Check your pay packets, union warns

Australia’s 1.4 million lowest-paid workers who’ve won a $17 pay rise should start checking their pay packets to ensure they’re not being ripped off, a trade union leader says.

Fair Work Australia’s decision to boost the minimum wage by 2.9 per cent takes effect from Sunday, and the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) is warning workers to make sure their employers pay up.

ACTU secretary Dave Oliver said the start of the new financial year should also signal a wage rise for many other workers on enterprise bargaining agreements or over-award contracts.

“Now that the minimum wage has gone up, all workplace agreements and contracts need to be checked to make sure that the rates of pay stay above the legal minimum,” Mr Oliver said in a statement.

“Workers should check their wages against the legal minimum rates to ensure they are not being underpaid thanks to the increase in the minimum wages.”

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