CIA renditions & UK role to be probed

The project dubbed the Rendition Project is to be carried out by academics at the University of Kent, Kingston University, and Reprieve, local media reported.

The Rendition Project will collate and analyse information on thousands of CIA “rendition” flights, according to a report by the Morning Star.

The practice – where suspects are transported to secret prisons across the world to be tortured – is thought to have begun in the early 1990s.

The project will compile information on hundreds of kidnap and torture victims, over 6,500 flights by 140 aircraft and the 45 countries – including Britain – which were involved in an online database.

It will be the first time all available evidence is brought together and is expected to lead to new understanding of the highly secretive CIA programme.

“The Rendition Project is uncovering the sheer extent of the global network of secret prisons and torture which grew up after September 2001, and the direct and indirect involvement in this by many countries across the world”, said Dr. Sam Raphael of Kingston University.

“We hope this will be of benefit to all those wanting to understand how the US and its allies subverted fundamental human rights and international law in their ‘war on terror’, and to people seeking the accountability of those involved”, he added.

Reprieve Executive Director Clare Algar said the project “will be an important tool in bringing the tangled web of the CIA’s illegal rendition programme to light”.

“It is essential that we get to the bottom of what was one of the worst human rights abuses of the ‘war on terror’, including the involvement of the UK, a number of other European states, and major corporations”, added Clare Algar.

UK Liberal MEP Sarah Ludford has condemned the “shameful” role of Britain over inquiries into allegations of torture of terror suspects by the CIA.


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