Biden Hints at More Guns Laws in Wake of Trayvon Martin Case

CBS News
March 31, 2012

Vice president Joe Biden told CBS News Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” self-defense law will become a subject of debate following the Trayvon Martin shooting.

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14 Responses to “Biden Hints at More Guns Laws in Wake of Trayvon Martin Case”

  1. We need laws to shut Biden up for being such a moron.

  2. Hmm well remember obama EO the government is very well planning on disarming the country while preparing to go to war and I’m kinda expecting a hoax terrorist attack coop to kick off a war on Iran and maybe a world war go 2012 not to mention chance of nuclear winter, emp, many many possible natural disasters on the horizon

  3. Although it’s still to early to tell, if in fact George Zimmerman was told by police not to persue Trayvon Martin then that makes George the agressor. If so then Trayvon was the one who was in his legal right to “Stand His Ground”. Gun advocates and the NRA need to flip this. They need to say that if it were legal for Trayvon to own a handgun at age 17, had taken proper firearms training and had a valid CCP he might be alive today because the SYG law applied in his favor.

    • iron :
      The troll patrol says you are it !!
      ( And an poor one at that ) !!

  4. I “WOULDN’T” trust this fool, if he said that LIGHT is “DAY”, an DARK is “NIGHT” . . . there it is !

  5. To the Freemason Biden,the second amendment was put in the bill of rights because thats excactly what it is,a God givin right,and its about the people being able to defend themselves against their own goverment,not hunting retard,

    • I’ll be glad when the American people hang all those scumbag punks!! But I’d
      rather see them staked to ant beds …

  6. Biden makes about as much sense as AMTRAK. He would not know how to enforce the “Stand Your Ground Law” or “The Castle Law” if he were the object of a sneak attack. He can go and sell his demented snake oil somewhere else. The Castle Law is the epitome of the Second Amendment. How else is a person supposed to defend him or herself? Contrary to what people think, it is impossible for the police to be everywhere and respond at a moment’s notice. Florida Courts have consistently upheld The Castle Law when used in home invasions and self defense. A person would be a fool to think someone else will defend them in many cases. Disarming millions of Americans so only the criminals and mislead can have guns is the most unjust and Unconstitutional thing I can think of.

    Biden, should just focus on making sure you line up more clients for your sons and more business deals. Stop selling political gimmicks to the American people. We are smarter than that monsieur CAREER POLITICIAN.

  7. I am so sick of hearing about this case,its tragic when anyone is murdered any where,not saying this is a murder. Cops in Dallas shoot black people on Friday and Saturday nights for sport,people murdered ,shot stabbed every day all across America. The rights of the many should never be compromized by the crimes of the few,deception like them making us safe slaves,get over it and move on.

    • Shut up Randy, you f’ing weasel. If Dallas cops were shooting blacks for fun as
      you say, they would be rioting in the streets. Talk about where you live or keep
      your stupid mouth shut.

  8. All in their plan, to cause these sad incidents so they can make new laws to lose all your liberties .

  9. BIDEN, is an “ID!OT” . . . What else needs be said ?

    • He’s not an idiot!! He’s a satanist that serves satan. He only wants yall to think
      he’s an idiot to play off of your compassion. Geez it amazes me how simple
      minded most Americans are!! Two-dimensional thinking retards!!

  10. When are the phonys in Congress going to impeach these two traitors!!

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