Bogus “Study” Claims TSA Body Scanners Safe

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June 12, 2012

A study that on the surface appears to be independent has claimed that there are no safety concerns regarding radiation firing body scanners used by the TSA in the nation’s airports. However, the research is based purely on old data that was released by the federal agency itself.

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8 Responses to “Bogus “Study” Claims TSA Body Scanners Safe”

  1. lying rich bastards never get prison time

  2. A study based upon data provided by someone with a vested interest in the outcome can hardly be called independent.

    More to the point, this “study” used simulation software and not real world data. In the real world, these machines are not subject to regular state inspection and are operated by unlicensed personnel. This is a recipe for disaster.

    Bear in mind that Radiologic technologists are at great risk from Leukemia and skin cancer as reported by the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). This is in a medical setting with safeguards that are never applied by the TSA.

    The Body Scanners should be removed immediately from airports, for these reasons:

    They less effective at detecting threats than metal detectors costing 100 times less,
    They endanger the lives and health of all around them.
    They are operated by unlicensed personnel
    They are used for lewd and lacivious purposes by TSA personnel.

    Until they are removed, the following signs should be posted at all TSA checkpoints where scanners are used:


    Exposure to radiation is hazardous to your health.

    The ADVANCED IMAGING TECHNOLOGY (AIT) Scanners used at this screening facility employ radiation. They have not been inspected or tested by the Department of Health for safety to passengers, pilots, or aircrew. They have not been approved by the Commissioner of Health for operation in this state.

    The operators of these machines are not licensed and have not passed the required national examination approved by the Commissioner of Health for limited x-ray machine operators.

    These scanners may be hazardous to your health. Use at your own risk.


    Employees of the Transportation Security Administration have been caught stealing passengers’ property at this and other locations. Please keep your possessions in view at all times. Report all instances of theft to airport police immediately.


    Employees of the Transportation Security Administration may offer to let you bypass security if you agree to sexual assault, or threaten to delay you or have you arrested if you do not submit to their sexual advances. Law enforcement officers have been alerted to this tactic. If you are threatened or propositioned in this manner by airport security personnel, please contact airport police immediately.


    The State Department of Child Protective Services reminds parents and guardians that child abuse can happen anywhere, and that the child’s caretaker has a duty to make a reasonable effort to stop child sexual abuse by another person.

    If you witness Child Sexual Abuse during the screening process, please contact airport police and child protective services immediately!

    National Association of Airline Passengers (


    RIGHT ?

  4. So is Sushi from Japan ! ….it’ll just swell your balls-up a little bit . In another words, we trash China for killing babies, but it’s Okay to do it genetically here ? Vaccines Fluoride is doing well here too. In America, you’re allowed to deceive people, you’re allowed to conduct fraud also ! No wonder the Chinese want to come here ? America is the greatest Criminal Country on Earth !

  5. If they are safe, then why has the “Chocolate Chimp” (The Kenyan one.) not been through one, or his family for that matter. Then there is the clintons, and all the other terrorists in the us government. Or any other countries government in the world for that matter. Like merkel, hollande, cameron, blair, brown, sarcozy, etc, etc !!! That is because they are not safe !! They are back-scatter radiation units and all those cabin crew are going to get their “Buns” FRIED !!!!
    Yeah, but FRIED safely !! And all the jockey’s are going to get their “Nuts” FRIED as well. But safely, so there is nothing to worry about. “Worry about, worry about, worry about.”

  6. The TSA is just another vehicle to assist the total perversion going on in this current administration. If you set up a dept made up of perverts with perverted minds, they will do what we have been seeing since the inception of the dreaded thing. When you put homos in charge a slow process of destruction begins and look what we’ve got now. TSA is doing their best to harrass, grope, rape, fondle, steal and make US citizen’s lives a hell. This is their plan. The plan is to take over and help the fake ass pres give our country over to the g-damned insane Elite. Why – they have money! You came here with NO money and YOU will leave it with NO money. What good is your life when you sell your soul for material bullshit.

  7. Choc Chimp! Ha Ha Ha The chimps are better at running their society than the so-called intelligent ones in our country.

  8. Who believes those studies in the first place? reminds me of BIG PHARMA and all the studies that were paid for by BIG PHARMA to try and foll the sheeple???

    no different

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