A Paranoid Little Ditty in Honor of David Jacobs

by Kevin Barrett

Today on Truth Jihad Radio I will be interviewing Temple University history professor David Jacobs, whose research has convinced him that large numbers of humans are being victimized by a vast breeding experiment overseen by an alien race known as “The Grays.” (Listen live, 4 to 5 Central, on www.AmericanFreedomRadio.com )

I find this notion simultaneously terrifying and hilarious. (Like David Icke’s notion that the Queen of England is a bloodsucking lizard from outer space.) A cursory review of Dr. Jacobs’ work, and conversations with a couple of paranoid friends, inspired me to write yet another song, hot on the heels of the Cass Sunstein parody.  Et voila:

Ucking Fay With Oo-yay

They’re big bloodsucking lizards
Crawled down from outer space
All the way from Orion
To put you in your place

They’re psychopathic monsters
Inbred for generations
And now they’re targeting your ass
With covert operations

They’re ucking fay with oo-yay
They’re ucking fay with oo
They’re ucking fay with oo-yay
That’s just what those bucking fastards do

They’ve bought up all the newspapers
And television too
Their robot insects carry cameras
And they’re pointing them at you

They spread engineered diseases
And pour chemtrails in the skies
They’re the ones who print the money
They’re the ones who spread the lies

They’re ucking fay with oo-yay
They’re ucking fay with oo
They’re ucking fay with oo-yay
That’s just what those bucking fastards do

They’re working closely with the grays
On alien abductions
They’ll mate you with gray goo-goo girls
Who stage snake-charm seductions

They give the New World Orders
And you’d better just obey
Because refusing to believe
Won’t make it go away

They’re ucking fay with oo-yay
They’re ucking fay with oo
They’re ucking fay with oo-yay
That’s just what those bucking fastards do

Their psychotronic weapons
Will put you in their mood
When the anal probe is over
You’ll know damn well you’ve been screwed

Took your money and your freedom
Now they want your heart and mind
Stole your reproductive organs
With their genome you’re entwined

They’re ucking fay with oo-yay
They’re ucking fay with oo
They’re ucking fay with oo-yay
That’s just what those bucking fastards do

They’re Rothschild reptile saucer men
From Area 51
Hitching rides on souped-up saucers
Won’t be your idea of fun

They’ll strap you to a gurney
And pinch poke squeeze and jab
Stealing reproductive juices
To breed hybrids in their lab

They’re ucking fay with oo-yay
They’re ucking fay with oo
They’re ucking fay with oo-yay
That’s just what those bucking fastards do

Now their hybrids walk among us
Stealthily, still undetected
Their presence and their purpose
By the masses unsuspected

They’ve seized key nodes of power
Using trickery and force
I think it’s safe to say
The human race has run its course

They’re ucking fay with oo-yay
They’re ucking fay with oo
They’re ucking fay with oo-yay
That’s just what those bucking fastards do

There’s just one way to stop them
(I heard it from an old Jew)
The thing is, here’s the catch:
They’d have to kill you if I told you

So try to freeze them on an ice rink
Or play Slim Whitman tunes
You just might find the secret weapon –
But you’d better find it soon!

They’re ucking fay with oo-yay
They’re ucking fay with oo
They’re ucking fay with oo-yay
That’s just what those bucking fastards do

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