China denies war preparation

“Reports that the Guangzhou military region, the South China Sea fleet and other units have entered a state of war preparedness are untrue,” a statement on the Chinese Defense Ministry’s website said on Friday.

This is while, rumors on the internet suggest that Beijing has ordered military units to gear up in the disputed waters.

Moreover, several hundred protesters on Friday thronged in front of Chinese embassy in the Philippines’ capital, Manila, calling on China to withdraw its troops from the South China Sea.

The standoff between the two states began on April 8 when a Philippine warship reportedly found eight Chinese fishing vessels loaded with ‘illegally-caught’ fish and coral at the Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea.

China’s naval forces arrived in the area, preventing the Philippines’s navy to arrest the Chinese fishermen. Nearly one week after the incident, attempts to resolve the stand-off have not been successful as both sides refuse to back down and are still keeping civilian vessels at the shoal.

Six countries, including China, Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam and Taiwan, claim sovereignty over areas in the South China Sea, which is said to contain huge deposits of oil and gas.

China claims all of the South China Sea as an historic right, even waters close to the coasts of the Philippines and other Southeast Asian countries.


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