Bridge plunge dad a prep teacher: report

A 40-year-old father who plunged to his death from Brisbane’s Story Bridge along with his two-year-old son has been described as a “highly regarded” schoolteacher.

Anglican Church Grammar School’s headmaster Jonathan Hensman has released a statement naming the dead man as Jason Lees.

“Churchie is deeply saddened by the sudden passing of one of its prep school teachers,” the statement says.

“Jason Lees was a highly regarded and much loved teacher whose kindness to his students, his gentlemanly approach and enthusiasm for teaching were appreciated by students, parents and his colleagues.”

He said Mr Lee was a team player and that staff who worked closely with him admired his passion and commitment.

“The impact this sudden news has had on our community is significant and as we work through our grief we are concerned for our boys whom he taught in the classroom or coached on the sports field,” the statement said.

He said the school will provide counselling for students and staff.

Mr Lee and his son fell from the bridge about 3.20am (AEST).

Their bodies were found later that morning on the south side of the bridge.

Detective-Superintendent Michael Niland would not comment on the circumstances of the man’s death and whether it was being treated as murder suicide.

He also declined to say if Mr Lees was in a custody battle.

“It is a terrible family tragedy and the family are very upset,” Det-Supt Michael Niland told reporters in Brisbane.

“The family are suffering an immense amount of grief at the moment.

“They are very sensitive to the issue and have asked not to have anything (reported) in the media.”

He said several people witnessed the tragedy.

“There are witnesses to this event,” he said.

“We have been gathering statements this morning and investigations are continuing.”

Premier Anna Bligh said preliminary investigations showed the boy was not known to the Department of Community Safety.

“It is nothing short of a heartbreaking tragedy, and there is a family out there in a lot of pain today,” Ms Bligh told reporters in Rockhampton.

Last year, a Brisbane mother left her son in a car on the same bridge before committing suicide, after she had killed her 14-year-old daughter in their Paddington home.

* Support is available for anyone who may be distressed by calling Lifeline 131 114

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