Amazon releases Kindle Touch 3G in 175 countries

SEATTLE (AP) — Inc. said Wednesday that it is releasing its Kindle Touch 3G e-reader in more countries and more languages worldwide. The touch-screen e-reader has been available in the U.S. since last fall.

The gadget is available for pre-orders and will be shipped to customers starting on April 27. In addition to English, the device will be available in German, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese, the company said.

The Touch holds up to 3,000 books and offers 3G wireless service at no extra charge. It costs $149 in the U.S.; international prices are similar. In all, Amazon said the device is now being sold in 175 countries.

Shares of Seattle-based Amazon slid $4.52, or 2.2 percent, to $200.92 in early afternoon trading.

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