Butcher arrested at work in Pa. piggy bank heist

PITTSBURGH (AP) — A butcher has been arrested at the supermarket where he worked because police say he skipped a court hearing on charges that he stole $400 from a 2-year-old’s piggy bank.

The public defender for 21-year-old Jason Engel, of Pittsburgh, hasn’t immediately returned a call for comment Thursday.

Engel was charged by Stowe Township police in August after a woman accused him of stealing $60, a cellphone and some condoms after she kicked him out of her home. The woman later discovered half dollars and silver dollars had been taken from her son’s piggy bank and police filed charges including burglary and theft.

Engel was on the Allegheny County Sheriff‘s “Most Wanted” list before someone who recognized his mug shot reported he worked at the supermarket, where he was arrested Wednesday.

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