Brother of al-Qaeda chief killed in air strike calls US drone attacks ‘inhumane’

For years considered a covert Central Intelligence Agency programme, the
unmanned aircraft can be remotely piloted from thousands of miles away and
can fire missiles at targets at the push of a button.

White House officials say there is nothing in international law that forbids
the use of the drones and that, by killing dangerous insurgents, they are
making Americans safer.

That view has been challenged by authorities in Pakistan, who are angry
because many of the strikes have happened on their soil, and by rights

Civil liberties groups argue that the strikes are illegal because they take
place outside an active battlefield, meaning the rules of law which allow a
combatant to kill their opponent do not apply.

The United States and security analysts say al-Libi was a veteran militant and
leader of operations for al Qaeda, a group responsible for the Sept 11, 2001
attacks on US cities as well as dozens of other acts of violence.

His brother offered a more nuanced account, describing how al-Libi had gone
from being a chemistry student in Libya to hiding out in the mountains of
Pakistan’s North Waziristan region.

He said his brother, also known as Mohammed Hassan al-Qayed, had been
radicalised by his treatment under Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan leader killed
in an uprising last year. Gaddafi’s security forces routinely arrested
anyone who strayed from officially approved Islam.

“We come from a great line of students of religion, we are a religious
family and we all studied Islamist jurisprudence at school. I am an Islamic
studies professor,” al-Qayed, 57, told Reuters.

“He was a very bright student and always had high marks and he wanted
more out of his studies, so was forced to leave Libya … The last time we
saw him was in 1990 when he left to study abroad because he was oppressed in
Libya due to his beliefs.”

“The last time we spoke to him was in 2002, and since then we only know
what’s happening with him through the media,” the brother said.

“I never heard him speak of killing innocent people and don’t believe he
would ever condone it. He was a Muslim, and we don’t kill people without

“My brother was attracted to his ideology because he was oppressed and
we were all oppressed and saw great suffering from Gaddafi’s regime.”

In what one analyst said was a retaliation for al-Libi’s killing, a bomb
exploded outside the offices of the U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya’s
eastern city of Benghazi early on Wednesday. There was only slight damage.

Al-Qayed said he knew nothing about the attack in Benghazi. Asked if he
expected any reaction inside Libya to his brother’s killing, he said only: “I
don’t know, but the Muslim is the brother of the Muslim.”

He appealed to Pakistan’s government and humanitarian agencies to find his
brother’s body and bring it back to Libya “so we may bury him here as a

Source: agencies

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