Arizona’s Obama I.D. Bill Still Stuck in Legislative Limbo

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Patrick Henningsen
April 3, 2012

PHOENIX – The fate of Arizona’s own Candidate Certification Bill is still yet to be determined according to its supporters inside the state capitol.

HB 2480 would require Barack Obama to prove his eligibility as a US President, and would also determine whether his name would appear on the Grand Canyon State’s ballot come November. The bill has met with extreme resistance from some members of the state government.

According to Arizona State Representitive Carl Seel(R) who sponsored the bill, “It is still stalled in the Senate President Steve Pierce’s office, and is being held up by both Pearce and Senator Nancy Barto(R).”

Sen. Barto broke legslative protocol last week, maintaining that HD 2480 would remain stuck in her committee until Rep. Seel handed over a fully intitialed “laundry list” of the names of all the bill’s sponsors. Major concerns have been raised over this breach in ethics and gamesmanship being played by tabling such an unorthodox request – effectively an ad hoc, addition of new rules to the state’s long-standing legislative tradition.

Similar legislation was passed last year, but was then vetoed by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer(R). Among other concernes, Brewer rejected the bill on the grounds that it over-empowered Arizona’s Secretary of State to judge the qualifications of all candidates who ran for office.

According to its supporters, this new piece of legislation has been refined somewhat, with a focus on empowering citizens to legally challenge a candidate’s qualifications on grounds of suspicion. “The current bill handles these concerns and merely requires all candidates running for office to declare under penalty of perjury that they are qualified for the office they seek and gives citizens standing to sue”, said Seel to Infowars on Monday afternoon.

Asked if he beieves the Governor would veto this latest version of the bill, Seel states, “I am not sure, but I trust she would sign it.”

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The bill has also received the full backing of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, who represents some 4.5 million residents in and around Phoenix.

At the request of a group of residents concerned that their voting rights might be infringed, Sheriff Joe Arpaio appointed a Cold Case Posse back in October 2011 to investigate to validity of Obama’s personal documents, particulary those affecting his eligibility to hold the office of US President.

Since then, their effort has moved from a mere inquiry into a fully-fledged law enforcement fraud investigation, following new evidence uncovered that exposes both the President’s PDF birth certificate and Selective Service Registration card to be forgeries.

According to Sheriff Arpaio, “This investigation is not going away. It’s an ongoing investigation.”


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7 Responses to “Arizona’s Obama I.D. Bill Still Stuck in Legislative Limbo”

  1. They should have waited for the periods to be over. I bet you their spying bill passes with flying colours though! Fucking women politicians!

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    April 3rd, 2012 at 12:16 pm

    Sen. Barto broke legslative protocol last week, maintaining that HD 2480 would remain stuck in her committee until Rep. Seel handed over a fully intitialed “laundry list” of the names of all the bill’s sponsors

    WTF ?



  2. Have you noticed that the more women get involved into politics that the worse things also seem to get? I also am not alone in this observation…

    “Were our State a pure democracy there would yet be excluded from their deliberations women, who, to prevent depravation of morals and ambiguity of issue, should NOT mix promiscuously in the public meetings of men.”
    –Letter from Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Kercheval (Sept. 5, 1816), in 10 Writings of
    Thomas Jefferson 45-46, n. 1 (P. Ford ed. 1899).

  3. heil mein fuhrer hahaha 🙂

    after being bored I decided to re-arange the letters of barak obama,
    fyi karab amabo is a hillarious video on youtube.
    with further sorting barak obama becomes, drako made
    this would explain his mega-lo-manic qualities …

    anyways all I want know is, when do we celebrate impeachment day ?

  4. You racists are just profiling Barry.

  5. Why would they hold up a bill to keep this obvious amature fake fraud being on the ballot. Anybody that holds this up should be charged with aiding and abetting or treason.

  6. Duh

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