BASE-jumpers drank high-end cocktails

Four men in business suits were drinking high-end cocktails at a restaurant bar in a Melbourne skyscraper moments before BASE jumping off the balcony.

A ninemsn reader sent in pictures of the daredevils parachuting to the ground from Rialto Towers about 7.30pm AEDT on Tuesday evening…see photos

The men walked into the Vue de Monde restaurant carrying travel suitcases and wearing parachutes hidden under their jackets, reported.

Did you see the daredevil stunt? Send your photos or videos to [email protected]

They then drank Negroni cocktails at the restaurant’s Lui Bar on Level 55 of the 243-metre-high skyscraper.

Restaurant owner Shannon Bennett said the group locked the balcony doors so staff could not stop them making the dangerous leap.

“One went to the bathroom, followed by the rest, straight out to the balcony and pretty much jumped straight off,” he said.

“I ran from the kitchen into the room and I just saw a flash of them jumping over, and at that stage none of us knew what the hell was going on.”

One of the BASE jumpers told the Herald Sun that he and his friends were professionals and took all precautions.

“I have no regrets — I’ll do it again,” the unnamed man said.

“It’s what I love to do and I do it around the world.”

After making the jump, the four men got into a getaway vehicle waiting on the corner of Collins and King Streets in Melbourne’s CBD.

They did not pay for their drinks before the jump.

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