‘Mother Of All Strikes’ Shuts Down Greece

Sky News
October 19, 2011

A two-day general strike has shut down public transport, schools and shops in Greece as over 50,000 protesters converge in central Athens.

Unions representing around half of the country’s four million-strong workforce have called the walkout.

They are protesting against a sweeping package of austerity measures which are due to be voted on in parliament on Thursday.

All sectors, from dentists, state hospital doctors and lawyers to shop owners, tax office workers, pharmacists, teachers and dock workers walked off the job.

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19 Responses to “‘Mother Of All Strikes’ Shuts Down Greece”

  1. To hell with the EU, and fuck the euro! The Greeks need to bring the whole country to a halt permanently until the Austericrats and other Globalist filth leave Greece forever. And if they won’t leave, it is time for the 99% to make them leave!

    • I wish Americans had the same resolve. It is my wish that all Americans would all go on-strike until the Federal Reserve was abolished.

      The sad fact is that most Americans wont because they are worried that they will lose all the ‘things’ they’ve collected like stuff, homes, boats, lush green lawns, that new refrigerator, their new C series Mercedes, etc…

      They all forgot that the happiest time of their lives was when they had none of those things and slept on a friend’s couch 3 nights a week, protected by a thin blanket and the Constitution of the US.

  2. I have to rant for a minute:

    So many are bashing the Unions.

    Let me enlighten you people.
    First of all most Unions and Union members are distancing themselves and pulling their membership in the AFL-CIO. Lots of member halls are now considered Fringe/Rogue Memberships, having realized the money they send is being put to wrong uses. As well they realize much like the Governments the corruption is rampant with the heads of these Unions.

    You bash the Unions however without them we would have no minimum wage. We would not have decent working conditions for construction crews. The Government has been trying to kill off the Unions for a very long time, because they demand safe working conditions, fair wages for fair work, equal wages for women in the work force, fair compensation plans for injured workers, medical and dental plans at a reasonable cost to workers.

    We all must realize the Union members are not immune to the corruption within the heads of the Unions themselves. They are corrupt same as everything else within our countries.

    Realize if we break the Unions who are fighting to keep immigrants out of our country in order to keep jobs for our own people, our middle class is gone.

    Many say Unions have destroyed this country by asking for to high a pay or to many agreements. Let me say the so called high pay is based on the minimum of the cost of living increase. Agreements made are focused only on the minimum cost of living increase. They are not paid to much, you are paid to little. I do not see people bashing the lawyers in our country for charging outrageous amounts of money based on a self adjusted worth value of their work. I have not seen a cap on movie stars or gov reps or judges nor sports players. Union members are just ordinary folks looking to make a fair wage. You should be demanding no less. Companies should be taxed highly for importing and taking our work to another country. If they want to sell it here they must produce it here or pay a high premium. Corporations are saving not the people.

    Consider this if you will, most union members have to uphold two households due to the high amount of moving involved in traveling all around the country to find decent work. (most construction workers) They must maintain two vehicles, two power bills, two rents, two grocery bills. Plus the travel back to see their families if they can afford it due to the high increase in the cost of living.

    Why is it so many put a low premium on the common worker such as nurses, teachers, sanitation, and your home/highrise builders (lower income workers). While putting a high premium on entertainers, lawyers, judges, Gov. reps, sports players (upper elite workers).

    Realize the Government is out to kill the middle class and that includes Union workers. Union workers did not kill GM, Ford and so on. The kill switch was when they were allowed to go outside our country to manufacture with low cost labor in countries who serve up their labor force as nothing more than slaves.

    Wake up if you destroy Union workers our middle class is gone. 90% of all Union workers have to take an apprenticeship for 4 to 6 years of education. A lawyer take 6 a, doctor takes 8, education is bought and paid for the same as sending your children to University. Standards are kept high yet the public does not recognize the requirements as essential as with a judge or lawyer (the people who are destroying this country) This is wrong thinking.

    Are all Union’s upright. NO!!! I find the highest corruption is within the Public sector Unions like Gov. not in the civilian Unions like Construction workers, Teachers, Nurses, Sanitation. All Unions are not the Teamsters, (you can not base all on one bad apple’s rep) that is why they are pulling out of the AFL-CIO. Back members they fought for you and lost a lot of lives in order to bring about fair wage programs and fair conditions in the workplace, which are now being dissolved to create slave wage practices.

    I remember when the whole “Right to Work” came in. What a piece of propaganda. The Unions allow workers in there and provided them with education. However when the act came into policy I found myself paying higher premiums for the education, eating my lunch in a warm lunch room to sitting in a coal pile out in the lay down area in freezing conditions with no lunch room. I had to now bring my own water to work for the day to drink. I had to buy my own consumable (tape, shovels, gloves and so on) tools to work instead of companies having to provide consumables for the labor force, like. I was now providing companies with the tools in order to get the job done. They made a huge profit off the workers by these practices, yet continued to bid the jobs based on their proving these things when they were not. Understand all workers have their personal tool requirements which are not cheap (hammers, spuds, tool belt, specific to their jobs) however now I had to provide what the companies should. Like gloves, safety glasses, fall arrest equipment. These requirements caused a larger hardship on workers to actually get a job as they could not afford the schooling as well as the new list of equipment personally required.

    All I can say is water is provided for an office worker, a lunch room or warm or cool area is provided. We work in the elements and it is hard on us. We ask for insurance for our health and we pay for it out of our own pockets, just in case we get sick from our jobs, areas like the World Trade Center Asbestus and so much more. We only have asked for common human requirements. The days of unjust members walking out for no reason were over a long time ago and the whole public opinion is based on a few bad apples an propaganda fueled by the Union Busters.

    The other day my partner had two fingers cut off in his glove due to this guy who was hired by the company (I have no idea where they hired him from) and he had no idea about safe working practices. I called over to the guy down the plank from us (as the idiot who did this ran away) to get help from First Aid personal, while I attended and stayed with my partner. The response I got from the immigrant worker down the plank was “Joe my foreman”. I said buddy get help and he said “Joe my foreman”. I had to secure and leave my partner to fetch the help he need and came back to find him passed out.(by the way we were on a scaffold on the outside of the building at the 47th floor) This is why we demand qualified workers who can as well speak English. Qualified conditions are not a huge demand for our Labor forces lives. Fair wages is a right for ALL!!! Don’t be indoctrinated into thinking you are worth any less. The Corporations love workers to come in and bid a job for less than your wage and give your job to them. This is the new common practice.

    • I don’t have an issue with Unions. The union wage is a realistic wage based on inflation and devaluation of the US dollar.

      Union workers are the best trained in their respective fields. If everyone should be paid crap wages then let’s start at the top. How about employing immigrants at top positions in Wall Street, or as CEO of Halliburton, or in government.

  3. just like the debetes last night.. not everything you hear or read is true………….

    • whoops! THAT was supposed to be UNDER some other comments on here goodseed and deathray…..

  4. You know, what Ron Paul is planning to do is “the mother of all” austerity plans. I can imagine the riots then. I’m afraid the protesters are going to get exactly what they are clamouring for, a new global economic order. They may just let Ron Paul be the fall guy for the final collapse. I don’t think even the unfettered engine of free enterprise can pull us back from this precipice. We let it go too long. 2008 should have been the wake up call.

    • I’m beginning to lean more and more that ‘they’ really do not care about national debts bankruptcies at this point. When countries go down and get loans it seems its just a process or a part of phase within a larger global scheme.

      Budgets, debts, bankruptcies..and the consequences are and have been recognized as coming. I dont believe they were taken by surprise on any of it. It is within these budgets, debts, bankruptices that a global-overhaul is being written up and implemented upon all peoples. I really dont believe that they truly care about countries ‘falling’. They care about it to the extent in how they can capitalize on it, and for the future and control or being ‘in debt’ but…to honestly care about their ink being in the red today; they are simply using that as justifications.

    • This is the anti-christ plan. They are going to give everyone a lifetime bank account. It will be in an account which you will only be able to access through your digital mark. They will be in complete control of your ability to use it and you will be a slave to the new global socialist government. They will tell you what to do and you will do it if you want access to your account. If not, you will disappear.

      You will be taken care of from cradle to grave (“Brave New World”), including “health care.” Of course, that won’t be very long (“Logan’s Run”). “Zeitgeist” world order, here we come.

      • The could never “disappear” that many Americans without major retaliation. The 2nd Amendment exists for this reason. Even IF they managed to completely ban guns they still couldn’t war against Americans with any real success.

    • when you hear the word “austerity” you’re hearing from some fat snake who just ripped off you and a hundred of your neighbors and now says it your fault for not tightening your belt enough.

    • Do you want to know how the US got out of a possible depression in 1920? The Federal government CUT taxes and CUT spending, with little or no Federal Reserve involvement. The US got out of the recession in one year. One of the reasons we had the crash of 1929 was because since 1921 the Federal Reserve increased the money supply by 60%. It caused a bubble, and then it burst.

  5. I think they will have tasty foods and excellent desserts. They know they are being swindled to the core by international bankers, so they strike. US should follow suit.

  6. I thought you guys might find this information interesting:

    Celebrities who’ve spoken out in support of Occupy Wall Street:

    Yoko Ono: $500 million
    Russell Simmons: $325 million
    Rosie O’Donnell: $100 million
    Roseanne Barr: $80 million
    Deepak Chopra: $80 million
    Kanye West: $70 million
    Alec Baldwin: $65 million
    Susan Sarandon: $50 million
    Tim Robbins: $50 million
    Michael Moore: $50 million
    Danny Glover: $15 million
    Talib Kweli: $14 million
    Mark Ruffalo: $10 million


    Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass): $188.37 million
    Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Ca): $160.05 million
    Rep. Jane Harman (D-Ca): $152.62 million
    Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va): $81.50 million
    Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas): $73.75 million
    Sen. Mark Warner (D- W.Va): $70.19 million
    Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo): $56.49 million
    Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-Fla): 55.47 million
    Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ): $49.70 million
    Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-Ca): $46.07 million
    Sen. Alan Grayson (D-Fla): $31.41 million
    Rep. Harry Teague (D-NM): $25.52 million
    Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Ca): $21.74 million (supports OWS)
    Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NY): $19.90 million
    Sen. James Riche (R-Idaho) : $19.69 million
    Rep. Gary Miller (R-Ca): $19.37 million
    Rep. Kenny Marchant (R-Tx): $18.41 million
    Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn): $18.21 million
    Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo): $15.73 million
    Rep. Nita Lowey (D-NY): $14.90 million
    Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine): $12.52 million
    Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn): $12.12 million
    Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-Mont): $10.90 million
    Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz): $10.52 million
    Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa): $10.45 million

    The Media:

    Rachael Maddow: $12.5 million
    Matt Drudge: $15 million
    Brian Williams: $30 million (networth); $13 million (annual salary)
    Keith Olbermann: $35 million (networth); $10 million (annual salary)
    Sean Hannity: $35 million
    Diane Sawyer: $40 million (networth); $12 million (annual salary)
    Katie Couric: $55 million (networth); $15 million (annual salary)
    Jon Stewart: $80 million (networth); $15 million (annual salary)
    Glenn Beck: $85 million
    Anderson Cooper: $100 million (networth); $11 million (annual salary)
    Barbara Walters: $150 million
    Rush Limbaugh: $300 million (networth); $40 million (annual salary).
    Oprah Winfrey: $2.7 Billion

    Non-elected political figures:

    Louis Farrakhan (leader of Nation of Islam): $3 million
    Ralph Nader: $4.2 million
    Chelsea Clinton: $5 million
    Al Sharpton: $5 million
    Joy Behar: $8 million
    Ann Coulter: $8.5 million
    Rev. Jesse Jackson: $10 million (supports OWS)
    Henry Kissinger: $10 million
    Eric Holder (U.S. attorney general): $11.5 million
    Sarah Palin: $12 million (networth); $1 million (annual salary)
    Hillary Clinton: $21.5 million
    Arianna Huffington: $35 million (Forbes calls her the 2nd most influential liberal in the media)
    John Edwards: $55.5 million
    Al Gore: $100 million (supports OWS)
    Mitt Romney: $250 million

    Here are the networths of some of the Super-Rich, the Top 0.01% (from Forbes’ richest 400 in America list):

    Steve Jobs: $8.3 Billion
    Carl Icahn (leveraged buyouts): $12 Billion
    Sergey Brin (Google): $15.9 Billion
    Charles Koch (manufacturing, energy): $19 Billion
    Michael Bloomberg (NY mayor): $20 Billion
    George Soros: $22 Billion
    Jim Walton (of Wal-Mart): $23.4 Billion
    Lawrence Ellison (of Oracle): $27 Billion
    Warren Buffet: $50 Billion
    Bill Gates (Microsoft): $57 Billion

    Raging socialist and President-for-life of Venezuela Hugo Chavez has an estimated networth of $1 Billion (!) — the same as Prince Albert II of Monaco. Another raging socialist, Fidel Castro of Cuba, has an estimated networth of $900 million.

    Credit: ~Eowyn — fellowshipofminds.wordpress

    • Interesting…thanks Death Ray.


    • Ann Coulter? C’mon! I saw her just last week or so calling them names on TV. She was not supporting them. I want to be a billionaire so freaking bad.

      • if i had a billion i’d put a million each on the heads of the 1000 most powerful investment bankers on earth. i’d be broke again, but The News would become so much more interesting.

        • awesome.

    • Wow ,Those number are staggering ,I still think Warren Buffetts comment that rich people should pay higher taxes is a total BS story ,If he wanted to he could .If he owed a million dollars for the year and he’s so worried about it just pay 50 million then he will be happy .What sickens me is these rich socialist lovers with that kind of money could give more,Oh my mistake ,They want us to pay more ,There exempt

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