Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri’s wife predicts Muslim Spring

“These revolutions toppled the tyrant criminals, and thanks to your
efforts, patience and raising your sons in dignity,” it added.

The message urged Muslim women to keep wearing the veil. “The veil is the
Muslim woman’s identity and the West wants to remove this identity so she
will be without an identity.”

It added: “My advice to you sisters is to raise your children on the love
of martyrdom … and to prepare them for restoring the glories of Islam and
the liberation of Jerusalem.”

A similar message was posted online in Omaima Hassan’s name in 2009.

Friday’s posting came several months after an eight-minute video recording by
Zawahri urging Syrians not to rely on Western or Arab governments to help
their uprising to topple President Bashar al-Assad.

Zawahiri took command of the Islamist militant network after the group’s
founder and leader, Osama bin Laden, was killed by U.S. special forces in
Pakistan in May last year.

According to the message posted on Friday, Omaima Hassan said she hoped that
the uprisings sparked by a Tunisian setting himself on fire would “liberate
Jerusalem” and restore it to its days of glory.

“We will have a new Islamic state based on sharia (Islamic law)
arbitration, and we will free Palestine and build a state of succession to
the prophecy,” the message added.

Israel captured Jerusalem along with the rest of the West Bank in the 1967
Middle East war. Palestinians want the city, annexed by Israel unilaterally,
to be the capital of a future Palestinian state.

Source: Reuters

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