Zuckerberg makes unlikely cameo on Chinese TV

BEIJING (AP) — Social media sites and blogs have lit up after eagle-eyed viewers spotted a surprise cameo in a Chinese TV documentary about the country’s police force: Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his now-wife, Priscilla Chan.

The documentary was part of a series on Chinese police and high-tech crime-solving methods. A report on the CCTV show was posted online by the Hebei province satellite station that included a few seconds of Zuckerberg and Chan walking behind two police officers.

The footage shows the couple wearing the same clothes they were photographed in during a March 27 visit to Shanghai.

The clip shows Zuckerberg looking at the camera and smiling broadly before the couple walks off-screen. As they are shown, the narrator says: “There is a serious shortage in China’s police manpower.”




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