A Deeper Look At “The Dark Knight Rises” Shooting: A CIA Black Op?

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Saman Mohammadi
July 21, 2012

The surrealist aspect of “The Dark Knight Rises” mass shooting is spooky. But what if it is even spookier than we can imagine? What if Alex Jones is right and this mass casualty event was staged by U.S. intelligence and security services to create a pro-gun control political atmosphere in the United States?

One apparent political motive is to tilt American public opinion towards gun control laws and pressure politicians into backing the Obama administration on gun control. Coincidentally, on July 27, 2012, President Obama and Hillary Clinton are going to sign the UN gun control treaty.

Another motive is to increase the role of the TSA, beef up security in all areas of society, and make the American people accept the new radical changes as necessary and legitimate.

A mass shooting is a form of political terrorism, but the political motive is not raised in the media or by police, instead it is suppressed. The suspects in almost all mass shooting cases are mute and drugged up robots who obediently hand themselves over to the authorities after they’re finished killing. They act like trained killers who go back to their owners.

So could the mass killer James Holmes be a CIA mind controlled operative? It’s possible. The CIA has trained many Jason Bourne-type killers, and has planned other state terror events, with 9/11 being the most famous example. The CIA may be playing a sick joke and twisting reality by unleashing a real Jason Bourne at a Batman screening.

Anders Breivik, the mass shooter in Norway, was connected to government intelligence and a Knights Templar group. Some people have said that he was a brainwashed patsy. Does Holmes fit this mold?

Could the Obama administration be using political terrorism to achieve their political goals of destroying the second amendment and popularizing the UN gun control treaty? It is not out of the question. They came up with Fast and Furious, which led to the deaths of Americans. So we have to remember that the White House and CIA are controlled by evil totalitarian fascists who believe the end justify the means. They are ruthless.

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The demonic U.S. government has used state terrorism before to shift public opinion on an issue. Also, let’s not forget that a former Clinton official said in 2010 that only a terror attack can save the Obama administration.

None of this speculation and questioning is unjustified. We live in wild and crazy times. Life has turned into a movie, and the CIA is writing the script. With that said, it is too early to tell if the trail of blood leads to the CIA and White House. There is little concrete evidence that shows they were behind this mass shooting. There are clues and coincidences. But these are not enough to form a rock solid opinion on the matter.

I have not made my mind up yet about this incident. I have to sleep on it. It is a mistake to rush to judgment. Maybe this tragic mass shooting is connected to elements of the Deep State. Or maybe this was just a crazy guy who was hypnotized by The Dark Knight, especially the Joker character, and fantasized about killing people.

At the end of the day, we have to use our intuition. There are twists and turns in this bizarro world. Life is a mysterious adventure that is filled with terror and joy, tragedy and triumph, darkness and light. We should be surprised by nothing. And we must be willing to go to wherever the truth takes us, even if it is a very dark place.

Watch this video by Alex Jones called, “Is Batman Massacre Staged Terror?”

Dark Rites: Mass Shootings As Rituals That Trigger Calls For Gun Control

Saman Mohammadi is the writer and editor at The Excavator

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9 Responses to “A Deeper Look At “The Dark Knight Rises” Shooting: A CIA Black Op?”

  1. Of course, that’s why they pulled this shit off towards the end of the week…..not good to do it at the beginning of the week. Obama’s script of announcing his condolences had to be written hours before it happened….it didn’t make it to the teleprompter. Just look at the script, it’s starring at you right in the face !

    mikeoxstiff Reply:
    July 21st, 2012 at 7:29 am

    I know AJ has an ego and radio/TV/news channel to fill with his own properganda but some times even he looks desperate with the amount of rubbish he puts out just so he can fill airtime

    Lets have more quality and less space filler storys. If you look hard enough you can find a conspiracy in every thing you see

  2. Guy looks like insanity no wonder he had no friends..

  3. One apparent political motive is to tilt American public opinion towards gun control laws and pressure politicians into backing the Obama administration on gun control. Coincidentally, on July 27, 2012, President Obama and Hillary Clinton are going to sign the UN gun control treaty.

    take a good look to Canada, it has gun control laws since the shooting at the Polytechnic school in Montreal where 14 women were killed by the lone Marc Lepine, the province of Quebec has strict gun registration rules. The dawson college shooting both events were of the same nature that what happened in Aurora.

    There are people who want to dissarm the citizens denying that is lying to ourselves.

    Look in Toronto Canada the shootings there for the last 2 weeks alone??? gun registration does and will not stop murderers and crazy people from doing crimes.maybe the Toronto shooters have no automatic weapons but guns can be found on the dark markets out there. $$$$$$$ and corruption being two reasons why it is so easy for criminals to get there hands of guns.Criminals do not register there guns never forget this.

    so the wise guys create the elements that can influence a society to submit to strict gun laws like the UN wants to do. will that regulate the military? no then the dictators once having dissarmed the people can kill who ever they feel is a threat to the regime like it is done in so many dictatorships. Bush said it: either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists????????? that statement says it all no?

    Vic Reply:
    July 21st, 2012 at 5:11 am

    guns can protect us from normal criminals but are no match agains’t military fire power in the case of dictators who take over a military empire like USA.

    Vic Reply:
    July 21st, 2012 at 5:14 am

    in 1776 the guns were not those we have today and technology did not exist back in 1776 like it does today.

    so the answer about 1776 ,I’m not so shure it applies anymore considering the technology of weapons out there. INcluding bacterial weapons and the poisons and ……… ………

    THe only thing that has not changed is : an idea is bullet proof

  4. what is most curious to me is that he not only surrendered so easily, but also told them about booby trap….THAT makes no sense at all…unless it was to just show how insane ‘individuals’ ‘like this’ ‘are’……and if officers had been killed there might have been too thorough an investigation….so he sets this, in the words of a CNN report today, a trap like “nothing they’ve ever seen before”, that is so extensive and complex a 24 year old neuro science major can design it….Simply not credible

  5. Why does every single mass shooting have to be a damn conspiracy in Jone’s mind? And you sheople are quick to follow his lead! Were there not crazy insane people who did hanus crimes way before organized CIA/FBI/TSA?
    I quote from the writer of this story, “I have not made my mind up yet about this incident. I have to sleep on it.”
    Does that not sound like a he reports, he decides for you type of reporter?
    Wake up from the wake up, your all covered by multiple illusions with Alex Jones.
    No I am not affiliated with any government cover up you paranoid freaks of nature.

  6. Agreed we do not know the real deal as of yet, but i can allow jones the room the postulate from years of experience in this stuff. Having said that here is what come to mind for me.

    1. when you want to know how something occurs in this world, follow the money. This kid had some heavy armor, 6000 rounds, and assault weapons. he was on unemployment and a student, who bankrolled him? Maybe his student credit card? Most likely not…

    2. He was trained to use those weapons and armor. Self trained? professionally trained? that would cost money for ammo and expertise. Or perhaps youtube? Most likely not…

    3. They explosives rig at the house is really complex. again how does he know how to do this? He is smart but again this is pretty specific knowledge . Locating the required parts cost time and money, Got it on youtube, found parts on google?? Most likely not.

    At the end of the day this event has got a red flag on it, and such a level of death and destruction deserves that we look at this thing from all angles. The problem is they won’t, so lets Jones et al run with this to flush it out, you know the suits aren’t going to. Never let a good crisis go to waste, planned or otherwise…

    Yes Jones is a bit of a blowhard and does think everything is rigged, and does take credit when credit is not do on a occasion, but I will back a guy who is getting after the truth. You know ABC isn’t …. These folks that lost loved ones to this horrendous act deserve the truth to why this really happened.

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