A Few Thoughts on Ghosts

A Few Thoughts on Ghosts
by Redoubt

Before this gets underway, it must be said that aside from various forms of evidence, from those who have experienced NDEs, and that which comes from photo record and EVP recordings, there is no indisputable proof of life after physical death. Even today, in what is arguably a scientifically advanced culture, this age old mystery is still so much left to faith and religion to try and explain. Moreover, ninety-nine percent of all life-after-death study is considered ‘paranormal’ or ‘supernatural’ and is generally a hands-off subject for mainstream research. And though this fact may be regrettable, or even foolish, it is not the intent of this author to pass judgment on the scientific community.

Proof, Truth and Nature

Someone once said… ‘Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.’

Now, on the surface of this brief statement, is a certain ring of logic. It makes sense to us, at first anyway, that the weight of a claim should be counterbalanced by an equally weighty bit of proof. But then you may begin to think about it in depth and if you do, you realize what a completely ridiculous notion it really is.

First of all, truth is proof… and it is a stand-alone item that does not require props or assistance for support. Once something is proven, the deed is done. Period. There is no need to prove it again and again simply because the truth the proof represents is contemporarily unpopular.

One simple bit of truth is that nothing unreal exists. If something does exist in fact, it is entirely real. One step further, we can say that nothing that is in fact real is also unnatural. Everything that exists,exists as a natural part of this, our grand universe.

So, we now know that if something is real, then it exists and, so too, it is natural. Anything that is real, exists, and anything that exists, no matter how unlikely, is neither paranormal or super natural. Magic, per se, goes out the window.

The God Quantum

If humanity had the know-how to manipulate matter and energy at will, then we might be able to understand the most basic principles of the existence God. And for just a moment, we’ll allow for His existence too… but not as a supernatural entity.

Albert Einstein once said: “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” In the case of God, though, the simplest form He takes is of a creature of superior skill and intellect. But to then transform Him into a deity that is somehow separate from or above the universe He is said to have created, is to make Him simpler than He is just for the sake of the simplest human minds to conceive. So, while our creator He may well be, he is still natural, still quite real. From this point on, God becomes the greatest scientist in the universe and what He does is no more unnatural than what any one of several billion humans could (and most likely, would) do if any one of those several billion humans had the know-how.

God is great. God, in his magnificent laboratory, created everything and all of us for reasons we still don’t understand.

God is good. He could have easily made a mess of this little planet at any time but has allowed humanity to go on its merry way, mostly unmolested, towards… well, whatever ends it should someday reach.

God is no longer supernatural. God, in whatever form and with whatever name you care to attach, is no more surreal than you or I.

I Sing The Spirit Electric

If we could prove that man had a soul, or spirit… or whatever that survived after physical death, then proving that they sometimes loiter about in the hereafter would become a mere technicality. So, it is that proof of the soul or spirit that we need.

The Christian Bible tells us that God created us in His own image. Does that mean that God has ten toes, eight fingers and two opposable thumbs? No one knows for sure but the better odds exist in that we, and He, are something more than that. Of either flesh or spirit, it appears that the latter is more survivable, if not perhaps even approaching eternal.

A spirit that is us, would necessarily have to reside in us, perhaps akin to how an operating system resides on the hard drive of your computer. The difference would be that when our bodies, or biologic motherboards, die, the program goes on independent of the previous, physical host.

How would this be possible?

Well, we are not as smart as God and so our computers reflect that lack of expertise in design. But assuming for one minute that it could be done, the most natural answer would be in some form of electricity, or energy. And one thing we can be sure of is that energy can be neither be created nor destroyed. It can only change form. One step further, since we know the human brain uses electricity as a form of connectivity within itself and to the human machine for both thought and active intention, we might then so too wonder where all those electrical impulses go when the physical body expires.

Where indeed.

The Apparition

I have personally seen quite a number of photos that purport to show a visible or semi visible ‘ghost’ or spirit. Since the advent of the internet, these things are now just everywhere for anyone to look at and… of course, judge. And since the arrival of some very good image manipulation programs like, Photoshop and its many, many kin, there are now a growing number of clever people applying their talents with this software to create what are often quite startling picture subjects.

It has finally reached the point where being able to tell the difference between the genuine article and a clever contrivance, is nearly impossible.

Now, for another moment, let’s make the leap and assume that at least some portion of this category of photos, represent a real event. Simplified, it is accepting that the surviving spirit of a former flesh and blood human being has some means of manifesting itself into a visible form, perhaps in some degree that also reflects of its former, physical appearance.

How is it done?

Again, we know that energy and heat are one in the same, merely in different forms. If a spirit could tap the heat in the air of any given location, it might then be capable of rendering that energy into a form that reflects visible light. This would, perhaps, explain the ‘cold spots’ so often reported along with ghost/spirit events. The spirit/entity extracts the energy needed for the manifestation from the heat in the air, thus leaving that cold spot in its wake. It may even be theorized that ghosts actually feed from various sources of energy, in much the same way our bodies get the same from the food we eat.

So, without some form of energy, would the spirit die of starvation?

Following a direct line of logic, one might think that entirely possible. And since most ‘cold spot’ events do take place either inside a structure or at night, is it beyond the realm of possibility that light, as a form of energy, could also be a source of ghostly nutrition? Outdoors in the broad daylight, there is so much energy being transferred from the sun, we can use solar panels to collect it and transform it into electricity and heat.

Why couldn’t a spirit?

Speaking strictly for myself, I do not believe I have ever heard of a cold spot occurring in daylight, in a warm climate. One reason may be that sun source abundance… so that any extraction by the spirit would be negligible to the whole being available, that we wouldn’t even notice it.

Oh, it also helps to bear in mind that even in those coldest of Earthly climates, there is still far more heat than one finds when approaching the levels of absolute zero.

Where Beauty Lies

One other thing that demands some explanation is the strange appearance that some ghostly figures take. There is an ethereal look to them, as if they are being presented to us through a piece of thick glass, full of distortions. The resulting view from this end can often be quite frightening.

The most likely explanation is that the spirit/entity is merely projecting its own image, as he or she recalls it.

If we assume that the spirit taps ready sources of energy to present a visual form, it may be that anything less than a full supply of that same energy might skew the end result. And if our spirit/entity has any choice of what we see, then strange might be a result of choice. We see light being reflected from a field that is generated to do so in the semblance of the projector… when it was still holding skin upon bones. And since memory is not nearly perfect, what we would see could be a likeness of an imperfect recollection.

The spectral image may be constantly changing as memory, imagination and external stimuli interact to create something that is never the same from moment to moment and perhaps, not even at all resembling what any one of the singular memories represents, in any coherency.

Eternally yours

You may take with you your emotions, your likes and dislikes, your desires and yes, your loves. But from the other side, you are no wiser and no greater than you ever were here in flesh blood.

In fact, you may finally come to realize that… it is tough being a ghost.

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