go on a zombie mass shooting spree. End result: Obama and company get their Oklahoma City tragedy they desperately want, tighter gun control or out right disarmament of the public, and the liberty movement completely ostracized.

    • how proud are you going to be if Obama gets reelected and further destroys America? What exactly do you get out of it, troll?? You think you’re on a winning side? What exactly do you win? Tell us.

  24. That is just sick. If we start seeing that with larger crowds and in more cities we will know that it is OVER! These people make me want to hurl.

    • I would prepare to defend your families freedom.

  25. Now you see what I mean…Those are commieBots
    I know communist, and those same (peaceful) people, when told to
    will rip you apart. Their minds are that controlled.
    It is more of a cult than just political and are very dangerous creatures.
    They truly are, zombies in every sense of the word

    What is the root of socialism and communism……Zionist and admittedly so.

    Yeah, go ahead and play your zombie video games, basically that is what
    is going to happen. The brain-eaters are coming, how ironic.

    • Don’t tell me its ironic when there is a red dragon swooping at us. Lets drag it down.

      • Eric,

        That is really strange you say that. I am in the hotbed of East Coast Techno-heads/Hippies/LGTB-BLT or whatever….lol

        But seriously, some guy was videotaping a giant Red Dragon running down the street. I will try and find it, but it was going right down a busy street right next to the OSW rally in Mass.

  26. Great job Mike.

    I would just llike to add that the reason, or maybe I should rather say…excuse…is that OSW Manhattan outlawed megaphones. Of course, it is not illegal in Atlanta, so why not pass it or get people to mikes.

    I could go on and on about why this is wrong as well, you are absolutely right about the psych/linguistic aspect of this. This has Socialist corruption all over it.

    You are absolutely right. I am wayyyy behind enemy lines, and the whole thing wreaks of a Dem/Socialist takeover by the Oligarchs. From the local radio, NPR affiliates, the so called online Progressive community, it is mostly the same coded and not so coded rhetoric…”income distribution” and such.

    They are very clever about the rhetoric now, but I am sure when it is HARDWIRED they will be more brazen.

    This is very important stuff Mike, and others. The Socialist arm of the Liberal/Progressive movement is trying to hijack this big time. While I don’t think it will work, we should let this play out and let them expose themselves and their leaders and then maybe make a move of concessionary diplomacy…oe not…lol

    AJ and IW are the true OUTLIERS on this issue and should be respected.

    And do not forget, they have not even dragged out their HIDDEN WEAPON in their Socialist/Fascist Revolution, G R E E N M A C H I N E. This could get ugly.

    Thank G for you guys. These kids need our help, but the only thing that works is tough love, this is not COUPLES THERAPY you know…deal

    Live Free or Die

    Don’t Tread on Me

    I pledge allegiance to the Republic for which it stands…

    • HOO RAH!

  27. Of course this is why they will never let this government return to representative democracy.
    For starters, this nation was publicly founded on the ten commandments,so the vast majority of poor dumb sheep would listen to their Masonic Preacher from the pulpit tell them hoe “God” would have them trust their government because it to was “christian”
    but privately, the American Freemasons,who started the war with their fellow mason, King George formed what they like to call a “masonic republic,”To which the King never surrendered nor recognized as independent!!

    Every republic-turned-Empire throughout history has tumbled because the powers that be have always been Zionist, ever since ancient Greece,Now it is the born again Babylon of ancient times repeating history and fullfilling Jesus Prophesy of Babylon the great , the mother of all Harlots!

    America, America, god shed his grace in thee, And He did until you passed Roe v. Wade,
    then you spit in His eye by murdering then throwing away their little bodies into dumpsters around this pitiful nation. 3000 babies every day because it is the mothers “right” to her own body?

    A 9/11 is performed every day in this nation and you pussies worry about solving and convicting the perpatrators of the ONE DAY, the murder they commited on 9/11/2001

    When do you geniuses plan on protesting and demanding the truth about the other 13,869 9/11s since the United States started murdering babies in 1973??



    • Nah, that’s religion. I don’t believe the life you are metabolizing is alive. Your religion won’t shake that belief. It is a matter of opinion, and that’s why the republic left it out of the hands of the crzy relligious, they don’t allow thought.

      What about every period every woman has ever had? That’s an abortion too. You have a lot more tears to shed it looks like.

      All in all, I agree about since greece. There has been a hidden hand behind power forever.

      • steeeeeeve,

        You come to a site full of awake Christians and expect them not be upset at millions of abortions in this country?

        You then equate ABORTION WITH MENSTRUATION.

        Please go away.


        • It’s hypocritical to claim Greenies shouldn’t push their warped morals commie views on to others, but not apply the same logic to the whole abortion debate.

          I don’t know what world some of you live in, but in the reality I operate in a pregnancy simply represents the “potential” of life. In the real world a pregnancy can end in a still-birth, miscarriage, fatal birth defects, etc.

          In the real world, it’s not June Ward Cleaver going to Planned Parenthood. It’s individuals for one reason or another don’t want the child. Our prisons are already full of the end result of “unwanted” children from dysfunctional homes.

          The US Constitution protects individual belief systems and freedom OF and FROM religious collectivism. While I’m personally against abortion, but won’t force my morality onto someone else.

          Let’s maintain some rational consistency here. A fetus is simply the “potential” of life and doesn’t qualify as a “sovereign citizen”.

        • “pregnancy can end in a still-birth, miscarriage, fatal birth defects, etc.” In all those cases.. the baby DIES. I nearly had a still birth, the cord was wrapped around his neck. He wasn’t breathing at birth. They revived him, he’s fine. In that case, the baby is suffocated. I had a miscarriage at 16 weeks. Little girl. The placenta tore away from the wall. She died because of it.

          That ‘thing’ inside is a life. It is growing, changing, adapting, reproducing.. all of the things defined as ‘life.’ You say it’s only ‘potential?’ No, it is living. It’s a human being. It’s not fully formed yet, but neither is a baby a fully formed human being. It continues to grow and change as it gets older. It’s still forming even after birth. It’s mostly complete but not quite. So by your standards, children are not humans either????

        • By my standards, life doesn’t begin at conception, only the potential of life exists until delivery. To equate abortion with murder is operating on a faulty presumption that there’s a guarantee of a live birth, and at least in the world I live in, that is not the case. To attribute our failing economy, erosion of liberties, and corrupt govt to “God punishing us for abortions” doesn’t resonate in my personal belief system that is protected by the Constitution, which says I don’t have to subscribe to that belief. I’m against collectivist thought control whether it be religious or atheistic in nature.

          The Supreme Court got Rove vs Wade right. A “sovereign” individual, protected by the Constitution, doesn’t exist until after birth.

          By the way, a “prion” can be a growing, reproducing, forming entity within the body, and it has no DNA of it’s own. Technically, it’s not “alive”.

      • Steeeeve..

        A period is not an abortion, the egg was never fertilized. Like a chicken egg you eat in the morning. Nothing there.

        Now, before the doctor performs an abortion, he gives the woman a shot.. do you know what that’s for? They tell you, ya know. To KILL the fetus. How can you ‘kiss’ something that’s not alive? Please tell me that.


    • Whenever you get in the mode of hating the weather, like winter, stop and reflect upon which side of the daisies your view allows.

      • I love winter, my family immigrated from north germany 200 years ago and they all died off and left me to swelter in the humid mississippi river valley. Bring on the snow, I got a Jeep!

  29. I have been at Occupy Atlanta for a couple of days now, taking pictures, talking with people, and trying to figure out what the demands for this group are. Although there is a a strong socialist movement in the group, there are those who have independent thoughts and who do not agree with these draft of demands. The “trance” like atmosphere you witnessed is actually called “the people’s microphone” which I did not see you make any reference to in your one sided article. It is a way for all people to hear what is said, and whether they agree or not isnt the issue…it is simply a way to be heard clearly. Furthermore, if someone has an issue with the moderator, which I have seen, they can be voted out and a new one to take the place. Also if someone disagrees with what is being said they too have “the people’s mic” to be heard and understood. Again, I can only say what I have witnessed first hand, but as a “reporter” you should understand that this is used all over OWS as a way to communicate.

    • I would also like to add that I agree that the repetition of someone’s thought does have an impact on the other people saying it, but it can be used both ways depending on who the speaker is.

      • Maybe you should have smaller groups or somethin’..? How about turn up the megaphone? I was at Mpls OWS and it did seem like a kindergarten class. Some people were upset with the petty disagreements bogging down the assembly because of communication issues. One guy said to stop repeating him, that he would talk louder. Ha Ha.

        • Case by case I suppose, I am just expressing what I have seen first hand. May be truth in both

    • “yiou should understand..peaople’s mic”.

      WTF? YOU should understand that the majority of people don’t get attached to fad protest propeganda paid for by the obama admin. I refuse to learn your lingo or give one crap about why these freeloading hippie wanna be zombies are marching “OWS” when they should be marching on the District of Criminals.

  30. I just hope whatever it is these people have.. I don’t catch it.

  31. Wow! This article is far and away the best I’ve read from Mike Adams.

    And, wow! These Owls (OWS protesters) are the definition of sheeple.

    If you’ve seen the Invasion of the Bodysnatchers, that is what this zombification reminds me of.

    • Battle,

      Yeah, you are right. I would also add:



      Many others I am forgetting, but the key point is, most of the great artists who were/are embedded in Liberal culture, both Elite Effete, and militant, realize and express with great disdain the Socialist/Communist manipulations and ideology in their ranks.

      So, there you have more proof of these assertions, even the greatest of the greats on the Left, are disgusted by this aspect of the ENCROACHING TECHNOCRACY.

    • Adams penned a great article a few months ago about the psychology of sheep who mindlessly categorize topics away as a “conspiracy theory”.

      Adams’ expertise on the deep rooted psychology of the left may even surpass AJ’s. I wish Adams would focus on this subject rather than organic food next time he fills in for Alex.

  32. I saw that vid a few days ago. Thought it strange. Found a few more too.

    • If you find any more revealing zombie videos from OWS protests, do email them to me at [email protected] and I will try to apply them to new stories on this subject.


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