Chemical leak fears over derailed NT train

Environmental authorities in the Northern Territory are investigating following reports a chemical is leaking from a derailed freight train into rain-swollen rivers.

The 20-car iron ore train was washed off the tracks by floodwaters caused by a tropical storm, the remnants of Cyclone Grant, between Katherine and Pine Creek on Tuesday morning.

A spokeswoman for Natural Resources, Environment, the Arts and Sport (NRETAS) said it was unclear exactly what the chemical was or how toxic it might be.

“It’s still unclear exactly what the components were on that train,” a spokeswoman for NRETAS told AAP.

“We will definitely be sending down investigators who will do an environmental impact and check it all out.

“But it’s inaccessible at the moment because of the floodwaters.

“All I can say is NRETAS is investigating. It is of concern.”

The train’s two drivers were taken by ambulance to Katherine District Hospital after bad weather forced a Careflight helicopter to turn back.

The pair were treated for minor injuries.

The train came off the tracks just north of Edith Falls river crossing, near Katherine, about 5.30am (CST), approximately 65km north of Katherine and 30km south of Pine Creek.

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