Britain pledges cash to Afghan security

Following NATO talks in Brussels on Wednesday, The British Defense Secretary Philip Hammond said the UK will provide $110m of the total of $1.3bn requested from NATO members towards the funding of Afghan forces to “make Afghanistan a safer and more stable country and protect our own national interests.”

Britain’s offer to fund Afghan security force comes as it is gripped by great financial problems.

“I think the intention is that the numbers will run through 2014, through 2015, and will then start to go down to get to the target number of 228,500, which will be achieved by the end of 2017. So the number will be achieved over a couple of years,” Hammond added

However, the Respected MP George Galloway warned yesterday against the bloody war in Afghanistan, saying that the war was becoming a disastrous military situation like Vietnam 1968.

Britain’s newly-elected MP also urged the British Prime Minister David Cameron to follow Australia’s example and accelerate the withdrawal of British troops.

Moreover, he condemned the “arrant glad consensus” across the UK’s three main parties “about what they call a mission but, given the amount of blood on the ground and the rapidly deteriorating situation, most of us call a war in Afghanistan.”


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