100 feared dead in Nigeria attacks

Up to 100 people are feared dead in a string of attacks suspected to have been carried out by Boko Haram Takfiri militants in Nigeria.

Witnesses and other reports said the militants attacked three villages and a number of churches near the town of Chibok on Sunday.

They also set several buildings in nearby villages on fire. Children are reported to be among the dead.

“They killed dozens of people and burned houses after attacking worshippers,” Mallam Yahi, one of the survivors, said.

“Initially I thought they were military but when I came out, they were firing at people. I saw people fleeing and they burned our houses,” said Samuel Chibok, another survivor.

According to witnesses, at least 30 bodies have been found but more are turning up in the bushes, where people tried to escape and take refuge.

Nigeria has recently witnessed a surge of abductions and atrocities by the Boko Haram militants in its northeast.

On April 14, the militants kidnapped 276 students from their secondary school in Chibok in Borno state.

Reports say 57 of the girls managed to escape, but 219 are still missing and international efforts to spot and rescue them have failed so far.

The Nigerian government has been under intense pressure by many people around the globe especially the girls’ families to secure their release.

Media reports say the militants also kidnapped 91 people — 31 boys and 60 girls and women — during attacks against villages in Borno earlier this month.

Boko Haram — whose name means “Western education is forbidden” — says its goal is to overthrow the Nigerian government.


Source Article from http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/06/29/369190/100-feared-dead-in-nigeria-attacks/

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