Burma’s Aung San Suu Kyi given first passport in 24 years

Since her release in November 2010 from her last term of house arrest, Suu Kyi
had been invited to visit by several foreign governments. Recently, UN
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon invited her to the UN headquarters in New York
where she once worked.

During a brief visit to Burma in April, British Prime Minister David Cameron
also invited Suu Kyi to visit the United Kingdom, saying it would be a sign
of progress if she were able to leave Burma and then return to carry out her
duties as a MP.

Cameron publicly suggested she visit in June to see her “beloved Oxford,”
where she attended university in the 1970s and raised her two children.

Suu Kyi replied that “two years ago I would have said thank you for the
invitation, but sorry. But now I am able to say perhaps, and that’s great

Source: AP

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