CBC staff: Opposition to Obama is racist

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Joel Gehrke
Washington Examiner
Monday, June 11, 2012

Angela Rye, Executive Director of the Congressional Black Caucus, argued that President Obama has struggled during his first term due to racially-motivated opposition from conservatives who dislike having a black president.

“This is probably the toughest presidential term in my lifetime,” Rye said during CSPAN’s QA yesterday. “I think that a lot of what the president has experienced is because he’s black. You know, whether it’s questioning his intellect or whether or not he’s Ivy League. It’s always either he’s not educated enough or he’s too educated; or he’s too black or he’s not black enough; he’s too Christian or not Christian enough. There are all these things where he has to walk this very fine line to even be successful.”

She said that “a lot” of conservative opposition is racially-charged, citing the use of the word “cool” in an attack ad launched by Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS superPAC.

“There’s an ad, talking about [how] the president is too cool, [asking] is he too cool? And there’s this music that reminds me of, you know, some of the blaxploitation films from the 70s playing in the background, him with his sunglasses,” Rye said. “And to me it was just very racially-charged. They weren’t asking if Bush was too cool, but, yet, people say that that’s the number one person they’d love to have a beer with. So, if that’s not cool I dont know what is.

She added that “even ‘cool,’ the term ‘cool,’ could in some ways be deemed racial [in this instance].”

Full story here.

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43 Responses to “CBC staff: Opposition to Obama is racist”

  1. How about he’s too stupid to do anything? I don’t care about his skin color, I care about the fact that he’s only there to take orders to implode everything and everyone. And the fact that he doesn’t care one iota about anyone or anything except for his handlers and himself. And that’s it.

    hellangone Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 1:24 pm


    Well, to the really stupid, your remarks could be seen as “racist” because you’ve pointed out that blacks are inherently stupid and do not have the cognitive ability to make their own decisions.

    But, I am a realist, I live in reality, and see your remarks as SPOT ON!

    illuminated ascension Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 2:14 pm

    Actually that is racist. I dont like obama but he’s never done anything to make me question his intelligence. He is certainly more intelligent than ur precios white man slash circus clown who was pres before him. Bush says the stupidest shit heard by man but u dont take that to mean white people are intellectually inferior. When u cousin fuckin rednecks can get enough brain cells together show me how to build a pyramid. U mental midgets.

    LibertyHound Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 4:47 pm

    I hate the white part of him as well! Angela Rye, you left out the part about him needing a teleprompter everywhere including when he is in bed with his ugly wife! You also neglected to mention that no one can verify his alleged edumacation either as he hides everything about himself!

    Also, his secret service staff refer to him as the biggest liar they have ever met, look it up on YouTube! They also claim Michelle is a hardcore RACIST and can’t stop ranting about her hate for white people!

    Hey Angela Rye (aka Black), YOU ARE A RACIST !

    Glen Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 1:29 pm






    THE EXACT OPPOSITE was done when ODUMBO came to office.

    hammerhead Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 2:14 pm

    how about he’s a socialist ?

    i am sick of this politically correct shit !
    when he stops running around aplogizing to the commies and muzzies i might listen to him.

    and if by calling him a card carrying socialist ( the truth ) makes me racist , so be it.

  2. With CBS (Communist Broadcast System) you fall into one of two categories. You are either a communist or a racist. If you don’t want 80% of your income going to taxes, then you’re a racist. It’s as simple as that. If you aren’t down with communism, then you have to be a racist. That’s the only explanation in their warped minds. Well, if being a racist means you support the Constitution, small government, personal freedoms, not having the government spying on your every move, and not giving up 80% of my income to taxes, then by all mean, call me a racist!

    hellangone Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 1:24 pm


    Count me in as a racist as well!

    Patriotgirl Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 1:44 pm

    ME TOO!!!

  3. OBAMA, OBAMA he’s a puppet

    the bilderbergs and the Vatican or UN tell Obama what he must do.
    Obama does not dicide anything.

    the masters do. so even if you do change the puppets the masters are still there handling the puppets??????? hellooooooooo

  4. White folks can’t win either way. If you vote for Obama you’re a racist (because you’re trying to prove to yourself that you aren’t a racist) and if you don’t vote for Obama you’re a racist. If you give him a compliment (like saying he’s cool) you’re a racist and if you don’t compliment him you’re a racist. To the commies, you’re automatically a racist if you’re white. Even those these same Bolsheviks decry not to judge people based on skin color, that’s exactly what they do. They automatically assume that if you’re white, you’re a racist. So screw them, if they want to think all whites are racist, let them. You’ll never change their minds, so why bother trying?

  5. She is an absolute MORON for even putting the two together!! Grasping at straws, continuing this race war that THEY promote!

  6. That’s pretty funny considering that the Congressional Black Caucus has never accepted a white member

    hellangone Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 1:25 pm

    That’s why they’re black ca-ca!

    Ho of Babylon Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 2:55 pm

    There’s nothing in their by-laws to prevent any nonblacks from becoming members, they just haven’t accepted any. There was some rep from KY or somewhere a couple of years back whose constituency was majority black and he applied thinking it would help him serve his constituents better, but the CBC told him to forget about it.

    hammerhead Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 2:16 pm

    is there a congressional WHITE caucus ? NO ! it would be racist LMAO !

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 2:31 pm



    hammerhead Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 3:04 pm

    hateing the socialist left wing is now racism , get it ?
    if your not gonna be a good “follower” then you are a racist and terrorist .

  7. To call the likes of these racists totally insane is to compliment them. But we expected this. They always play the race card as a last resort. Won’t work this time. That interloper in the White House isn’t even an American citizen and has had a free ride because he is black since the day he was born. If pointing out those facts make me a racist, so be it.

    illuminated ascension Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 5:41 pm

    Free ride because he’s black? Black people are the racists? You devil worshipping scumbags and ur reverse speech. Dont listen to em good white folks, stupidity is contagious.

  8. Let’s get this straight. Obama is not a black president. He is half white. To say opposition to Obama is racist is a racist expression in its own right as it links two logically disticnt concepts of race and opposition as though they are related when quite obviously they are not. This is the height of intellectual dishonesty to try and elicit guilt or sympathy where none is appropriate. All I can say to that is that they must be desperate!

  9. You know if these fake liberals really cared about racism why dont they try to get to the bottom of who killed Martin Luther King and Malcolm X and why?

  10. I can’t wait for him to start wearing his pants sagging off his hiney!. IF we notice that mode of dress, is it racist? He so wants to be noticed for being “halfblack, halfblack” yet he wants to be not noticed for it. Make up your damn mind.

    hammerhead Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 2:18 pm

    I can’t wait for him to start wearing his pants sagging off his hiney!.

    hahahahahaha , THAT WOULD BE GREAT! LMAO

  11. Mein Fuhrer is a psychopathic mega-lo-maniac obsessed with global domination …

  12. Like I said, I don’t care about skin color. White, black, yellow, green, purple, polka dot, I don’t care. He’s just an idiot, there to serve the Global Idiots causes. Which makes it worse. And the sheeple have no clue and will never have a clue. So call me a racist or a conspiracy nut, I don’t care. I just want to know what is really going on. And that’s all.

  13. How proudly you wear ur stupidity on ur sleave. May ur white illuminatti masters donkey fuck ur kidz while u scream “why r u doing this? Im white! I thought i was on the team!“ no ur just some stupid hillbillies who they fed lies to to make u feel special so u wont bother them while they take ur shit. Way to be pawns u inbred pieces of shit

    Itsa Payne Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 3:37 pm

    Looks as if Ebonics isn’t working out very well for you. Might want to try ghetto-survivors.org.

  14. What is racist. The fact that she is bitching about this says she s racist against white people saying we are all against the jackoff. One thing that people miss is that fact that OBama is half Causcasion. So how can you be racist against him.

    The first thing he said when he won in his first speech was ” Only in America”. What he meant was only in American a Black man could win as president. That is a racist comment in the first words uttered becoming a president and i knew from that point on he was friggin liar. Knew that he would be a huge opponent to middle Whitey Americans and what has happened. Exactly that. He is a puppet to kill off the only strong patriots of our country. That is the goal he was given by his Bilderburger, ” advisers.”

  15. The problem isn’t that Obama is black. The problem is that he is Red.

  16. Angela Rye is calling the Bilderbergs racists. I would not want to be in her shoes.

    This idiot has not gotten the Bilderberg Directive that Romney will be the next President and Bernanke will remain as Federal Reserve Chairman.

    Romney attended Bilderberg 2012. Obama attended Bilderberg 2008.

    Obama will lose. His birth certificate, selective service card and Kenya Birth Certificate are now open for the Mainstream News since Bilderberg owns the mainline news. It’s amazing to see how overnight the media switched.

    Bill Gates attended 2012 so now pro-Obama MSN must sing a new song.

    The Washington Post attended 2012 so they must sing a new song.

    Bernanke turned on Obama withing days so he must sing a new song.

  17. Hes also a magician.

    Hocus pocus change the focus.

  18. How proudly u hillbillies wear ur stamps of stupidity. Keep hating blacks while ur white masters take everything u love. The lies they feed u are to make u complacent while they subjugate us. They know we fight theyve seen it first hand. They just had to make u feel special so you never join the side of righteousness. Way to act out ur programming retards

    illuminated ascension Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 4:00 pm

    You just presumed to know what an entire group of people are thinking without talking to any of them.That proves that u r the very thing u claim to hate everybody for accusing u of being. Save ur impotent rage for people who give a shit. All of u rednecks say something constructive and stop bitching.

  19. Apparently the courts agree that opposition to Obama is racist, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has just tossed the birther suit for lack of standing.

    hammerhead Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 3:01 pm

    what did you think would happen ?

    Ho of Babylon Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 4:21 pm

    it’s what I thought would happen (again), but it is aggravating.

  20. This is a joke!

  21. then im a racist. i hate that son of bitch, gay loving fucker. YEP IM A RACIST. SO WHAT!!!!

  22. Obama black hardly he is like his policy very grey and slightly blurred.

  23. Race Card played every time. Like that’s a surprise. Goes to show just how much respect the CBC has for themselves. Just a bunch of Forest Gumps in blackface starring in a replay of “Roots”.

  24. Wow, a black bringing up the race card yet again when someone sucks at their job or screws up. SHOCKING. The best is non-blacks as a collective whole can’t simply tel these people to shut up since hey, that is racism and people today feel the need to try and make up for real racism that used to be widespread many decades ago. Its just like how you have to tippy toe if you want to criticize a Jew because of the holocaust. So sick of this PC bullshit we live in.

    Poor blacks back in the day who dealt with REAL racism on a daily basis and those blacks today who also deal with real racism in various areas and/or periods of their lives. This shit insults them and thinking about the slap in the face those people get pisses me off.

  25. Obama is a racist.

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