Cathay Pacific overhauls information management system

Cathay Pacific will implement an advanced information management system into its full fleet of Airbus and Boeing aircraft as it turns to IT to increase operational efficiency in its flights and across the organization.

According to a statement by ARINC, the service provider of the information management system, on Tuesday, the Hong Kong airline’s deployment represents the airline industry’s most significant upgrade in flight deck communications tech in more than 30 years.

The new system creates a “e-enabled aircraft” by offering fully-customized, integrated communications management of flight operations, data communication services, cabin services, maintenance, diagnostics, and vital safety information, it stated.

Russell Davie, general manager of flight operations at Cathay Pacific, said: “E-enablement is very much the future of aviation for Cathay Pacific. Increased operational efficiency of our flights has a clear and direct impact on our continued ability to offer passengers award-winning service, as well as increased operational efficiencies across the organization.”

The deployment comes after a two-year operational trial to customize the tech according to Cathay Pacific’s needs. Cathay, and its subsidiary Dragonair, will now have the capability to select cost-effective communications connectivity for individual aircraft yet maintain a consistent data delivery link between aircraft and remote host systems, ARINC stated.

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