Bligh urges ‘common sense’ in Katter row

A court will decide if federal MP Bob Katter’s name can appear on ballot papers in the Queensland election, possibly affecting the timing of the poll.

Premier Anna Bligh on Friday said she hoped the Supreme Court would apply common sense in ruling on the dispute so close to the March 24 poll.

Mr Katter’s fledgling political party is fuming over a decision by the Queensland Electoral Commission to use its abbreviated name, The Australian Party, on ballot papers.

It wants more than 2 million ballot papers shredded and reprinted because Mr Katter’s name does not appear on them.

The party has gone to the Queensland Supreme Court in its bid to have Katter’s Australian Party (Qld Division) listed on ballot papers.

Ms Bligh said the court must consider the fact pre-polling began on Friday.

‘I will be watching very closely on Monday as the court hears this matter and makes a decision,’ she told reporters in Cairns.

‘I would hope that we won’t see a decision that in any way interferes with the election as currently scheduled.

‘Ultimately, if a court makes a decision then we will have to comply with it … but I hope what we see from the courts on Monday is a commonsense approach.’

Mr Katter, an independent federal MP, is relying on the political clout of the Katter name to win seats in the Queensland parliament.

He refused to comment at length on the court action on Friday.

‘We have been prohibited from using our registered name that is without precedent in Australian history and probably anywhere else,’ he said.

The party’s Queensland leader Aidan McLindon said its vote could be hit if the court refused to allow the change.

‘Absolutely, it will impact on the party right across the state,’ he told AAP.

‘Our intention was to have Katter’s Australian Party on the ballot (papers). What will happen now, post Monday, in the Supreme Court is anyone’s guess.

‘It will be down to interpretation of the legislation.’

But the ABC’s election analyst Antony Green said the Electoral Act was very clear about the use of abbreviations on ballot papers.

‘If candidates are nominated, bulk nominated as part of a party, then it states that the abbreviation of the party name will be used,’ he told the broadcaster.

He said Katter’s Australian Party applied in December to have The Australian Party as its abbreviation.

‘That was accepted on January 30, so therefore there is an abbreviation, and it is clearly set out in the act that therefore that will be used on the ballot paper.’

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