Chris Brown Curses Out Twitter Critics Then Tries to Delete the Evidence

Chris Brown has a special Twitter message for those who hated on his Grammy performance: “F___ Off.”

The hip-hop performer lashed out on his Twitter account, addressing his critics in a series of missives ending with a final “F You.” A few minutes later, Brown (or his handlers) thought better of it and attempted to delete all evidence of his Twitter tantrum.

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Fortunately, our own Stephanie Haberman captured the most offensive tweet before it was deleted.

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After promoting his new single, Brown took a moment to address those that criticized the star’s air time at the 54th Annual Grammy Awards. Brown made a series of tweets (since deleted) discussing that “we select who to hate” and seemed to liken his own felony-assault conviction to rappers who sell drugs and are still idolized.

Brown may have been awarded with a Grammy — and plenty of air time — on Sunday night, however the sentiment in the social TV space was largely negative. In 2009 Brown plead guilty to one-count of felony assault against then-girlfriend Rhianna. The altercation leading up the assault happened the night before the 2009 Grammy ceremony.

A trending topic on Twitter during the Grammys was the phrase “wife beater,” referring to Brown. Many have criticized the award show for giving Brown a platform to perform and be celebrated.

Understandably Brown’s tweet — and subsequent attempt to cover his tracks — have caused users on Twitter to respond in outrage. Brown’s current tweet? “Lol.” Charming.

What do you think about Chris Brown’s Twitter antics? Do you follow him on Twitter? Tell us in the comments.

This story originally published on Mashable here.

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