Asylum seeker legislation doomed: Abbott

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says the coalition won’t support the federal government’s asylum seeker legislation and it’s doomed to fail in the Senate.

Mr Abbott said Prime Minister Julia Gillard had opted for a short-lived victory in the House of Representatives over a long-term solution.

Mr Abbott said the House of Representatives had voted for a stalemate not a solution.

“I deeply regret that fact that the legislation that passed through the House of Representatives earlier this evening is doomed to fail in the Senate,” he told a media conference.

“It should fail in the Senate because it is not good legislation. As the coalition has made clear time and time again, we will never support bad policy. We will never engage in supporting something which we think will have bad outcomes for the Australian nation.”

Mr Abbott said this would not stop the boats as people smugglers would load up their vessels with women and children because the government had made clear they were most unlikely to be sent back to Malaysia.

He said the opposition had gone into the House of Representatives debate prepared to make a principled compromise with the crossbench.

The same serious compromise of an increase in the humanitarian intake would be on offer in the Senate on Thursday, he said.

“By this time tomorrow, the government is going to be back to square one,” he said.

Mr Abbott said Ms Gillard must have known there was no way the Senate would support this legislation.

“The public are sick of a government that blames the opposition for its problems,” he said.

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