A belated thank-you for all the kind wishes and cards on my 60th birthday when I was in Peru

Sunday, 13 May 2012 11:39


April 29th 2012 – and webmaster Sean had his birthday the following day (he wasn’t 60).

And thank you to everyone who joined me on the trip for making it a memorable two weeks

‘Dance, dance, wherever you may be …’

Peru … breathtaking.

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A belated thank-you for all the kind wishes and cards on my 60th birthday when I was in Peru

Sunday, 13 May 2012 11:39


April 29th 2012 – and webmaster Sean had his birthday the following day (he wasn’t 60).

And thank you to everyone who joined me on the trip for making it a memorable two weeks

‘Dance, dance, wherever you may be …’

Peru … breathtaking.

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