Cash, jewels taken in home invasion

Two gunmen are on the run following a home invasion in Sydney’s southwest, according to police.

Police say they were called to a Mount Pritchard home about 9pm (AEST) on Tuesday after two men, armed with a shotgun and a pistol, forced their way into the property.

The intruders assaulted the home’s 31-year-old occupant as they demanded money from the safe. He was not injured.

The armed pair made off with cash and jewellery.

Officers and dogs remain on the scene.

The first intruder is described as being of Asian appearance, medium build, aged in his mid 30s, approximately 165cm to 170cm tall and with a shaved head. He was wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans.

The second man is described as being of Asian appearance and of solid build. He was wearing a red and blue shirt, blue jeans, a white cap and red bandanna.

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