16 Statistics Which Prove That The American People Are Absolutely Seething With Anger

The Economic Collapse
Aug 16, 2011


According to a whole host of polls and surveys, the American people are incredibly angry right now.  The American people are hopping mad at the government, the American people are hopping mad about the economy and the American people are hopping mad about the direction that this country is headed.  Never before in modern U.S. history have the American people been this angry.  There is vast disagreement about what the solutions to our problems actually are, but what everyone can agree on is that the American people are absolutely seething with anger right now.  The statistics that you are about to read are mind blowing.  We used to be such a happy country.  Once upon a time we were one of the happiest places on earth.  But as the economy has fallen to pieces anger has been steadily growing.  If something is not done to turn the economy around eventually this anger is going to erupt in frightening and unpredictable ways.

The American people are not equipped to handle hard times.  We are incredibly spoiled.  Most of us have only known good times, and most of us have been taught that we will have endless prosperity all of our lives because we live in the greatest nation on earth.

Well, “the greatest nation on earth” is about to get a massive wake up call.  We are up to our eyeballs in debt and we are bleeding jobs, businesses and wealth at an astounding pace.  Our economy is dying right in front of our eyes, and most Americans have been so “dumbed-down” that they don’t even realize what is happening.

But what most Americans do know is that things are “bad” and they want someone to “fix” things.  They know that something is “not right” and they want things to go back to the way things used to be.  The longer it takes for things to return to “normal”, the angrier they are going to get.

The following are 16 statistics which prove that the American people are absolutely seething with anger right now….

#1 A new Washington Post poll has found that a whopping 78 percent of Americans are dissatisfied “with the way this country’s political system is working”.

#2 That same poll found that only 26 percent of Americans believe that the federal government can solve the economic problems that we are now facing.

#3 Gallup says that Barack Obama’s job approval rating has hit an all-time low of 39%.

#4 According to a recent CBS News/New York Times poll, Congress has a disapproval rating of 82%.

#5 A new Rasmussen survey has found that 85 percent of Americans believe that members of Congress “are more interested in helping their own careers than in helping other people.”

#6 That same survey found that 46 percent of the American people believe that most members of Congress are corrupt.  That figure was a new all-time high.

#7 According to a different Rasmussen survey, only 17 percent of Americans now believe that the U.S. government has the consent of the governed.

#8 A recent Reuters/Ipsos poll discovered that 73 percent of the American people believe that the nation is “on the wrong track”.

#9 A recent poll taken by Rasmussen found that 68 percent of Americans believe that we are actually in a recession right now.

#10 According to Gallup, the percentage of Americans that lack confidence in U.S. banks is now at an all-time high of 36%.

#11 U.S. consumer confidence is now at its lowest level in 30 years.

#12 According to a recent Washington Post-ABC News poll, 90 percent of Americans believe that the economy is performing poorly.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

#13 That same poll found that approximately 80 percent of Americans believe that it is “difficult” to find a job these days.

#14 According to one recent poll, 39 percent of Americans believe that the U.S. economy has now entered a “permanent decline”.

#15 Another recent survey found that 48 percent of Americans believe that it is likely that another great Depression will begin within the next 12 months.

#16 According to a brand new Rasmussen survey, 48% of Americans believe that reductions in government spending are “at least somewhat likely” to result in civil unrest inside the United States.

So why doesn’t the government step in and spend a whole bunch of money and make everything all better?

Well, the problem is that we have done this time after time before and now we are broke.

We have been living way, way beyond our means for decades and now the bills are coming due.

David Walker, the former Comptroller General of the United States, has been warning about our debt problem for years.  Walker says that the United States is heading for a “sudden and very painful” economic collapse….

“Here’s the bottom line. If you take the total liabilities of the United States – public debt, unfunded pensions, retiree health care, under funding with regard to social security, with regard to medicare, a range of commitments and contingencies – as of September 30 2010 we would have had to have had $61.6 trillion dollars in the bank in order to be able to defease those obligations.”

The cold, hard truth is that the U.S. national debt should have been addressed many years ago when it was still relatively small.

At this point, there is no solution to our national debt problem under our current financial system.

Most state governments are also facing huge financial problems.  The state government of Illinois is so broke at this point that it can’t even afford to bury the poor people that are dying.

But Illinois is not alone.  All over the country, state and local governments have been implementing austerity measures.

According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, state and local governments have slashed more than half a million jobs since August 2008.

That is a whole lot of good jobs that aren’t there anymore.

But government debt is not the only debt problem that we are facing.  Personal debt is also a raging crisis.

According to USDebtClock.org, the total amount of personal debt in the United States is now over 16 trillion dollars.  The exploding levels of personal debt have created a tremendous amount of stress in households from coast to coast.

When I was growing up, it seemed like almost everyone was in the middle class.  But today the middle class is shrinking at lightning speed.

According to author David DeGraw, 17.3% of all Americans were living in poverty during 2009.  Not only that, DeGraw also says that 9 major U.S. cities have a poverty rate of over 25 percent.

Can you imagine that?

In fact, there are some cities such as Detroit where the poverty rate is over 35 percent.

It is hard to believe what is happening to America.  Today, there are over 45 million Americans on food stamps.  That number has increased by approximately 12 percent in the last year alone.

There are currently 34 million Americans that need a full-time job.  Unemployment is rampant and there is intense competition even for part-time jobs that pay minimum wage.

So where did all of the jobs go?

Well, as I have written about previously, globalism is absolutely devastating our economy.  Millions of our jobs have been shipped to countries where labor is far, far cheaper and they aren’t coming back.

In addition, millions of Americans that do still have jobs are also deeply struggling right now.  There are millions and millions of Americans that are working part-time jobs because that is all that they can find right now.  Millions of other Americans are flat broke and are discovering that their paychecks are “shrinking” due to inflation.  Wages have barely risen while prices for food and other necessities are skyrocketing.

Most families are really struggling to get by right now.

According to the Washington Post, the average yearly income of the bottom 90 percent of U.S. income earners is $31,244.

It is really hard to pay a mortgage and feed a family on that income.

The only people that seem to be doing well are at the very top.

The average yearly income of the top 0.1% of U.S. income earners is 5.6 million dollars.

Not that making money is a bad thing, but when an economic system funnels all of the rewards to the very top you know something is deeply broken.

The poorest 50% of all Americans now own just 2.5% of all the wealth in the United States.

A lot of poor Americans have literally fallen off the map.  The Daily Mailrecently did a feature on one tent city that has been constructed deep in a forest in New Jersey….

In scenes reminiscent of the Great Depression these are the ramshackle homes of the desperate and destitute U.S. families who have set up their own ‘Tent City’ only an hour from Manhattan.

More than 50 homeless people have joined the community within New Jersey’s forests as the economic crisis has wrecked their American dream.

You can see shocking pictures of this tent city right here.

So it is no wonder why so many Americans are so angry.

If you lost your job or your home you would probably be angry too.

Most Americans just want to be able to go to work, make a decent living, pay the mortgage and provide for their families.

But in America today that is becoming increasingly difficult to do.

Our economy is a giant mess and the American people are becoming very angry.

If the economy gets even worse, they are going to become even angrier.

Storm clouds are gathering on the horizon.

Things are about to get very, very interesting.

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38 Responses to “16 Statistics Which Prove That The American People Are Absolutely Seething With Anger”

  1. Quoting Reuters, Rasmussen, Washington Post and any other bought and paid for institution is almost as pointless as quoting this shill David Walker, the former Comptroller General of the United States….just go watch 5 minuites of a 4 hr doc called “Corporation Nation” and you’ll see real quick that everything this POS says is a lie. This article is almost as useless as the voting booth.

  2. At the time the LA Riot’s (1992) broke out, I was a cop about 100 miles from LA. It all started gradually:

    – The white LA Cops were found not guilty (except Sgt. Stacy Koon)in the beating of Rodney King.
    – The trial took place in a majority, white populated city, with a white jury.
    – When the verdicts came down, the black folks who lived in the area of LA where the beating took place got really upset, to say the least. I recall the verdicts were read about 3PM and by 4:30, Hell had come to visit Los Angeles.

    There were angry protestors in the streets of Los Angeles. Most of the protest was verbal with a trash can kicked into the street or a newspaper stand knocked over. It was the corner of Florence and Normandy, where Reggie Denny, a white man, driving a big rig, was met by Damion Williams an angry black man who lived in the area. Until those two lives collided, there was no “LA Riot”, not yet.

    From a news chopper, we all saw Damion Williams pull Reggie Denny out of his truck and on to the street. We all watched in horror as Damion Williams beat Reggie’s head with a Cinder Block. Reggie was left for dead in the street, another black man finally came to his aid and got him off the street. Reggie nearly died on the spot. He had 93 skull fractures.

    That single act of extreme violence was akin to the buzzer sounding and the gates opening at a Horse Race. Within minutes, others were stopping cars and pulling out the drivers or passengers and beating them. Drivers who wanted to survive, stomped on the gas and hoped they didn’t kill anyone running through the streets.

    Next came the fires.

    Florence and Normandy was overcome by a large crowd of angry protestors. The police were called to the area, only to be ordered to “pull out”. There was no way the police could stop them.
    A Fireman was shot, as his Engine was in route to a fire. It now became mandatory for the police to escort Fire trucks and not allow the firemen into the area till the cops had it secured, meanwhile homes and businesses burned.

    The Koren business owners who lived and worked in the center of the riots, armed themselves and held their ground. Their businesses survived. The Big Box stores, Sears, Montgomery Wards and others, were completely looted and all the grocery stores as well. The Koren’s understood, fight or die.

    LA burned for five days.

    Someday soon, we’ll all hear the MSM, finally tell the truth.

    “The Economy of the United States of America has collapsed” The banks are closed. Your money no longer has any value. Those who failed to prepare will now know it’s too late.

    The stores will be looted.

    The pharmacies will be looted.

    The gun shops will be looted.

    The police will be powerless to do anything, as most of the cops drove home in their patrol cars to reunite with their families and hunker down. Fireman will do the same.

    There will be extreme violence upon bank buildings and State and Federal offices, who allowed this nightmare to happen.

    The power grid will eventually go black and so will the country.

    Nothing can stop this from happening. Even if millions of Americans were to invade Washington DC and cleanse the place with fire and lead, it won’t stop the inevitable.

    It’s simply too late. Middle Class America is Fed Up and Tired of It.

    One angry black man and a cinder block brought down one of America’s largest cities. This time a different person, a person with Red White and Blue blood will take down the country.

    Only then can we start over.

  3. Cynicism against the American people is no more productive than the apathy of the American people.

  4. Better can that “Angry White Male” stuff out there.

    Owing a copy of the Clash’s “White Riot” may get you arrested in the future.

    Or, buying the “Hobo With a Shotgun” DVD.

  5. I don’t see it. I see dependant welfare Americans far too busy with their own little world to worry about the larger picture. They will vote to protect their subsidized cell phones, EBT shopping points, free or cheap government housing, the right to produce as many babies as they can produce, their new or expensive late model automobile (which they don’t use to get to a job), and their flat screen TVs. That means Obama.

  6. You people are ALL crazy! Stop whining!

  7. Imagine how angry they would be if everyone new of the coup,

    A coup d’etat started in 2008 with the presidential election.

    Obama is the acting president. He disappeared for 2 weeks after his election win only to reappear looking exhausted sitting next to John McCain, with a bad poker face, for a press photo shoot. Obama was turned into a puppet for the Pentagon.

    Osama Bin Laden appears to be a code created by the New World Order. The NWO consists of some of the richest people in the world with the goal of overthrowing the US government, some from inside our own government. They are also trying to collapse our currency and appear to be behind all of the “buy gold” hype, not to mention tens of thousands of money making opportunities online and late night infomercials. They’re positioned to make billions by destroying our economy.

    The attacks on 9/11 appear to be attacks on capitalism and part of the plan to an all out overthrow of our system of government. The people that make up the New World Order are media moguls, CEO’s and many others elitists. The coup d’etat is also the reason why the CEOs who ran in the last midterm didn’t get elected and why the republicans are taking over.

    You will not read about this in the media. Most of the media now has been forced to cooperate or have been paid to cooperate.

    Here’s what Osama, Obama, Biden, Bin Laden, the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists, and Sarah Palin had to do with the last election and the military’s overthrow of our government. Search ElectNoMoreSpys.blogspot

    • “Obama is the acting president. He disappeared for 2 weeks after his election win…”

      November 4, 2008 Presidential Election
      November 5, 2008 Obama victory speech in Colorado
      November 7, 2008 Obama press conference (live)
      November 11, 2008 Obama visits war memorial at Soldier Field, lays wreath

  8. more hooligans.

  9. While this article correctly reports the seething anger of Americans, the writer should take care not to suggest that the economy was destroyed by Americans seeking to live well. E.g., “We have been living way, way beyond our means for decades and now the bills are coming due.”

    This clearly distorts the truth: the debt is a fictitious monster created by banksters to steal our money! The economy was intentionally destroyed as a major phase of a foreign, criminal agenda to subvert freedom, destroy world governments, and depopulate the world. Let this never escape our continuing awareness! What is factual is that military spending on illegal wars has been way beyond the means for decades

    Moreover, blaming the debt on ordinary citizens subtly implies that we should abandon our upward aspirations to a better life and accept instead austerities. Should we do this, we toss away the very basis on which we achieved a once great nation. Rothschilds…there’s karma to pay, coming your way!

    • Agreed

    • “We have been living way, way beyond our means for decades and now the bills are coming due.”

      I have lived for the past 30 years without a single Credit Card. If I don’t have cash, I can’t buy it.

      I also have:
      – No job
      – No savings left
      – A home I will not likely be living in by Christmas
      – A 13 year old boy
      – No Food Stamps
      – A 19 year old car
      – Five year old PC
      – No TV
      – No Cable TV
      – One pre-paid cell phone
      – My boots need new heels now for the third time.

      I did NOT cause this economy to collapse!

  10. Well, from what I can tell it will take something much bigger than the powers that be to
    come to the rescue of those who refuse to rescue themselves. As long as this country is dependent
    on their once a month “electronic soup line card” their free quack, free medicine addiction….
    When the going gets a little rougher, and crime comes to a neighborhood near you because people begin to snap and break, remember the words of Gerald Celente…..

    • Thank you for this response. Now, I don’t have to write it.

  11. The problem with this article is that the REASONING for the economy being in the shape it is in is wrong.

    Lets be REAL honest here for once. The problem has NEVER been that the people are spending too much money. Yes we are spoiled, and yes LOTS of people spend more money than they make but that is NOT the problem. There are enough resources and talent in this country to put every person to work and allow them to live very comfortable and even to RESTART if they screw up.

    The PROBLEM is that the GOVERNMENT, BANKS and CORPORATIONS have been STEALING the country BLIND for over a CENTURY. These 3 entities TEAMED UP for the SAME ultimate cause, which was to USE the US as their STAGING ground for WORLD CONTROL. To ensure that no one went off the plan, they made sure that all 3 entities are OWNED by the same people. This is why when someone leaves or retires from either government, the banks or one of their corporations, they just take a position in one of the other entities.

    They set up of the Federal reserves was the NAIL IN THE COFFIN. This was to make sure the people could never again RECOVER and would be exactly where they are today, which is LOSING EVERYTHING even hope. Of course the globalists had HOPED to have their WORLD government long ago but Thankfully GOD keeps messing them up along the way..LOL

    The 3 entities have literally and figuratively STOLEN it all from the people. They deliberately took the manufacturing, production and resources from this country to make sure the people would come DEPENDENT on THEM and once they got them totally dependent then they take that away too. In fact they go even further. If ANYONE does create a company that rivals one of theirs they TAKE IT OVER or TAKE IT DOWN!

    The fact that people are just now getting angry is actually SAD. People should have been this angry and even angrier a LONG TIME AGO!

    • It is only bad because most people don’t want to face the problems. The moment the problems are getting very bad, people will be forced to face them and then no one can fool the public.

    • It is only bad because most people don’t want to face the problems. The moment the problems are getting very bad, people will be forced to face them and then no one can fool the public.

      Like I wrote. Americans need a serious beating before the Patriot Gene gets activated. Then they get their act together.

      • Yes!

        They will get REALLY ANGRY and tune into FOX NEWS and stuff their faces with some FREEDOM FRIES.

    • The American people ARE the government, the corporations, the banks. Remember that we SELF-GOVERN at our own consent. Because we have a government OF the PEOPLE, BY the PEOPLE and (apparently not) FOR the PEOPLE, we have failed because we’ve not restrained ourselves as a whole. We have allowed foreign enemies to infiltrate our system and destroy our own ability to exercise self-restraint. We stopped prosecuting these a-holes who now run our country without our consent – for treason. We stopped upholding the law because we allowed Marxist/Leninist judges come in an legislate from the bench in favor of the criminals who “had a hard childhood” and all that crap. We outlawed corporal punishment so that our “little monkeys”, our children never grew out of that “monkey” stage to become human beings (speaking from personal experience, I grew up and didn’t remain that little monkey…). No, WE ARE RESPONSIBLE. You blame the corporations, government and banks. Well who runs these institutions? Or, rather, in our form of government, who is SUPPOSED to run our government, corporations and banks? WE ARE. But, we’ve abdicated our authority, handing it over to foreign AND domestic mercenaries. When we lost our sense of self preservation because we handed responsibility for our own “safety” off to so-called “authorities”, we lost our ability to defend ourselves – and this nation – from criminal predators.

    • Well said

  12. hmm. what about the percentage of Americans who would openly support armed insurrection?

    • Well, 5.56, ask the OathKeepers. I’m hearing that there would probably be quite a few. Also, “Operation Vampire Killer” has been in operation for quite a while as well. This is going to be quite a show.

      Gotta get back to the loading bench.

  13. I’m from Europe.

    I had the theme of A-TEAM playing in my head, when I read this. What always happens is the American people have to get seriously beaten, then they stand up and go to the workshop and build something that kick a… It is the US patriot gene that gets activated and Americans will get super organized and creative. I have absolutely faith, that this is what will happen. Don’t ever underestimate the US Patriot gene. It always get activated!

    US is not Germany!

    • yeah rite you heard the A-team playin but you were probaly imagining hannibal bendin over murdoch!

    • We shall see. I hear the “rumblings” even now. Also, ignore unemployed. His imagination is a bit “off”.

  14. I personally believe most people in this country are decieved and would turn in their kin if it would make their position one of solidarity with the state. This government has brain washed the sleeping masses to the point they cannot reason for themselves. I believe the few of us who have not capitulated will be singled out for slaughter some day and then all cowards will be exposed to their neighbor those who perish with each fear foisted upon the public eye. You who read this know who I am writing about. You who do that which is convienient. Most will never allow themselves to have a position of independance from the system. They are those who have taken their mark. Already they take their posture against true freedom and make their place in the damnation called statism. Soon the greatest apostacy will show its union with church and state and these cowards will snuggle up to the convienience of treason on a level never before seen.

  15. Another survey says that 99% of surveys are made up- including this one.

    People are angry but they don’t have a clue what to do about it. They think “my entire future’s screwed, aaaargh!!! Fuck it, Dancing with the stars is on tonight, I can pretend that I’m dancing with a celebrity!!” The education system, and mainstream psi-op celebrity-obsessed media need to be charged with treason for their crimes.

  16. A guttural, visceral hatred of all things “feral” gov’t would be more accurate. I just pray we transition back to a more civil, “government for the people by the people” and turn away from the communist-totalitarian self serving freakish beast from hell that our federal government has become without having to go through another civil war. Washington is too drunk on power and money tho’, any statesman that makes his/her way to D.C. gets corrupted in short order. D.C. has become a satanic stronghold plain and simple, I become physically ill every-time I go there.

    It actually is really simple, we as a nation need to go back to church, find a church locally and PARTICIPATE. United as one body we can survive anything, we all can help one another and when you are involved with others you are in no way ever alone. The enemy always tries to divide and have us at odds with one another. If we all stay little islands to ourselves it wins. What comes out of Washington will have no consequence because it is powerless over a strongly united peoples. Look at any community in this country now where that is true, a strong closely bonded community, they are still doing well.

    Or we can just blame each other to the point where it turns to Nazi Germany and dissenters and those evil Christians get rounded up and sent to dispatchment centers. In the end I know where my future lies, praise Jesus. As for this country itself, unfortunately, like anything else not truly of God’s kingdom, it isn’t “too big to fail”.

    • I’m with you.

    • As long as you can find a church that will not lull you back into a dark slumber of apathy…

  17. .
    Seething with anger my ass. most Americans have ZREO clue what is going on and most of them couldn’t care less, and half of THEM are doped up on Big Pharma “meds”.

    • We don’t know unless we talk to them, do we? Most of us here probably have jobs, I’m a part-timer. We go to work, we go home and we shut the door. Do we even know what’s going on next door, whether they’re ok or whether they’re suffering? I’m as guilty as the next person. I only know what I see because I work in the public sector. But yes, the smiles are disappearing, and the attitudes are growing more bleak and discouraged. The NWO doesn’t care – they want depopulation. If WE don’t care, who will?

  18. yes they are. and still millions of clueless morons exist in this country. i pity the fools, but will not cut my own throat to help them out. you’re all on your own. good luck

    • You’re part of the problem, then.

    • Every man/woman for him/herself eh? Pitiful way of looking at things. Divided we fall.
      If/when the feces starts blowing in the wind, look for the dopes with big guns and American flags waving behind them. We’ll be glad to help out fellow patriots.

  19. Such convictions should translate into anger but a significant portion of the populace are incapable of any emotion more threatening than annoyance. Anger was seared from their repertoire of behavioral reflexes long before they had any say in the matter. To them anger is violence and violence is almost as bad a sin as being a Christian. Of this much they are absolutely certain. As long as they never ever get angry they are good people. Maybe dead people but they will hold true to their indoctrination because they can know nothing else.


    • indeed.
      this is what a world conquered by evil spirits looks like. horrible!

    • The Bible says “Be angry, but don’t sin in your anger”. There is such a thing as righteous anger at injustices. It’s what we do with the anger that is good or bad. If anger galvanizes people into doing something to turn a bad situation around, how can that be a bad thing? We’re made to feel guilty for the wrong reasons.

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