North Dakota Votes for Measure to Dump Confiscatory Property Taxes

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Kurt Nimmo
June 12, 2012

The people of North Dakota will go to the polls today and decide if the state should abolish property taxes. The measure is opposed by the state Chamber of Commerce, agribusiness, government unions, politicians and others feeding at the public trough.

North Dakota Votes for Measure to Dump Confiscatory Property Taxes 15908378 BG1Politicians like North Dakota governor Jack Dalrymple oppose the measure.

As should be expected, the establishment media is attempting to demonize the move. “Measure 2, as the proposal is called on the ballot, would require state government to make up for property tax revenue lost by local governments but doesn’t specify how,” reports USA Today.

“The property tax is the foundation of local government services,” Connie Sprynczynatyk, executive director of the North Dakota League of Cities, told the newspaper. “It’s the predictable source of revenue to pay for police and fire and other local services in the community where you live.”

The opposition has raised $500,000 to defeat the proposed law. If passed, they warn, the measure will deplete the state’s coffer by $812 million.

Politicians are naturally aghast. “It’s mind-boggling, really, we’d be changing everything, frankly,” said Republican governor Jack Dalrymple.

North Dakota will have police and fire service after the measure passes. The law is intended to force the state to get approval for new taxes from voters for a specific purpose instead of confiscating money at gunpoint and then finding ways to spend it.

“Americans don’t realize they are being gamed and huge surpluses could be realized if every tax was designated for a specific purpose rather than giving government an open checkbook to spend what revenues are collected,” writes Bill Sardi.

James Madison and the founders knew that without property there is tyranny. If the state has the power to take property for failure to pay taxes, it has the power to deny liberty.

“Where an excess of power prevails, property of no sort is duly respected. No man is safe in his opinions, his person, his faculties, or his possessions,” Madison wrote.

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24 Responses to “North Dakota Votes for Measure to Dump Confiscatory Property Taxes”

  1. fuck the antichrist scum that wants you to just keep giving them your best …to get there worst …all at your exspense …the dcgov and the mangod temple isreal has already declared war on the whole world …that includes north dakota ….and the rest of america too ….fuckum north dakota show them your are america not isreal worshipping antichrist fools

    hellangone Reply:
    June 12th, 2012 at 11:46 am

    We need to start by eliminating all taxes in general, and then EXTERMINATING all politicians who believe it is well and good to feed off the people.

    If this makes all of society’s bottom feeders, the government “workers,” bereft of a way of making a living, that’s just too bad. They made their choice, now let them live with it.

    LibertyHound Reply:
    June 12th, 2012 at 2:15 pm

    We should be neighbors hellandgone! FU#$ the gov parasites!

    What are the gov scum going to do when they can’t feed off of those that actually produce tangible goods and services the people the people want ? !

    Let them beg and starve!

  2. bless you fl

  3. “Americans don’t realize they are being gamed and huge surpluses could be realized if every tax was designated for a specific purpose rather than giving government an open checkbook to spend what revenues are collected,” writes Bill Sardi.

    James Madison and the founders knew that without property there is tyranny. If the state has the power to take property for failure to pay taxes, it has the power to deny liberty.

    “Where an excess of power prevails, property of no sort is duly respected. No man is safe in his opinions, his person, his faculties, or his possessions,” Madison wrote.

    This is exactly what our Federal Government has been doing with the tax dollars paid by working people. Look at how they took money out of the Social Security Trust Fund and used it in the general budget to cover other things. That alone tells me taxes would have to go up by at least 6.2% if not more, probably closer to 15 to 20% to cover this government that frankly costs too much. The government has no business borrowing from Peter to pay Paul, but that is exactly how they operate. We should all ask for a receipt showing what our tax dollars paid for!

    hellangone Reply:
    June 12th, 2012 at 11:50 am

    Well said, sir.

    Look at all the “wars.” To fight against “terrorism?” They are the terrorists. In Indiana it is now lawful to kill all rogue oinkers. It would be nice to see all states adopt this, as well as EXTERMINATE all politicians who think it is okay to leech off the public, as well as eliminate all bureaus and departments that are not mentioned in the Constitution.

  4. A step in the right direction, and a state worth looking into. I have been looking for a state to move to and North Dakota is looking good right now.

    Startover Reply:
    June 12th, 2012 at 8:56 am

    And they have wood chippers too!

    We need to not only outlaw property tax but also all Social Programs
    Social Programs = Social Weapons

    Tom Reply:
    June 12th, 2012 at 11:16 am

    And they have jobs, too.

  5. “Our family budget has to suffer while government does not.” That is exactly what I have been bitching about for 25 years now! This needs to be a slogan on a protesters sign or on a t-shirt or on a bumper sticker or here on Prison Planet! This statement really is at the heart of our problems. This statement should be our rallying cry!

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    June 12th, 2012 at 9:01 am


    Imrightyakn0w Reply:
    June 12th, 2012 at 10:11 am

    And when you get back on your feet and are no longer as broke they want even more! And they don’t care who pays the taxes just as long as somebody is filling a job to generate the tax dollars. You don’t get any tax reprieves when you get back on your feet after being down. All you get is more and more taxes. The people that work for the government, they have families too! And I’m sure their family budget would suffer if we didn’t pay our “fair share”, or 30% of our incomes, which is really ridiculous if you think about it.

    Tom Reply:
    June 12th, 2012 at 11:16 am

    They want the earth plus 5%….


    Imrightyakn0w Reply:
    June 12th, 2012 at 10:06 am

    We need a new political party, the Tricorn Party! We would all wear those Colonial Tricorn Hats, start the revolution now Tricorn Party! Tricorn Party!

  7. The opposition has raised $500,000 to defeat the proposed law. If passed, they warn, the measure will deplete the state’s coffer by $812 million.

    Oh really, the state will lose just 812 Million. Hmm the state takes in Billions in property taxes so a measely $812Million should seem a relatively small amount.

    TAXES TAXES TAXES,,, when the states or the FED GOV can’t balance a budget and spend Millions more than they have they come up with a new tax for revenue.

    Next TAX will be disguised as a Oxygen Useage Fee that everyone will have to pay.

    Please someone fire the shot that gets the REVOLUTION started so we can get rid of the corrupt scum in D.C. and within ourown states .

  8. Dump property taxes and then inheritance taxes.

    Overall the tax system has been punishing achievers in the middle class.

    Both are a complete joke and do nothing but punish those who value material possessions and redistrute to those who won’t go through the pain of obtaining material possessions through their own labor or skills.

    Wisconsin Task Force…..


    Imrightyakn0w Reply:
    June 12th, 2012 at 10:14 am

    Well said. Clear, concise and to the point!

  9. We can start trimming the budget by getting rid of some un-needed and un-wanted govt. organizations. Let’s start with TSA, then some of the administrative state, local and federal groups. Too many to list here. Then we can reduce and limit the FDA, the EPA and so on. Make them do the jobs they are supposed to do and quit trying to branch their evil tenticles into local farmers and ranchers private business. I bet if you severly limited property and other local taxes, you could have a volunteer fire dept. I would gladly volunteer 2-3 days a month if I didn’t have to pay near the amount of taxes required. Many small towns survive on a volunteer fire dept. basis.

  10. Fat Chance, the Feds will intervene before that happens….or did you forget Agenda 21 ? You will subjugate the citizens into the global enslavement program or the troops will be given marching orders to over-throw your state !

  11. it was a shot heard round the world, it was the start of the revolution, minute men get ready and on the move….

    that was a song I grew up with on an after school special…I used to wonder why they didnt carry that idea forward…teach you about GoV, health, science….real…
    they used to also sing about how the gov worked and how the country was a melting pot….

    Its really sad to me how my country is against me, all they want is my money…at all costs, even if that makes me homeless or incapable of taking care of my child…

    WE NED THAT SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD…who is the new Paul Revere,

    Please keep in mind…this wont work until ALL of us are good with it…My fam just wants to ride the storm….at least until they get hard core proof that the GOV has its agenda to remove or not to protect you as a citizen…I am sure at that point…there will be more awake then these gangs raping us can stop…..this is the key, join together…stop paying taxes that are unjust, do not keep quiet while some strangers finger enters your anus to make sure there’s no bombs….goto your local communities and be involved….don’t let these big nosed people wanting to be in everyone’s business be the foundation of your community, freedom and liberty are the same, and to be free….you MUST allow others to be who they want to be, only time to intervene is when some one or property is being hurt or destroyed, other then that…LIVE AND LET DIE….if you don’t like the way your neighbor takes care of their yard…so what….get over it… respect is what this country is in need of…self respect and respect in general…common sense just isn’t there anymore, thank you reality shows….thank you news outlets, thank you school systems, and of course thank you job creators…home always say if you raise my taxes I wont hire……well Mr. Rat fink…If WE pay all the taxes WE will not buy your crappy products, that we don’t NEED anyway…its like talking to children…reverse psychology…. you cant have this….so you now want it, I am sick of this..I HATE GREED!!!! this isn’t even capitalism….that is based on demand…well fictitious demand isn’t the same as people actually desiring it, gas has been up for yrs now, and its ALL..(..get that???…).ALL based on projections, not reality…so we pay for an assumed price 95% of the time…summer rolls around, raise the price cause you know people want to travel…then get the president on TV and radio telling people to travel….WTF?!?!?….man what a rant…I don’t like greed, I don’t like selfishness and I don’t like deceptive people…AT ALL, we need restructure at the FED level, Constitution and declaration of independence states that the type of government we have right now should be disbanded and it is OUR DUTY to do this.

  12. Can’t see it happening. Too many zombies and they control the voting machines. No way they’re going to give up a main artery of food.

  13. So where is government supposed to get its revenue from, then?

    The sales tax, right?

    What happens if a business owner refuses to submit to a compulsory sales tax audit?

    That’s right, “men with guns” show up to take his “property.”

    So economic right-wingers are not nearly as concerned with “property rights” as they want so desperately for everyone to believe.

    They just want to shift the tax burden that much more off absentee landlords and slumlords and onto wage-earners and small business owners, and call it “liberty.”

    As for you all you dupes in North Dakota, enjoy the California-style rent-gouging — and the Third World-style wealth-and-income gap that inevitably goes with it:



  14. As Joe BiteMe says This is a big F-ing deal!

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North Dakota Votes for Measure to Dump Confiscatory Property Taxes

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    The Alex Jones Channel
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Kurt Nimmo
June 12, 2012

The people of North Dakota will go to the polls today and decide if the state should abolish property taxes. The measure is opposed by the state Chamber of Commerce, agribusiness, government unions, politicians and others feeding at the public trough.

North Dakota Votes for Measure to Dump Confiscatory Property Taxes 15908378 BG1Politicians like North Dakota governor Jack Dalrymple oppose the measure.

As should be expected, the establishment media is attempting to demonize the move. “Measure 2, as the proposal is called on the ballot, would require state government to make up for property tax revenue lost by local governments but doesn’t specify how,” reports USA Today.

“The property tax is the foundation of local government services,” Connie Sprynczynatyk, executive director of the North Dakota League of Cities, told the newspaper. “It’s the predictable source of revenue to pay for police and fire and other local services in the community where you live.”

The opposition has raised $500,000 to defeat the proposed law. If passed, they warn, the measure will deplete the state’s coffer by $812 million.

Politicians are naturally aghast. “It’s mind-boggling, really, we’d be changing everything, frankly,” said Republican governor Jack Dalrymple.

North Dakota will have police and fire service after the measure passes. The law is intended to force the state to get approval for new taxes from voters for a specific purpose instead of confiscating money at gunpoint and then finding ways to spend it.

“Americans don’t realize they are being gamed and huge surpluses could be realized if every tax was designated for a specific purpose rather than giving government an open checkbook to spend what revenues are collected,” writes Bill Sardi.

James Madison and the founders knew that without property there is tyranny. If the state has the power to take property for failure to pay taxes, it has the power to deny liberty.

“Where an excess of power prevails, property of no sort is duly respected. No man is safe in his opinions, his person, his faculties, or his possessions,” Madison wrote.

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24 Responses to “North Dakota Votes for Measure to Dump Confiscatory Property Taxes”

  1. fuck the antichrist scum that wants you to just keep giving them your best …to get there worst …all at your exspense …the dcgov and the mangod temple isreal has already declared war on the whole world …that includes north dakota ….and the rest of america too ….fuckum north dakota show them your are america not isreal worshipping antichrist fools

    hellangone Reply:
    June 12th, 2012 at 11:46 am

    We need to start by eliminating all taxes in general, and then EXTERMINATING all politicians who believe it is well and good to feed off the people.

    If this makes all of society’s bottom feeders, the government “workers,” bereft of a way of making a living, that’s just too bad. They made their choice, now let them live with it.

    LibertyHound Reply:
    June 12th, 2012 at 2:15 pm

    We should be neighbors hellandgone! FU#$ the gov parasites!

    What are the gov scum going to do when they can’t feed off of those that actually produce tangible goods and services the people the people want ? !

    Let them beg and starve!

  2. bless you fl

  3. “Americans don’t realize they are being gamed and huge surpluses could be realized if every tax was designated for a specific purpose rather than giving government an open checkbook to spend what revenues are collected,” writes Bill Sardi.

    James Madison and the founders knew that without property there is tyranny. If the state has the power to take property for failure to pay taxes, it has the power to deny liberty.

    “Where an excess of power prevails, property of no sort is duly respected. No man is safe in his opinions, his person, his faculties, or his possessions,” Madison wrote.

    This is exactly what our Federal Government has been doing with the tax dollars paid by working people. Look at how they took money out of the Social Security Trust Fund and used it in the general budget to cover other things. That alone tells me taxes would have to go up by at least 6.2% if not more, probably closer to 15 to 20% to cover this government that frankly costs too much. The government has no business borrowing from Peter to pay Paul, but that is exactly how they operate. We should all ask for a receipt showing what our tax dollars paid for!

    hellangone Reply:
    June 12th, 2012 at 11:50 am

    Well said, sir.

    Look at all the “wars.” To fight against “terrorism?” They are the terrorists. In Indiana it is now lawful to kill all rogue oinkers. It would be nice to see all states adopt this, as well as EXTERMINATE all politicians who think it is okay to leech off the public, as well as eliminate all bureaus and departments that are not mentioned in the Constitution.

  4. A step in the right direction, and a state worth looking into. I have been looking for a state to move to and North Dakota is looking good right now.

    Startover Reply:
    June 12th, 2012 at 8:56 am

    And they have wood chippers too!

    We need to not only outlaw property tax but also all Social Programs
    Social Programs = Social Weapons

    Tom Reply:
    June 12th, 2012 at 11:16 am

    And they have jobs, too.

  5. “Our family budget has to suffer while government does not.” That is exactly what I have been bitching about for 25 years now! This needs to be a slogan on a protesters sign or on a t-shirt or on a bumper sticker or here on Prison Planet! This statement really is at the heart of our problems. This statement should be our rallying cry!

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    June 12th, 2012 at 9:01 am


    Imrightyakn0w Reply:
    June 12th, 2012 at 10:11 am

    And when you get back on your feet and are no longer as broke they want even more! And they don’t care who pays the taxes just as long as somebody is filling a job to generate the tax dollars. You don’t get any tax reprieves when you get back on your feet after being down. All you get is more and more taxes. The people that work for the government, they have families too! And I’m sure their family budget would suffer if we didn’t pay our “fair share”, or 30% of our incomes, which is really ridiculous if you think about it.

    Tom Reply:
    June 12th, 2012 at 11:16 am

    They want the earth plus 5%….


    Imrightyakn0w Reply:
    June 12th, 2012 at 10:06 am

    We need a new political party, the Tricorn Party! We would all wear those Colonial Tricorn Hats, start the revolution now Tricorn Party! Tricorn Party!

  7. The opposition has raised $500,000 to defeat the proposed law. If passed, they warn, the measure will deplete the state’s coffer by $812 million.

    Oh really, the state will lose just 812 Million. Hmm the state takes in Billions in property taxes so a measely $812Million should seem a relatively small amount.

    TAXES TAXES TAXES,,, when the states or the FED GOV can’t balance a budget and spend Millions more than they have they come up with a new tax for revenue.

    Next TAX will be disguised as a Oxygen Useage Fee that everyone will have to pay.

    Please someone fire the shot that gets the REVOLUTION started so we can get rid of the corrupt scum in D.C. and within ourown states .

  8. Dump property taxes and then inheritance taxes.

    Overall the tax system has been punishing achievers in the middle class.

    Both are a complete joke and do nothing but punish those who value material possessions and redistrute to those who won’t go through the pain of obtaining material possessions through their own labor or skills.

    Wisconsin Task Force…..


    Imrightyakn0w Reply:
    June 12th, 2012 at 10:14 am

    Well said. Clear, concise and to the point!

  9. We can start trimming the budget by getting rid of some un-needed and un-wanted govt. organizations. Let’s start with TSA, then some of the administrative state, local and federal groups. Too many to list here. Then we can reduce and limit the FDA, the EPA and so on. Make them do the jobs they are supposed to do and quit trying to branch their evil tenticles into local farmers and ranchers private business. I bet if you severly limited property and other local taxes, you could have a volunteer fire dept. I would gladly volunteer 2-3 days a month if I didn’t have to pay near the amount of taxes required. Many small towns survive on a volunteer fire dept. basis.

  10. Fat Chance, the Feds will intervene before that happens….or did you forget Agenda 21 ? You will subjugate the citizens into the global enslavement program or the troops will be given marching orders to over-throw your state !

  11. it was a shot heard round the world, it was the start of the revolution, minute men get ready and on the move….

    that was a song I grew up with on an after school special…I used to wonder why they didnt carry that idea forward…teach you about GoV, health, science….real…
    they used to also sing about how the gov worked and how the country was a melting pot….

    Its really sad to me how my country is against me, all they want is my money…at all costs, even if that makes me homeless or incapable of taking care of my child…

    WE NED THAT SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD…who is the new Paul Revere,

    Please keep in mind…this wont work until ALL of us are good with it…My fam just wants to ride the storm….at least until they get hard core proof that the GOV has its agenda to remove or not to protect you as a citizen…I am sure at that point…there will be more awake then these gangs raping us can stop…..this is the key, join together…stop paying taxes that are unjust, do not keep quiet while some strangers finger enters your anus to make sure there’s no bombs….goto your local communities and be involved….don’t let these big nosed people wanting to be in everyone’s business be the foundation of your community, freedom and liberty are the same, and to be free….you MUST allow others to be who they want to be, only time to intervene is when some one or property is being hurt or destroyed, other then that…LIVE AND LET DIE….if you don’t like the way your neighbor takes care of their yard…so what….get over it… respect is what this country is in need of…self respect and respect in general…common sense just isn’t there anymore, thank you reality shows….thank you news outlets, thank you school systems, and of course thank you job creators…home always say if you raise my taxes I wont hire……well Mr. Rat fink…If WE pay all the taxes WE will not buy your crappy products, that we don’t NEED anyway…its like talking to children…reverse psychology…. you cant have this….so you now want it, I am sick of this..I HATE GREED!!!! this isn’t even capitalism….that is based on demand…well fictitious demand isn’t the same as people actually desiring it, gas has been up for yrs now, and its ALL..(..get that???…).ALL based on projections, not reality…so we pay for an assumed price 95% of the time…summer rolls around, raise the price cause you know people want to travel…then get the president on TV and radio telling people to travel….WTF?!?!?….man what a rant…I don’t like greed, I don’t like selfishness and I don’t like deceptive people…AT ALL, we need restructure at the FED level, Constitution and declaration of independence states that the type of government we have right now should be disbanded and it is OUR DUTY to do this.

  12. Can’t see it happening. Too many zombies and they control the voting machines. No way they’re going to give up a main artery of food.

  13. So where is government supposed to get its revenue from, then?

    The sales tax, right?

    What happens if a business owner refuses to submit to a compulsory sales tax audit?

    That’s right, “men with guns” show up to take his “property.”

    So economic right-wingers are not nearly as concerned with “property rights” as they want so desperately for everyone to believe.

    They just want to shift the tax burden that much more off absentee landlords and slumlords and onto wage-earners and small business owners, and call it “liberty.”

    As for you all you dupes in North Dakota, enjoy the California-style rent-gouging — and the Third World-style wealth-and-income gap that inevitably goes with it:



  14. As Joe BiteMe says This is a big F-ing deal!

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