Burger King tests bacon ice cream sundae while Pizza Hut serves up hot dog stuffed pizza crust

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Is it even food?

Mike Adams
Natural News
Thursday, April 19, 2012

In the race to be the most offensive junk food providers in the world, U.S. fast food giants are rolling out disgusting and health-destroying menu concoctions that come close to activating the gag reflex.

Burger King tests bacon ice cream sundae while Pizza Hut serves up hot dog stuffed pizza crust Burger King Bacon Sundae

Burger King, for example, is now actively testing a bacon sundae, consisting of a (processed, pasteurized) ice cream sundae with two strips of bacon shoved in it. It has all the artistry of a deep fried donkey turd, or maybe even a frozen vomit popsicle. But some people apparently love the idea of getting diabetes (processed ice cream) and cancer (processed bacon) in the same dish!

If you think I’m making all this up, this is actually a true story. It was reported by NPR (http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2012/04/12/150502365/the-bacon-sunda…) and there’s even a photo of the sign promoting the bacon sundae at GrubGrade (http://www.grubgrade.com/2012/04/04/test-market-nashville-burger-king…). You can find a picture and a “food review” of the bacon sundae at:http://www.grubgrade.com/2012/04/12/review-bacon-sundae-from-burger-k…

We took a pizza and stuffed it with hot dogs, then deep fried it and folded it in half to make a GIANT TACO!

Not to be left behind in the race to concoct the most offensive food possible, Pizza Hut has unveiled a new stuffed crust that’s actually stuffed withhot dogs. This is pretty freaky, considering all the bizarre animal parts that hot dogs are stuffed with. Why not just call itRoad Kill Pizza?

You can see a picture of this latest food monstrosity at CBS News:http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504763_162-57412379-10391704/pizza-hut-un…

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

I wonder… are these the hot dogs withnormallevels of cancer-causing sodium nitrite, or are these the hot dogs withextracancer-causing sodium nitrite?

It kinda makes you wonder what sort of person this food would appeal to in the first place. Are there really people out there who say, “Eating a PIZZA just isn’t damaging enough to my health. I sure wish they could combine a pizza with HOT DOGS so I could enjoy my two favorite health-destroying foods in every delicious bite!”

There’s a hilarious food parody video fromSNL, by the way, that perfectly captures this food insanity. Watch it here:

Why not try these delicious menu entries as well?

I got to thinking that if Burger King can roll out a bacon sundae, McDonald’s needs something to compete with it. And all the other fast food joints need their own “gross me out!” menu items as well.

So I put together this list of things that I think the American people will eat. Because, as we’ve learned, fast food consumers will eat A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G if you stuff it into a pizza crust and have a famous sports celebrity talk about how great it is.

Sweaty Socks Omelet. This popular menu item takes a pair of sweaty socks from the local gym, then gently folds them inside a fluffy egg white omelet garnished with sauteed peppers and onions. Low cholesterol for a healthy heart!

Agenda 21 Recycled Stuffed Pizza. For the eco-conscious consumer, this “recycled pizza” innovation delightfully reuses food that would otherwise go to waste by taking the food left uneaten by previous customers and carefully stuffing it into a pizza crust. Every crust is different, making it a wonderful eco-friendly surprise! It’s so delicious, even Al Gore eats it!

Vanilla-Flavored Pukeshake. This customer favorite recipe combines Madagascar vanilla beans with the fresh vomit of the very workers at that restaurant, making it a “local food” menu item that hints at the flavors and aromas of each hometown region.

Deep-Fried Dirt. For those consumers seeking a source of high-quality minerals such as iron, calcium and zinc, we now offer Deep-Fried Dirt! Hand-mined from the pristine top soils of New Orleans, this mineral-rich dirt is rolled into chewy balls bound with silly putty chemicals, gently dusted with MSG and bleached flour, then deep fried in genetically modified canola oil until it’s crispy brown and super delicious!

Grilled Crap Tips Sandwich. Finally, our five-star menu item consists of meticulously crafted crap tips, drizzled in mustard and anchovies, then grilled over mesquite wood chips and delicately placed in wholesome buns made of processed whole wheat enriched with sheetrock fiber to increase personal crap production while gently whitening your stools.

PLUS, with every menu item you order now, you’ll receive a bonus of Big Ass Fries! It’s a whopping 256 ounces of mutant potatoes and partially hydrogenated soybean oil, enhanced with laboratory-engineered olfactory stimulators that make you think you’re eating real food! These Big Ass Fries are free with every order. Don’t wait! Buy now!

Also worth watching:

Domino’s Tests Limits Of What Humans Will Eat

New Wearable Feedbags Let Americans Eat More, Move Less

Taco Town hilarious food commercial parody (SNL):

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23 Responses to “Burger King tests bacon ice cream sundae while Pizza Hut serves up hot dog stuffed pizza crust”

  1. Is Obama the Antichrist … yes he is, Prophecies Org

    Excerpted from Prophecies Org

    Just know, My Little One, that his roots go deep, that his roots are dark, and that they stretch wide in Communist/Marxist teachings and doctrines, even as I have shown you in a previous vision! For, these words and visions of our Father are also My words and visions to you! Obama has been brought through the ranks and has been deeply indoctrinated and trained in subversive techniques. And, he has been groomed and prepared for this time of world communism and Satanism; for nothing of such a magnitude happens in Satan’s kingdom by chance! But, even so, am I not in all of this?

    You, Oh, My People in this nation have refused Me! You have refused our Father! You have forsaken righteousness, preferring instead to follow after the world, and to trust in the arm of the flesh, and to believe in men and their powers! Yes, indeed, to trust in a wicked government to rescue you, to fix your problems and to provide for you!

    Now comes the very antichrist into your midst and you see it not! For, you are looking for someone to SAVE you from your own downfall! You are looking to a man to fix the world situation! You are looking to a man to save you from war, to save your houses, to save your jobs and to save your families! Yes, you are looking to a man and I have given you a man, who will lie to you! He will tell you every smooth tale! He will con you with every smooth plan, even as he leads this nation off a cliff, to a point of no return. Even as he sets up death camps in your midst and even as he executes your families and even as he ravages your land with war and destruction, he will tell you that this if for your own good! Even as he beheads and kills you by the hundreds of thousands, oh yes, he will tell you that the terrorists and the dissidents must be purged.

    Oh, yes he will do these things! He will cast you into a third world war and quickly so, to cause you to be attacked and to be annihilated and/or carried away by the foreign soldiers. But, he will not be satisfied with only bringing this nation to its knees. He will look to the whole world, and wish to conquer the whole world; and to bring to its knees the whole economic system in the world.

    For, he would have all in the world to bend a knee to him and to worship him. And, many, many will bow and serve him and many, many will worship him and many, many will take the mark of the beast. But, the tried and true will not! My Faithful will not, yet these things shall be; for they are now upon you!

    Be not troubled, My Little One, for even so, all of these things must be! I tell you now that Barack Hussein Obama is the antichrist and that the false prophet is also already known and is standing in the shadows. For, now is the time that the world knows, even as I have told you, that Barack Hussein is the antichrist and he will rise over this wicked nation! And, know that our Father has placed him here and many, many of you have believed a great lie! Yes, you have first loved a lie!

    I have called and sent My prophets throughout this nation to warn you to repent of your wicked ways, and you would not! You would not receive My warnings of correction, but have overwhelmingly scoffed at My warnings to repent, or perish. Therefore, your hour is at hand, wherein I will raise up the antichrist over this land, and you will drink of the bitter cup of your own sins! For, oh so wicked you are, Oh Nation of America!

    I have rounded you up, Oh House of Israel, and I have given you this land of America; and I have blessed you above all nations, only to see you raise up your skirts for every whoremonger, to see you chase every filthy sin of the flesh, and to love every vain thing! Now, comes the time of My great judgement against you! For, no longer can I bear to look upon your sins and gross rebellion!

    Hear Me, you Nation of America, My days of warnings are fast coming to an end! Yes, indeed! For, the time of My judgement is upon this nation and upon the whole world!

    But, even so, I will not leave you to be utterly destroyed and consumed by this great evil, which is upon you! For, I will also soon, and Oh so soon, take My Bride and many wedding guests! And, I will send My Bride back into the Earth and most of the wedding guests I will also send back; and for some months I will pour out My glory upon all flesh!

    But, also there will come a time of my removal of this glory, wherein I will take My Faithful and will hide them in places of refuge and safety, wherein no evil shall go! And, into these places of refuge, I shall take many others as their hearts become right with Me and as their lives become clean! But, no evil will come therein!

    And, I shall also send forth My Bride, who will work mighty miracles in the midst of such darkness and through these also shall come great judgements upon the wicked! But, even so, no harm shall come upon them; for My wrath is not meant for my Bride!

    Go in peace, My Little One, and know that I have shown you the truth about Barack Obama and have also now confirmed it to you! Type and send out what I have given you, for it is also time for all to know, who can receive the truth!

    I am your Lord of Lords, your King of Kings, Jesus, Messiah, Saviour!

    As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 20th day of November, 2008,

    Linda Newkirk

    hellangone Reply:
    April 19th, 2012 at 4:26 am


    Who would order, let alone EAT this crap!?

    Room101 Reply:
    April 19th, 2012 at 4:59 am

    Ditto! Who the hell would eat this crap?

    lizardlaw Reply:
    April 19th, 2012 at 9:27 am

    free Agent Orange Julius for surviving vets?

    AandO Reply:
    April 19th, 2012 at 10:06 am


    All Natural, right?

  2. bah, I make my own decadent garbage at home..

    smoked sausage stuffed with pepperjack spiral wrapped with bacon,
    slathered in honey BBQ sauce, brown mustard and relish..

    its barely more real than these “fast-food creations”.

    I think “wheres the pink slime?” T-shirts would be funny,
    or “100% pasteurized processed imitation cheese food substitute”.
    “drink PEPSI, because cannibalism is healthy!”
    “eat SOYLENT GREEN, treehuggers can be good for something”

    what could they do if ya brought a geiger counter in with ya?
    if its radioactive and they’re trying to sell it as food, they’re GUILTY!
    wouldnt THAT be a fun can of worms,
    a store full of customers wanting an arrest!

    V-man Mace Reply:
    April 19th, 2012 at 5:21 am


  3. It WILL sell, because the fat tards are dumb enough to buy it AND eat it AND never do anything whatsover to work it off after , except maybe have a smoke, and not the good smoke….More natural selection……waddle waddle bounce bounce

  4. ear that an you’ll be sick in 5min. or less. have not done that in 3yr. an don’t miss it at all. no fast food for me.

  5. I clicked on the link and read that the Hot Dog Pizza is only available in the UK, not here in the states. I wouldn’t make it a habit but I would give it a try to be honest. It looks tasty, mustard drizzle and all.

    hellangone Reply:
    April 19th, 2012 at 6:22 am

    Then you’d be “Plague of BRITISH Smiles” (read: missing and bad teeth).

    Brits, let’s see those smiles!

  6. You can wash it all down with Starbuck’s “Kopi Luwak,” a rare and gourmet coffee from Indonesia that is made from beans passed through the digestive system of monkeys. “How may scoops, sir?”

    Images for Incurable Kinds of Thoughts.
    Click hotlink.

  7. Keep lapping this shit up, America, because you won’t have any of it in your FEMA camp.

  8. i’m going to have nightmares now 🙂
    remember folks, fast-food kills …

  9. Nice food to feed to a TSA groper… They aren’t too bright and they won’t even get suspicious when a fit trim traveler offers it to them. I say fit trim because, well, I know all you infowarriors are drinking beyond tangy tangerine. Yes, feed this to the TSA gropers. In fact I’m so tempted to take a flight bring some ex-lax brownies for them to confiscate. Oh, that gives me an idea on tainting some K-Y jelly with cayenne pepper juice. BURN BABY BURN!

  10. you guys just don’t seem to get it.

    this is all part of their eugenics plan.

    you don’t see rich people eating hotdog stuffed pizza!


  11. Between your quote and bumper sticker’s “Kopi Luwak” below I am having my fill of good laughs today. I laugh and STILL… I want that Hot Dog Pizza!!! They should sell those at baseball games. Won’t try the Kopi poo juice but I found a coworker here who will drink it if we buy it for him. That’s a line that even I will not cross.

    weliveinigloos Reply:
    April 19th, 2012 at 9:18 am

    it’s really no different than the peperoni stuffed crust pizza, the stuff we enjoyed as kids….heck it sounds pretty tasty, It’s kind of a sinful treat. you only live once!

  12. Would anybody buy this? I would never buy bacon ice cream! This is too weird for me. You might as well put octopus on it.

    weliveinigloos Reply:
    April 19th, 2012 at 9:20 am

    what about popcorn flavored Jelly Belly’s? they are fantastic candy!

  13. NOTE to Michelle Obama:

    You can lose up to 78.93 KG from the Constitutional mental health exam we have arranged.
    Public records suggest your man weighs almost 79kg, with no political body-armor on him.

    If impeachment happens, you’ll be a single mother. Remember to watch your weight. Exercise
    your human rights, before it’s too late! Can your kids kill the Internet if their dad is detained?
    Where is the switch? Who else has the root password?

  14. ‘Why not try these delicious menu entries as well?’

    I didn’t see the deep fired Haggis Pudding and Chip supper listed.

    Take a Sheep’s intestine and stuff it with ground up sheep’s guts i.e. liver, lungs and heart mixed with spices (pepper, nutmeg etc) and oatmeal. Coat in a beer batter (egg, flour, beer etc) and deep fry after boiling the contents of the Haggis.
    Serve with deep fried Chips, (made from real Scottish grown potatoes for those folks who don’t know what French fries). Lard is usually preferred over Rape Seed Oil for Deep frying. Mushy peas and tomato ketchup to compliment.

    Consume after about 4 to 6 pints of Cold Stella Artois.

    OK it might not sound very nice but the sheep are free range and the oats non GMO.

    A hot dog crust Pizza from Pizza Hut leaflet has already been put through my letter box. I don’t touch hot dogs nor any American Fast food Corps as it sound like the American Pink Slime industry is trying to dispose of their product in Pizza Crusts. There is a fat Italian fellow not far away who knows how to make a good Pizza.

  15. gag a maggot to death this is as bad a pineapple pizza
    or shit ala king sucks badly
    as for nobama and his sowcow when he gets impeached run for the hills and they do have eyes on wanting to hang your ugly troll self with those half breed monkeys along with your buddy the witch of tv oprah umbitch you and they well swing freely and i aint talking about sex parities here but your sorry carcass swinging alongs side dog piles!

    remember the first communist revolution in france well it will be the reverse revolution against dictators

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