Al Gore Implores the Public: “It’s Time For a Carbon Tax”

517042-al-goreSusanne Posel
Occupy Corporatism
March 26, 2013



Last week climate change fear-monger Al Gore recommended his editorial posting in a technocratically-controlled media outlet that explained that the “time has come for a carbon tax.”

The article stated that having a carbon tax implemented was a “regrettable necessity” that was “less regrettable than others.” And if only the citizens understood how this necessary carbon tax was, they would display “enthusiasm”.

In fact, “carbon taxes have their drawbacks, it is true, but their problems are mostly fixable. They are regressive, but that could be offset by changes to other taxes. They can create difficulties for energy-intensive sectors, but those could be eased with targeted reliefs.”

An intended consequence of carbon taxing would be and “adjustment to high energy costs” because citizens would be forced to use less because of financial constraints; as well as realize President Obama’s energy agenda including reduced oil imports, greater use of natural gas and increased energy efficiency. A carbon tax would help meet all of those goals and “curb consumption” which would “improve energy security”.

Gore says that he would be relieved if there were no climate crisis. He said: “I, for one, genuinely wish that the climate crisis were an illusion. [W]hat is at stake is our ability to use the rule of law as an instrument of human redemption.”

Polls claim that average Americans would support carbon taxing to save the environment.

In fact a survey shows that 67% of US citizens want carbon taxing above funding education, Social Security, Medicare and even environmental protection to ensure the national budget is balanced.

Using the argument that extreme weather is the effect and CO2 emissions are the cause, Obama supports carbon taxing to supplement the deficit.
Obama is pushing for climate change policies to the extent that he will consider signing an executive order to make sure his proposed changes are implemented.
Obama stated in his State of the Union address that: “If Congress won’t act soon to protect future generations, I will. I will direct my Cabinet to come up with executive actions we can take, now and in the future, to reduce pollution, prepare our communities for the consequences of climate change, and speed the transition to more sustainable sources of energy.”

Last December, Gore said that Obama should step up his push for carbon taxes as an answer to the “fiscal cliff” and current budget crisis occurring in the US. Gore said: “I think all who look at these circumstances should agree that president Obama does have a mandate, should he choose to use it, to act boldly to solve the climate crisis, to begin solving it. He has the mandate. He has the opportunity, and he has the inherent ability to provide the leadership needed. I really hope that he will, and I will respectfully ask him to do exactly that.”

The day after Obama was declared Commander-in-Communism, he asserted that instilling carbon taxes would “help cut the US budget deficit.”

According to the report from the Global Carbon Project (GCP) entitled “Carbon Reductions and Offsets” governments, corporations and individuals can “participate in this voluntary market” and adhere to their recommendations for legally binding policies.

Profit driven business with regard to climate change demands” reductions [that are] outpacing the wider introduction of low-carbon technologies in transport, energy production and manufacturing.” Carbon offsets can provide this by being purchased ahead of projected measures to discover future innovations for eliminating carbon emissions.

Gore claims that Climategate was the revealing of “at least two mistakes in the thousands of pages of careful scientific work over the last 22 years by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).”

In 2010, The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was given oversight and control of regulating greenhouse emissions under the Clean Air Act. This created the mandates concerning “carbon emitters” such as:

• Coal-fired electricity plants
• Oil refineries
• Cement manufacturers
• Waste landfills

The EPA is authorized to force those deemed carbon emitters will be directed to use the “best available technology” to curb those emissions to remain in compliance.

Earlier this year the South American country of Brazil was threatened with drought which caused the government to strongly consider energy rationing.

Most recently freezing temperatures in the UK have triggered the necessity for a gas rationing because of the sudden need for natural gas to heat homes for a continuous 36 hours.

Officials state that natural gas reserves are low and the “unexpectedly low temperatures have forced people to keep their heating on” just days before “a crucial undersea pipeline connecting Britain and Belguim shut down.”

Prime Minister David Cameron claims that there are enough natural gas stores to ensure that there would not be any problems; while media continues to decry residents should be worried because “if we get into a position where we do run out of gas there is not a lot that can be done in the short term. Running low: Britain’s gas reserves could run out in 36 hours ¿ leaving the country dependent on costly foreign imports. Rationing would be inevitable, for businesses and domestic users and maybe for gas-powered electricity producers as well, so we might be looking at electricity rationing too.’

Gillian Guy, chief executive of the Citizens Advice Bureau said: “Heat or eat is a very real question for many of our clients. We have serious concerns about the impact that this will have on people on low incomes. Citizens Advice saw over 95,000 fuel debt problems last year and we regularly hear stories of people only heating one room or parents only heating their house when their children are home.”

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on March 26, 2013. Filed under Climate Change.
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