Bake sale ban in Massachusetts sparks outcries over ‘food police’

Mark Trumbull
May 9, 2012

A bake-sale ban in Massachusetts schools, designed to combat youth obesity, has spawned a sort of nationwide food fight.

The crackdown on cookies is being met with a widespread criticism from bloggers, parents, and students who see it as a case of government gone too far. Turning brownies into contraband, they say, is the latest sign of a burgeoning “nanny state” that doesn’t know its proper limits.

To blogger Bryan Preston, the move in Massachusetts is nothing less than a maker of national decline.

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3 Responses to “Bake sale ban in Massachusetts sparks outcries over ‘food police’”

  1. Not enough Ritalin in those cookies!

  2. MA Gov. Patrick Deval is no different from Romney, aside from skin color. Collectivist shmo.

  3. HOW DARE THEY SELL COOKIES !!! ,To the FEMA camps with these sellers of contraband

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