‘Bulgaria attack work of suicide bomber with fake US ID’

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Jeruslaem Post
July 19, 2012

A suicide bomber was responsible for the Wednesday terror attack targeting Israeli tourists at the Burgas Airport in which seven people were killed, Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov said Thursday. The suspected bomber was carrying a US passport believed to be fake, according to the Sofia News Agency.

Initial reports suggested that the explosion was caused by a bomb placed in the luggage compartment of the bus. However, an investigation carried out by Bulgarian authorities in conjunction with the FBI, CIA and Israeli authorities now points to a suicide bomber described as a Cauacasian man with long hair and sports attire, according to the report.

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10 Responses to “‘Bulgaria attack work of suicide bomber with fake US ID’”

  1. Real headline should be “Mossad blows up own bus, Iranians blamed as usual”.

    captain obvious Reply:
    July 19th, 2012 at 3:37 am

    no doubt about that here.

    Huggles Reply:
    July 19th, 2012 at 3:47 am

    Killers tend travel with forged passports because a passport is an internationally recognised document. But WTF would anyone use an ID for when a real one is useless in the US in the first place?

  2. Yeah, evil does as evil do. Gimme a break, U.S. ID in Bulgaria, amazing. Wonder what kind of ID it was…..a passport undamaged, flying through the luggage compartment out onto the lawn ?

    down with the clown Reply:
    July 19th, 2012 at 3:48 am

    the news said it was a MI. id an they had video of the man who did it.

    Ho of Babylon Reply:
    July 19th, 2012 at 5:06 am

    Let me guess, he is a used car salesman because “You can’t make this stuff up!”

    Except of course when you can.

  3. This smells more like Mosad than Brisket on frick’n Hanukkah day.

    A Bus load Israelis in Bulgaria !, a FAKE US Passport !
    You have got to be shittin’ me

    You couldn’t make this shit up, well you could be but nobody would believe you.

    This is only the warm up act for the coming weeks.

  4. my friend’s step-mother made $17766 last week. she gets paid on the laptop and got a $397200 house. All she did was get blessed and put to use the clues laid out on this web site tinyurl.com/7jsz6vk

  5. Tom’s–you got it all wrong–I’m told your mother brings alot of undeclared ca$h ,for a buck, any dick to pork her, -at nearby local busy street corner. And your Daddy pockets it all.

  6. Oh Ooops !
    I took off from Burgas yesterday afternoon and saw the smoke rise from the CARPARK as we left ! On the way to board my airplane, I saw 4 us.aircrew and their joooooooooooooooooooooooo looking Handlers enter the Terminal. This bunch of criminals use Burgas to refuel on their so called clandestine missions. They refuel their cia Learjets on their way to tel aviv ! Why should anyone need a fake us. passport in Bulgaria. To the uneducated in izraHELL, Bulgaria is a SCHENGEN country. You do NOT need a passport there, you can travel anywhere in a schengen country without going through immigration ! A drivers licence will do !!
    As our friends above say. This is another own goal ! Just like 911 and 7/7 !! There are 25-30,000 evil joooooooooooooooooozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz living in Iran. Not one has been shot, stabbed or blown up by Iranians. So why do you think they would put themselves out to go to “sleepy little Burgas” to blow them up there. ??? Honestly, some people give my asshole the ear ache !!
    And did you get this ?? The attack was not in the airport !! It was in a carpark outside the airport, so what the stuff do you need a passport for ?? Its all CRAP !!! Ia sure that if you blew up the leader of the worlds most evil terrorists, all this would stop !!!

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