1st Fleet shut down, 600 jobs to go

National trucking firm 1st Fleet has been shut down, with the expected loss of about 600 jobs.

Administrators deVries Tayeh were called in last week to address cash flow problems.

They shut 1st Fleet down late on Wednesday night and locked out hundreds of workers.

Stephen Brown, 1st Fleet’s managing director, said he could not understand why administrators had acted so quickly.

“It’s nowheresville mate, it’s closed,” Mr Brown told ABC radio.

“I have no idea (why), I have never experienced anything like it in my life.

“I’ve got to worry about the jobs, 600 jobs … it’s a ridiculous way to end something isn’t it?”

In a statement, deVries Tayeh said 1st Fleet ceased trading at 11.55pm (AEST) on Wednesday after directors were unable to meet pre-arranged funding commitments.

“Without this line of funding the business could not continue,” the administrators said.

“This is a regrettable outcome but de Vries Tayeh are working closely with the Transport Workers Union to assist 1st Fleet’s workforce in being placed with other employment.”

The company has operations in NSW, Victoria, Queensland and South Australia.

TWU national secretary Tony Sheldon said contract drivers had been among the hardest hit.

“Only this week they’ve been saying to the owner-operators that they haven’t been paid for two months,” Mr Sheldon told ABC radio.

Workers gathered outside the firm’s gates in Sunshine, west Melbourne, and in Sydney, on Thursday morning.

“As we rock into work today we’re all getting termination forms. The administrator’s closed us down,” one worker told radio station 3AW.

“We’re a bit devastated because apparently we got told, even right up to yesterday, that they could trade out of the administration because it was voluntary.”

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