Bill Cosby Blames the Gun in Trayvon Martin Case

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April 8, 2012

Actor and comedian Bill Cosby believes George Zimmerman’s gun is responsible for killing Trayvon Martin.

Bill Cosby Blames the Gun in Trayvon Martin Case i spy cosby culp l“When you carry a gun, you mean to harm somebody, kill somebody,” the Washington Times reports Cosby as saying.

He said people trying to protect their neighborhoods from crime should not be armed.

“We’ve got to get the gun out of the hands of people who are supposed to be on neighborhood watch,” he said.

Since the killing, liberal elements of Congress and the establishment media have demanded the Second Amendment be rolled back and more restrictive gun laws put into place.

Vice president Joe Biden said in late March that the “idea that there’s this overwhelming additional security in the ownership and carrying concealed and deadly weapons” is wrong.

Biden favors more gun control laws, including closing the so-called “gun show loophole.” The National Rifle Association gave him an “F” for his gun control voting record when he was a Senator.

Democrat Rep. Frederica Wilson and the Congressional Black Caucus are attempting to exploit the death of Trayvon Martin to push a resolution outlawing “Stand Your Ground” self defense laws.

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35 Responses to “Bill Cosby Blames the Gun in Trayvon Martin Case”

  1. Another hypocrite who made a living off of the glorification of gun violence tells other to remain helpless victims!

    Does Cosby hang out with Schwarzenegger and Deniro?

    Cosby, do you serve lunch to the man raping your wife, or do you shoot him?

    Another out of touch elitist snob!

    Woods Reply:
    April 8th, 2012 at 1:09 pm

    Well said!

    hellangone Reply:
    April 8th, 2012 at 2:10 pm


  2. I blame the Jello Pudding.

    hammerhead Reply:
    April 8th, 2012 at 12:01 pm


    AandO Reply:
    April 8th, 2012 at 12:46 pm

    Chocolate flavored pudding

  3. Funny how all the nwo “bugs” come out at once,
    why didn’t they report on this last year ?
    the dhs are the ones who need their guns taken, their mega-lo-maniac war-mongers.

    it’s just an excuse to take-away peoples rights
    another nwo fail …

    Woods Reply:
    April 8th, 2012 at 1:09 pm


  4. Bill Cosby is right. So was Florida native and Lynyrd Skynyrd founder, Ronnie Van Zandt,when he sang “handguns were made for killing…ain’t no good for nothin’ else.” Cosby is no elitist snob he’s from Philly. Many of us have not succumbed to the MSM drumbeat of “fear everything” and walk the streets of our great nation confident of our safety without a gun. Personally I don’t feel safer when a guy who uses deadly force when faced with a bag of skittles is allowed to carry a handgun.If more fire power was the key to personal or global security we’d all be safe with 1000′s of nukes…but we aren’t. Fat Albert might say …” Hey Hey Hey this isn’t the way” come to think of it… Jesus would say that too. Always respected Mr. Cosby… cause he’s earned it.

    Cnsay Reply:
    April 8th, 2012 at 12:47 pm

    @ jahbull, you’re another ignorant prick who fondles yourself and emulates performers as if the words that emit from them is the end all, be all. How phucking pitiful and limited your world must be. Keep eating those skittles in your safe basement and do us a favor, don’t come out and don’t post here with your drivel.

    jahbull Reply:
    April 8th, 2012 at 1:30 pm

    whatever…(insert random ad hominem retort here)…yawn

    illuminated ascension Reply:
    April 8th, 2012 at 1:30 pm

    Well said.

    Peter Wolf Reply:
    April 8th, 2012 at 2:03 pm

    Its all about CHOICE and exercising that choice.If you feel safer without carrying then dont carry.If you feel safer carrying or carry because you have the right to carry then do so.If you dislike guns then dont own any.its that simple.

    Everyone is happy as they have choice.what is right for you is not right for another.

    The argument presented by Cosby is the usual nanny state answer to every problem in society.Let us decide what is good for you instead of thinking for yourself and also Cosbys opinion is somehow valid simply because he was once famous.I am sick of hearing opinions that are given publicity just because its an actor or whatever.Sick of hearing them all + they very rarely ever present valid arguments + talk sense and truth.

    ONE unfortunate incident concerning an over enthusiastic neighbour hood watch volunteer is not a valid reason to disarm all neighbourhood watch volunteers especially since they are essentially doing the work that police on their beat used to do and given that society is on the verge of collapse and police are subject to cuts in manpower and resources then that presents a valid argument for there being armed neighbourhood watch volunteers looking out for their neighbourhoods.

    Cosby probably lives behind gates in a secure home and in a secure neighbourhood so is out of touch with reality.

  5. Since the killing, liberal elements of Congress and the establishment media have demanded the Second Amendment be rolled back and more restrictive gun laws put into place.

    I CALL BS. there is no way that the press and congress would ever fly this kite.
    go ahead and try it , and see what happens

    i heard bill cosby on a radio interview some years ago , and he proudly flew his racist flag .
    i have not paid him any attention since.

    Woods Reply:
    April 8th, 2012 at 1:12 pm

    I agree. It’s strange how we all really admired Cosby in the early days, before our eyes were opened to the whole NWO agenda, and the satanism in the entertainment industry pointed out by warriors like The Vigilant Citizen.

    Peter Wolf Reply:
    April 8th, 2012 at 2:06 pm

    You can never watch a film or view actors etc etc in quite the same way again once you know what they are about.I never looked up to any of them or admired them in any way but i always enjoyed watching hollywood films but not anymore as Hollywood output is in terminal decline when you consider garbage like Hunger Games for example.Hollywood is in decline like everything else in popular culture and is consuming itself.

  6. “When you carry a gun you mean to harm somebody, kill some body”. Bill… ignorant coon! Stick to TV series shows, something you did well in…or go back tending to your knitting and leave reality to those who know it. I carry one (gun)for self protection against two or four legged vermin, nothing more, nothing less.

  7. Cosby is a blatant racist and has been for many years, or at least very obvious for years, probably always was a racist. I’m sick of Cosby, Sharpton and Jackson who come out of the woodwork every time something happens and every time it’s the white man is racist bs marching around. This entire thing with these three is nothing but showing their actual racism. If it was a black man killing a white person you wouldn’t hear a peep out of these clowns.

    Woods Reply:
    April 8th, 2012 at 1:14 pm

    Good comment.

    Peter Wolf Reply:
    April 8th, 2012 at 2:09 pm

    “If it was a black man killing a white person you wouldn’t hear a peep out of these clowns.”

    If you did hear a peep out of them then they would be saying that they deserved it as its payback as you are guilty in their eyes if you are White.

    You dont ever hear Jackson or Sharpton or Cosby saying STOP the violence and instead they encourage it.They all have an axe to grind and arent about peace and love and unity.

  8. I have a simple question :

    Would the secret service who protect Biden feel safer and more secure if they werent carrying concealed deadly weapons ?

    The answer is NO.

    Its a one way argument as Cosby states that if you are carrying then it means you have intent to harm or kill so by removing the gun out of the equation then it stops you killing + harming but what about if you are attacked ?

    What do they think they can legislate against self defence ?

    The problem is not guns themselves but knowing how to handle them and understanding the difference between reasonable and excessive force and understanding how and where to shoot someone in order to incapacitate instead of killing and the promotion of responsible behaviour.

    also you cannot outlaw the stand your ground self defence laws.How idiotic is that ? You shouldnt stand your ground in self defence because they decide that you cant ? Idiotic.

  9. jahbull says: Bill Cosby is right. So was Florida native and Lynyrd Skynyrd founder, Ronnie Van Zandt,when he sang “handguns were made for killing…ain’t no good for nothin’ else.”

    Well the “good” news is Jahbull is at the right sight to learn how everything the Elites and the NWO are doing has “Nothing” to do with his safety or security. Hey jah Bull, 1st I suggest you study how Hitler took away all the guns before he rounded up 6 million people and let them “Starve” in prison camps. Maybe read Rise of the Fourth Reich! Say, maybe you can draw some conclusion from reading, “studying” history. Then again maybe not but keep on trying buddy. I’ll just bet you think Obama is your buddy, your bro, your pal because he has brown skin. Say it ain’t so. LOL!!! Hopefully you figure it “ALL” out before they pull your head out of your dumb a** and drag you and your family off to summer camp.

    jahbull Reply:
    April 8th, 2012 at 1:42 pm

    Well enlighten me oh obie won…I didn’t develop a complete enough view from Windows of the World to gain as detailed a weltanschauung. Maybe I dined with you at Uncle Sams in Moscow ? or perhaps I met you in Huntsville with Kennedy and Von Braun ? Maybe we sat together at the Commonwealth Club? You know the internet rumors about the things i’ve done. You probably never even met a SS officer but you know Nazi’s…damn this is a dangerous world.

  10. There’s a video linked from the Drudge Report yesterday entitled “Crowd beats strips robs tourist on St Patrick’s Day”. And there you see a white man ganged up on by a group of black men, he is sucker punched and robbed in broad day light. Someone filmed it with a camera phone and put it up on utube.
    But the media does not jump on this story because it’s a crime by blacks against whitey and they don’t care.

    But I care and I don’t like it.
    I care about whitey more than any other race cause their my people.
    And I like guns.
    And the founding fathers wrote the 2nd Amendment.
    And they were white and the law will stand.
    And these members of the Congressional Black Caucus are not my people and I don’t like them forming an anti white caucus.

  11. The media is responsable when it continually stokes the race card.

    The media is responsable for a great many things,,,

    The media is responsable for allowing Ron Paul to be cheated out of the election process 2 times.

    The media is responsable for enabling the fake war on terror to continue. (Lots of guns going on their my cosby!)

    This is so blatantly obvious.

  12. I think Trayvon attacked Zimmerman and possibly viciously enough so that his life was really threatened. I’m also appalled at what I heard on the tape of Zimmerman talking to the cops saying the person he saw was ‘just walking about, doing nothing, probably up to no good.’ Or something like that. Where do you get off imposing on someone else’s privacy and liberty to walk around just because you don’t like that he’s taking a walk and maybe looks stoned or distracted or spaced out or whatever. Why was that his fucking business ????

    If my scenario is correct, I would have to say the ultimate fault lies with Zimmeman regardless of what the law says. Because the kid had a right to be pissed. And also I think it’s undeniable that if the kid was white Zimmerman would not have been so preoccupied with him.

  13. Bill cosby, the charming rascist.

    He deserves no respect!!!

    And let me say this to Mike Wallace, now that your dead, how’s the life review taste mf media scumnbag.

  14. If Cosby isn’t packing, I am fairly certain his bodyguard(s) are.

    By the way William, you’re projecting.

  15. I used to like crosby. He is a racist to the bone. Hey bill why dont you try this on? How about you saying something to your fellow black folks about how hip hop and rappers glorify violence with angry black thugs in videos displaying their guns on the first sight of someone dissing them. Or oh theey treat women in their videos calling them bitches and hoes. Knocking them up and leaving them. How about waking your fellow blacks on how they have been used ever since they came out of chains many years ago!!!! But you cant relate to your fellow blacks can you…you prick!!!! You dont dont mind whitey watching your show when you were on tv. You and your fellow blacks sharpton,jackson the cbc is going along with yo massa aint ya? Oh whats dat boss? You say we gotta help you keep our fellow blacks down? Ok boss what can ol sammy bo do for ya boss? Ef off crosby!!! You stupid house negro!!! Im white and even i can see how generation after generation of blacks have been exploited and the white massa has people like you to dupe them. As long as your turn coat black folks gets to live in big house,get lots of money,screw white women and eat caviar. You dont give two shits watching your fellow blacks get taken down the river. Just like they did in africa going along with giving the white man slaves. Oh dont take me whitey take those blacks over there to go work the fields. Your too stupid to admit your part of the reasons blacks have it bad here!!!!! Allowing planned parent hood to happen, your hip hop collaberators showing that wearing your pants around their asses is cool and other stupid things to wear. Ive said enough!!!!

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  17. What are we supposed to use Mr Cosby?..Harsh language?

  18. Sorry for the type ohs folks, i was typing fast because i was on a roll. Hope everyone got my point.

  19. I wonder how many black on white attacks have happened since travon considering the media blackout of say the birth certificate or Ron Paulis so complete. The media dont need the facts getting in the way of the truth.

  20. Bill Cosby is from Philly alright but he hasn’t lived in a bad neighborhood since he was a kid. He’s a wealthy guy now. Like Oprah or Jay Leno or Letterman. It’s easy for them to say: Don’t have guns”.

  21. Statement would not have been made if the situation was reversed.

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