Bob Carr FM cops feedback outside Parliament

Bob Carr

Former NSW Premier Bob Carr outside his home in Maroubra, Sydney, this week. Picture: Jane Dempster
Source: News Limited

BOB Carr’s road to Canberra and the foreign ministry has been rubber stamped by the New South Wales Parliament in a special joint sitting.

The former NSW premier was officially elected to fill the Senate vacancy in a brief ceremony today in the NSW Upper House, where the 64-year-old was welcomed back to the building he dominated for 10 years.

Premier Barry O’Farrell joked of channelling former Prime Minister Robert Menzies at one point, saying it was his “melancholy duty” to ask that the NSW Governor Marie Bashir be informed of Mr Carr’s election.

Mr Menzies used the phrase in 1939 to inform the country that Australia was at war with Germany.

Despite their years of combat in the infamous bear pit – the state’s Lower House – Mr O’Farrell was the first to shake Mr Carr’s hand upon his endorsement as Mark Arbib’s replacement as a NSW senator.

Outside in Macquarie St, Mr Carr was heckled for seven minutes as he spoke to reporters gathered at the steps of Parliament.

The heckler, who had been protesting against the public service cuts of the O’Farrell Government, repeatedly yelled “shame Bob”, labelled the state’s longest serving premier a “disgrace”, and accused Mr Carr of being a Zionist puppet.

“Kevin Rudd rocks,” Sydney man Brian Concannon screamed from behind the security fence at one point, reminding Mr Carr of the man he will soon replace as Australia’s foreign minister.

Mr Carr took the abuse in his stride, even trying to turn it into a positive.

“We are a knock-down, drag-out democracy and I think that’s a good thing,” he said.

“If someone wants to come along and shout at a candidate for public office that is terrific – in the old days they used to throw eggs,” said Mr Carr, who was accompanied to Parliament by his wife Helena.

He said he couldn’t say “no” to Prime Minister Julia Gillard when she asked him to fill the Senate vacancy and enter cabinet.

“It’s a very interesting position,” Mr Carr said about his return to politics.

“I thought I had been retired for good, and my party asked me to do a job. When your prime minister asks you to do a big job for Australia, you don’t say no.”

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