Arsonist lied about death ‘for sympathy’

An arsonist who lied when he partly blamed his crime on being upset about his brother’s death days earlier will not have to serve more jail time.

Nelson Gary King’s brother died in a car accident seven days after King broke into business premises in Wagga Wagga and set fire to them on December 7, 2007.

King, 23, lied to a psychologist and when giving evidence, saying his brother died on December 5.

He also falsified a death notice to show the incorrect date.

He was jailed for at least 23 months in the NSW District Court in June after pleading guilty to perjury and perverting the course of justice.

But the sentences were wholly concurrent with the arson term – a minimum of three years and a maximum of six years three months – meaning he would serve no extra time.

The crown appealed, contending the sentences for the perjury and justice offences were “manifestly inadequate”.

But earlier this month the NSW Court of Criminal Appeal dismissed the challenge.

“The offence was an immature attempt to get undeserved sympathy for a crime of real gravity,” Justice Michael Adams said.

“It was not a lie designed to help him or another to escape conviction.

“There is certainly a proper basis for concluding that, even so, some additional period of imprisonment was appropriate.

“However, I would not conclude that the sentencing judge erred in the exercise of her discretion.”

Justice Adams noted the lie was quickly discovered, that King “suffered an appalling childhood” and his intellectual functioning was at the lower end of average.

The District Court judge said the offences were not committed on the spur of the moment and King had involved his partner in “his hare-brained scheme”.

But she also accepted he was “truly remorseful and contrite” and that he stated he had no idea just how serious an offence it was – he just wanted to get out of jail.

Justice Adams said the judge could have given a significantly lesser term for the arson, accumulated the present term and achieved the same total that in fact resulted.

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