Aung San Suu Kyi urges MPs to back minority rights

The 67-year-old’s entry into mainstream politics is one of the most visible
signs of change under a new reformist government which took power last year
under President Thein Sein, a former general.

Thein Sein has overseen a series of dramatic reforms, including the release of
hundreds of political prisoners, currency market liberalisation and
ceasefire deals with several armed rebel groups.

Civil war has plagued parts of the country also known as Myanmar since it won
independence from Britain in 1948, and many members of ethnic minority
groups are suspicious of the majority Burmans including Suu Kyi.

An end to the conflicts and alleged rights abuses involving government troops
is a key demand of Western nations, which are starting to roll back
sanctions imposed during military rule over Burma’s human rights record.

Ongoing fighting in northern Kachin state has displaced tens of thousands of
people and cast a shadow over the nationwide peace efforts.

In western Rakhine state meanwhile, recent clashes between ethnic Buddhist
Rakhine and Muslim Rohingya have left dozens dead and tens of thousands

Burma’s government considers the Rohingya to be foreigners, while many
citizens see them as illegal immigrants from neighbouring Bangladesh and
view them with hostility.

Suu Kyi has disappointed some rights campaigners by not offering stronger
support to Burma’s estimated 800,000 Rohingya, described by the United
Nations as one of the world’s most persecuted minorities.

Delivering a Nobel Prize acceptance speech two decades in the making in Oslo
last month, Suu Kyi said she and her party “stand ready and willing to
play any role in the process of national reconciliation”.

Source: AFP

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