‘Bumcrack Bandit’ woman suspect in two latest shootings on Gold Coast

A FEMALE robber dubbed the “Bumcrack Bandit” may be behind the Gold Coast’s latest shooting, in the same suburb where police officer Damian Leeding was gunned down.

Bumcrack bandit

Wearing low-slung jeans, the woman showed a lot more than just athleticism as she vaulted the bar at the Coomera Lodge Hotel on Tuesday night with a silver pistol in one hand.

Bumcrack bandit

CCTV cameras captured images of her rear-end as she leapt the counter and, together with a male accomplice, fled the premises with the cash drawer and alcohol.

Bumcrack bandit

Police believe the gun may have been used to shoot a man twice in the arm at nearby Pacific Pines soon after the break-in and are also investigating a possible link to the shooting of a moving car at Nerang earlier in the night.

The 30-year-old shooting victim turned up at the 7-Eleven service station at Pacific Pines. It is the same service station that another man drove to after he was shot in the stomach in March.

Senior-Constable Leeding was slain during a botched armed robbery at the at the nearby Pacific Pines Tavern in May.

Senior-Sergeant Mark Proctor, of Coomera CIB, said the man and woman smashed down the front doors of the Coomera Lodge Hotel about 11.40pm.

They escaped in a dark blue Lexus 4WD which was later found on at Coomera.

About 20 minutes later, Sen-Sgt Proctor said, a man walked into the 7-Eleven at Pacific Pines with two gunshot wounds to his right arm. He was taken by ambulance to the Gold Coast Hospital where he was to undergo surgery.

The man is believed to be known to police and may be an associate of the male and female robbers.

Sen-Sgt Proctor said the shooting victim was under sedation and police had not yet been able to speak to him.

“We have no link between the offenders and the victim at this stage however that will be the subject of investigation,” he said.

“We believe the offences are linked.”

About 11.23pm, shot was fired through a car at Nerang. The bullet smashed the rear windscreen and lodged in the dashboard.

“He’s (the driver) very lucky,” Sen-Sgt Proctor said.

“The shot was fired from a vehicle or somene standing at the side of the road so obviously, at a moving vehicle, it’s very lucky it didn’t strike him.”

Contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or crimestoppers.com.au

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