It was a mid September day in 1994 when 62 children at a local school seemed to have literally aged five to twelve-years during a morning recess break at the Ariel grade school

By Jonny Phoenix

ZIMBABWE, RUWA (INTELLIHUB) — Over 60 children from the Ariel grade school witnessed two unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and several beings.

When a child psychiatrist has interviewed the children in detail, some of the children mentioned:

“The noise, it was scary, it sounded like a flute […] We say a silver thing with a man standing next to it, I was scared […] the eyes were point […] it was scary, the eyes looked evil […] it just stared at me as it wanted to come take us”.

Eventually, teachers at the school realized that the entire group of children came back running and screaming, all claiming to have seen a horrifying sight.

According to the kids, the alien beings were telling the children through some type of ESP that the air was going to run out and the trees were going to die.

“Humans do not take care of the planet as they should,” one girl mentioned.

(Photo: Wikimedia Commons)



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