In today’s show originally broadcast on June 18 2021, Andy is joined by Dr. Lorraine Day for a show entitled, “The Deliberate Destruction Of America And The World #4 – False Flag Attacks By The U.S. Government.”
We discussed: how revisionism is revising history back to truth; the reason why you can’t go to the moon; why Timothy McVeigh did not carry out the Oklahoma City Bombing and how he wasn’t executed; Fukushima and the Stuxnet Virus; how the World Trade Center was built to withstand an impact from a plane; why it was a missile that hit the Pentagon and not a plane; how False Flags are used to justify laws that take away our freedoms; why the U.S. is allied with Saudi Arabia; Crisis Actors that pop up at numerous False Flag Events; Project Blue Beam and the coming Alien Invasion Hoax; how Ruth Bader Ginsburg died much earlier than the mainstream media reported; and many other topics.
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